my fox girl

Chapter 237 Pick it up or not?

Chapter 237 Pick it up or not?
The sea breeze in the middle of the night was even cooler, messing up her hair and bringing a bit of chill. Lin Yi leaned over to put on his shoes and socks, turned around and said, "Let's go, let's go back."

"Well, wait until I put my shoes on."

"No need." Lin Yi supported his knees with his hands, knelt down and said, "Come on, I'll carry you back."

Xiaobai looked at his back very moved, but after hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I don't want it, and others will see it."

"It's okay. If you bury your face on my back and close your eyes, others won't be able to see you." Lin Yi gave her a very good idea.

"This is deception."

"Yo, now you know how to use idioms skillfully?"


Xiaobai stretched out his small body, and let out another soft snort of complacency, but he broke himself, and put his hands on his hips for a while.


"Hold my neck and be careful not to fall." Lin Yi supported her upturned little buttocks with his hands, stepped on the soft sand, and walked towards the hotel with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

He walked slowly and carefully, as if carrying the whole world on his back.

"How is it? Is it comfortable to be carried on my back?" Lin Yi asked with a smile as he watched the two white and tender feet dangling in front of him with some joy.

"No, you smell of alcohol all over your body, which is very bad."

"Then you still lie on my back and breathe."

"I am willing." Xiaobai buried his face on his back, rubbed against him twice, took another breath, and then closed his eyes comfortably.

Although there is a strong smell of wine, there is another smell in it, which is warm and comfortable, and I like it very much.

After walking forward for a while, seeing the lights on in the hotel, Lin Yi turned his head and asked, "Can you tell me now, do you mean that you want me to bully you just now?"

"you guess."

"I can't guess."

After a long time, soft heat came to my ears, and a soft and soft voice sounded, "Well, I am willing to let you bully me."

It's one o'clock in the morning.

The sound of the waves rolling outside the floor-to-ceiling windows can be heard endlessly, mixed with the sound of car horns.

Seeing that Lin Yi lay down on the bed as soon as he came back and was too lazy to move, without the sea breeze blowing, he could clearly smell the residual alcohol smell on his body, Xiao Bai frowned in disgust, and flapped his hands twice in front of his nose, "Go quickly!" bath."

"Didn't you still want to smell it just now?"


Xiaobai was silent for a while, and continued to urge: "Go quickly."

"You can't take a shower directly after drinking, it will cause blood pressure to drop, and you will feel dizzy. You have to wait for two hours. Now"

As he spoke, Lin Yi glanced at his phone, "It's only 13 minutes until two hours."

"Is that so?" Xiaobai looked at his sleeping posture like a dead pig, inexplicably suspecting that this person was too lazy to take a bath.

"Then I'll take a shower first, and you'll take a shower later."

"En." Lin Yi agreed vaguely, and was about to continue lying on the bed when he suddenly remembered something and jumped off the bed, "Just wait a minute."

"What are you doing?" Xiaobai paused as he opened the bathroom door, then turned around and asked.

"Didn't I say I prepared a gift for you?" Lin Yi opened the suitcase, and found an exquisite packing box from inside.

With an exaggerated dubbing, she opened the box under her expectant eyes.

Inside is a pure white swimsuit, not a conservative swimsuit like a pleated shirt or a suspender skirt, but a very sexy style, with a hollow in the middle and ties on both sides of the swim trunks.

"This is the gift I prepared for you. How about it? Are you surprised?"

Lin Yi took the swimsuit in his hand and showed it to her, and continued: "I bought it according to your size, and it must be the right size for you to wear."

Seeing the two pieces of thin cloth in his hand, Xiaobai was stunned for two seconds, then heard that he still let him wear it, subconsciously took a few steps back, "I don't want to wear such nasty things!"

"There's nothing obscene about it, some people will wear it to the beach, but you're not allowed to wear it outside, we'll just wear it in the room."

Lin Yi walked over and stuffed the swimsuit into her hand, "Remember to put on after you take a shower, I want to see how you look in this swimsuit."

"I..." Xiaobai looked down at the swimsuit in his arms, this kind of thing is very obscene, and this person even let me wear it for him to see.

Sure enough, it's an obscene color batch.

"I do not want."

Put the swimsuit in his hand back into his hand, and then ran into the bathroom as if fleeing.

Lin Yi looked at the swimsuit in his hand, smacked his lips in disappointment, and continued to lie on the bed again.

After waiting for a while, a rustling sound gradually sounded in the bathroom. Through the frosted glass of the bathroom, she could faintly see her undressed figure. Although it was vague, it could arouse infinite reverie.

As expected of a double bed room for couples, the design is thoughtful.

Although he didn't fool her enough to ask her to wear a swimsuit, Lin Yi secretly gave this hotel a thumbs up.

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly, the sound was very soft, and it seemed that the person who knocked on the door was sneaky.

But it only rang a few times before disappearing again.

Lin Yi put on his slippers and walked over. Just as he was about to see the situation through the peephole on the door, he saw half a small card peeking out from under the crack of the door.

It is also unclear what is written on it, but it is estimated that a lady surnamed Bao stuffed it in.

He used to hear that when he stayed in a hotel, there would be a call from the big health service at night, and there would be a female voice in it: "Excuse me, do you need a special massage service?"

If the answer is necessary, there will be a girl who will let you hehe at night. It is said that you can add WeChat to discuss the price. This is what the old driver Liu Jian said.

There is another kind, which is the situation I am encountering now, just insert the card, and then you contact her, so that you can also hehehe.

It is rumored that those who can call are those who have an unclear and ambiguous relationship with the hotel, and this type belongs to self-developed business.

It's just that I didn't expect that they could sneak in such a formal hotel, which is a bit unbelievable.

Is the business ability so strong?
Feeling incredible, Lin Yi looked down at the small card in the crack of the door, hesitating to pick it up and have a look.

If I pick it up, although I won't contact the phone number above, I always feel sorry for my little cabbage.

But if you don't pick it up, you will feel curious, this is the first time a small card has been stuffed.

After deliberating for a long time, he glanced at the bathroom behind him with some guilt, and quietly pressed the small card with his toes, and slid it in.

Then, with lightning speed, he picked up the card on the ground and took a look.

Oh, it's okay, it's the hotel's extra meal service.

It is said that there will be supper in the middle of the night and breakfast in the morning. If necessary, there is a menu on it, and you can call the front desk to order.

Breakfast is free, but supper is charged.

Throwing the small card on the bedside table, Lin Yi lay back on the bed, looked sideways again, and curled his lips secretly.

I look like a 007 agent, hesitant and guilty, making me feel like a thief, and that's the end?

(End of this chapter)

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