my fox girl

Chapter 238 I'm Thinking Dirty Things

Chapter 238 I'm Thinking Dirty Things
After an unknown amount of time, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and there was a light click.

Xiaobai came out with a straight face, urging: "Go take a shower quickly."

"Yeah." Lin Yi stood up and walked into the bathroom. Just as he was about to take a bath, he poked his head out to look at the swimsuit thrown on the bed, and said regretfully, "Are you really not wearing it?"

"Don't wear it!"


Seeing that her brows were standing on end, and her attitude was extremely firm, Lin Yi had no choice but to retract his head, sighed in disappointment, and then turned on the shower, and the rushing water poured out, flowing all over his body to wash away the residual alcohol smell on his body.

When he came out with his bare upper body and shorts on, the lights in the room had been turned off, only the night light by the bed was still shining warmly.

And there was no sign of her in the room, but there was a small bag on the bed, obviously, the little fox demon shrank herself under the quilt again.

"you hide"

Lin Yi walked over and lifted the quilt, and a warm and fragrant nephrite came into view immediately, and he couldn't help but pause before he finished speaking.

She was wearing that white bathing suit.

The soft body is white and tender, with an exquisite figure and a curvy figure.

The slender and soft waist, the delicate white shoulders, the arms as white as lotus root segments, and the straight and tender legs are all exposed to the air.

The fluffy tail behind her was swinging from side to side, with a slightly larger range, revealing the tension and panic in her heart.

Although I have been frank with her, this kind of swimsuit has a different kind of appeal, especially the knot design of the swimming trunks, which always has the urge to reach out and pull it.

With an uncontrollable blushing on Xiaobai's face, he tightly grabbed the corner of the quilt with his hands, bit his lips and whispered: "You, have you seen enough?"


Lin Yi shook his head with dazed eyes, feeling that his mind was once again being pulled by her, and something was about to move in his heart.

Turning off the light, he groped into the darkness and got into bed, hugged that soft body tightly in his arms, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "Let's go to the bridal chamber."


"Do you have to wait until you get married?"

"Well, it would be very obscene to do this kind of thing before getting married, and it would also make my uncles and aunts think I'm shameless."

"We've lived together for so long and still sleep in the same bed every day, do you think my parents think we're innocent?"

"I think" Xiaobai opened and closed his lips a few times, his expression inexplicably hesitant, but after hesitating for a long time, he still whispered: "I think so."

"What if not?"

"No, you can't and you can't. This kind of thing has to wait until we get married."

"Okay, wait until we get married, then let's go to bed now."


The sound of waves outside the window sounded from time to time, Xiaobai stared at the ceiling with his big eyes wide open in a daze, raised his head to look at Lin Yi, and saw that he was sleeping with his eyes closed, he couldn't help gritting his teeth angrily.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help pinching his nose with her hands, "It's all your fault."

"Why are you pinching my nose when you don't sleep?" Feeling short of breath, Lin Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

"Because you're an obscene colorist."

"Is there a relationship between the two?"

"It doesn't matter, you are a dirty colorist, you asked me to wear this kind of thing for you to see."

"I'm a bit perverted for asking you to wear this, but it's not obscene.."

"Look, you're thinking dirty things again now."

"Well, you're right, I'm indeed an obscene colorist."

Lin Yi was silent for a moment, and then admitted that it was not hard to speak with the handle in her hands.

"Hmph, it's good that you know." Xiaobai blushed softly, and just wanted to let go of his hand, but Lin Yi suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking dirty things."

wake up in the morning.

The sun reflected the water vapor on the sea surface and refracted on the curtains, shining colorful lights. After one night, Lin Yi, who had already entered the sage mode, sat on the head of the bed and began to think about what was going on with him.

Haven't found any tissues yet.

Turning his gaze to the side, the little fox demon's lips parted slightly, and his eyelashes fluttered rhythmically as he breathed. It seemed that he was aware of his gaze. He stopped breathing suddenly, then regained his composure, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

"Are you awake?"

Lin Yi stretched out his hand and pushed her twice, but there was no response.

Pushed twice, still no response.

Just as she was about to lift the quilt, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at each other. After a while, she saw her face flushed.

"Do you think I'm a pervert?" Lin Yi hesitated and asked.


With a blushing face, Xiaobai shifted his gaze to other places, recalling what happened last night, a strange feeling rose again, his legs subconsciously tightened, hesitated for a moment, bit his lips and nodded.

"Sure enough." Lin Yi scratched his hair irritably, finding it hard to accept this fact.

He wanted to smoke a cigarette to ease his complicated mood, only to realize that he had quit smoking for a long time.

"I don't think I'm not. Although I'm a sex critic, there are some nasties, but it's not enough to be a pervert. That's right, that's it."

After a long silence, Lin Yi began to comfort himself. After some psychological hints, he felt relieved.

Then he reached out and groped under the quilt for a while, and pulled out a pair of white swimming trunks with laces, and there were some strange mottled patterns on it.

I was about to throw it in the trash can, but felt a little pity. Anyway, I bought it for a few hundred yuan, and put it on the bedside table. When the time comes, wash it with water, it will be almost like a new one.

"Aren't you going to throw it away?" Seeing this, Xiao Bai grabbed the quilt with his hands and covered himself tightly, revealing half of his small face, and asked timidly.

"There's no need to throw it away, it can be reused after washing."

"You, you still want to"

"No, no, don't get me wrong. The use I said refers to wearing it, not that. In short, it can be worn after washing, so there is no need to throw it away."

Although Lin Yi didn't think he could control it, but he was in the sage mode now, so he had to be more assertive when speaking.

"Yes, but when you asked me to wear stockings to help you, you threw them away." Xiaobai secretly glanced at the swimming trunks on the bedside table, and always felt that they were an eyesore.

I keep reminding myself of what happened last night.

"Uh..." Lin Yi's expression froze, thinking of the previous experiences, he began to feel unconfident again.

"This stocking is different from swimming trunks. Stockings are cheap, but this one is expensive, costing hundreds of dollars, and you didn't have them when you got them on your underwear before."

"You are not allowed to say."

"Well, I won't say, anyway, I'm not a pervert, I'm just lustful, at most a bit obscene."

Lin Yi affirmed himself again, defining himself as an obscene sex critic. Although the word obscene is difficult to accept, it is better than being a pervert.

(End of this chapter)

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