my fox girl

Chapter 239 Because You Are A Little Illiterate

Chapter 239 Because You Are A Little Illiterate
The most famous mountain on the sea is the first, and Cui Wei is the most amazing sight.

Laoshan Mountain is high in the east with cliffs near the sea and slow in the west with undulating hills.

There are three routes to visit Laoshan, the middle route is Jufeng, the northern route is Beijiushui, and the southern route is Liuqing-Yangkou.

After some deliberation, I decided to take the giant peak on the middle line, like Beijiushui, as the name suggests, it is to look at the water. According to the travel guide, it will look good only after it rains.

But now it is sunny and bright, and the sun is shining brightly, so there is no sign of rain at all.

As for the route from Qingliu to Yangkou, there are Taoist temples and so on, which is the most playable route, but it is summer vacation, there will definitely be a lot of tourists, and there will be a lot of people at that time, which is not worth seeing.

I wanted to choose to climb the giant peak, but the steps up the mountain were a bit steep, and she would easily lose everything in a skirt, so I finally chose to go to the cableway and take the cable car up the mountain.

It was midsummer and the weather was hot. Many tourists chose to take a more comfortable cable car than to climb the mountain and sweat.

It was also the peak tourist season, and there were a lot of people. There was already a long waiting line beside the cableway, and it took a long time before it was their turn.

In the six-passenger cable car, besides them, there are four other people, it seems that they came together, a couple in their thirties, with a seven or eight-year-old daughter, and another in their twenties The young woman should be a tour guide.

It's not hard to guess, because since she got on the cable car, she has been talking about the natural monument, Suzaku Rock, Lingqi Peak, and Taiyi Spring.
By the way, I also introduced the Nine Palaces, Eight Views and Twelve Nunneries, Chessboard Fairy, Taiqing Shuiyue, Hualou Stacked Stones.
Every anecdote is well told.

Because they were in the same cable car, Lin Yi took her to listen to it. People deserve to eat this bowl of rice, but they know a lot. Unlike myself, the biggest impression of Laoshan is that there is a Taoist priest who can wear clothes. wall.

The cable car climbs to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain at an altitude of more than 1000 meters is really cool, and the strong wind blows against the face. Standing on the top of the giant peak and looking out, you can see the blue waves of the Yellow Sea and the islands scattered like pearls.

I heard that you can still see the wonders of the sea of ​​clouds in midsummer, but I haven't seen it after looking at it for a long time. I guess it's not a coincidence.

However, Lin Yi saw that her lips kept opening and closing, and she seemed to be muttering something again.

"What are you mumbling about?"

"I'm trying to figure it out. We spent more than 200 yuan to buy the tickets, and another [-] yuan to sit in the small house in the air, but when we got up, we got nothing."

Xiaobai weighed his feet and looked around again, looked around the surrounding mountains shrouded in mist, and confirmed: "There is nothing, I don't think it's worthwhile."

Lin Yi was no stranger to her miraculous brain circuits, and had already accepted the fact that she had learned to live on a budget, and asked, "Then what do you think is a good deal?"

"I can't say, but it's not worth it to spend so much money to see the scenery."

"Yes, we should be allowed to come up for free."

Lin Yi followed her lead and said that he understood the thinking of this little fox demon. She must get some benefits after spending money, such as being able to eat to fill her stomach, or watching a movie and enjoying a movie. Great story, or whatever.

As for seeing the scenery, it's okay if it's free, but if it costs money, she will find it difficult to accept it.

She said the sea was beautiful last night because it was free to see the sea. If it cost money, she would have to say it was not worth it.

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded approvingly. When he was in Qingqiu and Xiaoyu's sister went up to the mountain to pick fruits, he often climbed to the top of the mountain. The scenery there is much more beautiful than here, and it doesn't cost money. Eat delicious berries.

Comparing the two, it feels worse.

"It's better to go to Sea World than to come here, at least there are big fish to see inside."

"Yes, yes, I should go to Sea World, but the money has already been spent and it cannot be wasted, not to mention that this is a place of historical interest, and countless literati and poets have been here before. It is possible that Li Bai has also stood where we are standing now. Close it The eyes will have a sense of confusion across time and space, do you feel this feeling?"


"You little illiterate must not feel it."

"You are the little illiterate." Xiao Bai puffed up his cheeks and gave him a look, then added: "I know Li Bai, and I can recite many of his poems, so I am not illiterate."

"He also wrote a poem on Mount Lao, you can recite it to see."


Xiao Bai was silent for a moment, "I don't know what it is."

"Then you compose a poem on the spot."


There was another long silence.

"I do not know."

"Look, you're just a little illiterate."

"." Xiaobai opened his lips slightly. He wanted to refute but had nothing to say. After holding back for a long time, he blushed and said in a low voice, "You, you were rubbing against me last night."


Lin Yi fell silent, and the awkward atmosphere seemed to be spreading. He looked around and saw that there were quite a lot of tourists on the top of the mountain, but her voice was very low just now, and it had long been drowned by the wind on the top of the mountain and the noisy voices of people. will be heard by others.

Looking back, Lin Yi coughed a few times, changed the subject and said, "When we go back, you remember to study hard, make progress every day, and then try to get a diploma from an adult university."

"Why do you want to enter an adult university?"

"Because the column about education level in your household registration booklet says illiterate or semi-literate."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi's tone became calmer, and he gave her an example: "Think about it, when we have a child, he will see our household registration book and ask you, Mom, why are you illiterate, what should you do?" how to answer?"

"I, I haven't thought about this." Xiaobai looked at the ground and murmured in a weak voice.

The word mother seemed to have a strange magic power, which touched a certain string in my heart inexplicably.

I have always felt that this kind of thing is far away from me, but when I think about it carefully, now that I have solved the identity problem, I will go to get a certificate with him on September 15th, and then we will discuss the date of marriage and prepare to get married.

Although a little scared, but after all, it is necessary to have a bridal chamber, and after the bridal chamber, a child will be born.

Then there will be a child calling his mother and his father.

Thinking of these, she felt that her heart became complicated, nervous, confused, flustered, and looking forward to it.

"Although you haven't thought about it, this can't change the fact that your hukou is written as illiterate. If you want to change it, you must have a degree certificate. That's why I let you go to an adult university, but I let you take this exam. The purpose is not all because of this."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused and added: "It's more that I want you to prove yourself."

In this world, although academic qualifications cannot be used as a benchmark for measuring knowledge, it is a scale in most people's minds.

It is not a scale to prove how much culture you have, but a scale to prove your learning ability and test your learning results.

(End of this chapter)

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