my fox girl

Chapter 240 Showing you something good

Chapter 240 Showing you something good

After staying in Qingdao for nearly ten days, I chose a few local attractions to visit, such as the fish in the underwater world, the castle in the fantasy kingdom, the local characteristic European architecture, and the scenery on Mount Lao.

The photos taken along the way were all sent to the WeChat group, the intention was to show off, but it did not arouse much reaction from the old couple.

Just a few perfunctory words, um, not bad, pretty, awesome, or something like that.


The return plane landed smoothly, walked out of the airport with a suitcase, and just got into the taxi home when the phone rang.

"Have you arrived yet?" Lin Yuguo asked on WeChat.

"Well, I just arrived and I'm getting ready to go home."

"Which home do you want to go to?"

Seeing this news, Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and replied, "It's the one in the community."

"You guys come to the bookstore first, and I'll show you something good."

"What good stuff?"

"We'll talk about it when you come over."

Lin Yi thought for a long time, but he didn't know what good things the old man wanted to show him, so he simply replied: "Well, come over after we finish packing our luggage."

"I still need to put luggage? Forget it, I'll bring it over and show it to you."


Lin Yi put down his phone, his expression became very subtle, mysterious and impatient, where did the old man come from?

"My dad said he wanted to show us a good thing. Guess what it is?"

"I can not guess it."

"Well, I can't guess it either." Lin Yi put aside his thoughts and didn't continue to think about it. He took her small hand to play with, comparing it with his big hand from time to time, and pinching it twice from time to time, feeling that he couldn't put it down.

White and tender, as soft as boneless, even the slender fingers are soft when pinched. According to the evaluation of the ancients, this is the standard hand like a catkin.

It seems that the ancients liked to use plants to describe girls' body parts.

For example, catkins refer to the first-born shoots of plants, and there are also big girls with yellow flowers, and chrysanthemums are used to represent the chastity of girls.

But now the chrysanthemum has been spoiled.

The most vivid one is cardamom. After Lin Yi checked this plant, he finally understood the true meaning of cardamom girl.

The taxi stopped steadily at the gate of the community. As soon as he got out of the car, Lin Yi saw a black jeep parked on the side of the road not far away. Lin Yuguo was leaning against the car door to check his phone, and looked up from time to time to look around.

Seeing the two of them getting out of the car with their luggage, Lin Yuguo's eyes lit up, and he waved to them, signaling to come over quickly.

"Dad, what good thing are you going to show us?"

Lin Yi put the sun visor in his hand on the little fox demon's head, carried a trolley case in one hand, and led her over with the other.

"Don't worry, isn't this going to be shown to you?"

While talking, Lin Yuguo opened the trunk and took out a large bucket from it.

It was proudly displayed in front of their eyes, with a face full of excitement, "Did you see it, a big black fish weighing [-] pounds and [-] pounds."

There was a big fish with a shiny black back in the bucket, quietly coiled at the bottom of the bucket, without moving at all, it was as if it was dead.

Lin Yi kicked the bucket, and the water splashed everywhere for a while, and the big black fish at the bottom of the bucket also swayed twice, proving that he still needed to be rescued.

"Dad, did you buy this at the vegetable market?"


Lin Yuguo was in a hurry, he squatted down and wanted to turn the fish over with his hands so that they could see the belly of the fish.

The maws of wild snakeheads are yellow, while the maws of captive snakeheads are white, but snakeheads are more ferocious fish, and he was worried about being bitten, so he had to point to the back of the fish to give them some science.

"The black one on the back can reflect light. With this appearance, it looks like a wild one. Moreover, can such a big black fish be bought in the vegetable market?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded suddenly, and asked again: "Then you saw someone else caught it and bought it?"

"I fished it myself!"

Seeing that the old man was furious, and thinking about how proud he was just now, Lin Yi finally believed that he had caught it, and circled the bucket a few more times, raised his head and asked, "Dad, didn't you want to show us something nice?"

As he spoke, he kicked the bucket again, watching the black fish in the bucket sway, "That's it?"

"What do you mean by this? Is this fish bigger than what you caught last time?"

Last time, Lin Yi caught a large carp and snarled in front of Lin Yuguo for several days, and even threatened to teach him how to fish, but Lin Yuguo held his breath and asked for a bigger carp, so let this guy understand the situation, your father is Your father, ginger is still old and spicy.

In the past few months, whenever I have time, I have been running to the river. I have caught many small white-striped carp and crucian carp, but none of them can surpass the size of Lin Yi's carp.

Now that I have caught such a big guy, I finally feel elated, and I have been holding back without eating, so I just kept it in the bucket.

After waiting for two days to expect them to come back, I couldn't wait to run over to show off, ready to enjoy the gaze of admiration, but in the end, this guy not only didn't care, but even said: That's it?

"It's not as big as the one I caught, and such a big black fish must be old, and the meat quality must not be delicious." Lin Yi's tone was sour.

The black fish has few bones and is easy to deboned. It is most suitable for sliced ​​fish for hot pot. Moreover, such a large black fish can not only be used for hot pot, but also can be used as a whole fish feast. I really envy it.

But it can't show it yet, otherwise the old man will definitely be in high spirits.

The father and son have a problem. The last time Lin Yi caught a big fish, Lin Yuguo was also envious, but he didn't care.

Showing such a big fish, I can catch it for you in minutes.

"You know what a fart, the bigger the wild snakehead, the more delicious the meat."

Lin Yuguo carried the bucket and put it back in the trunk. He was too lazy to talk to this guy, closed the car door, turned around and said, "Girl, remember to come home to eat fish tomorrow, let's eat hot pot."

As he spoke, he glanced at Lin Yi again, and continued to instruct: "You can come here alone."

Hearing this, Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Uncle, are you not letting Lin Yi go?"

"That's right, Dad, why don't you let me go?" Lin Yi also asked.

"Didn't you say it's not delicious?" Lin Yuguo squinted at him.

"Whether it's delicious or not, you have to eat it to know, and the half carp we brought to you last time, didn't you eat less?"

Lin Yuguo waved his hand, "I won't tell you this, anyway, don't come tomorrow, if you come, I will drive you out."

After finishing speaking, he changed his face again, and said with a pleasant face: "Girl, you come to eat fish alone tomorrow."


Lin Yuguo drove away, merged into the traffic on the road, and disappeared after a while.

Lin Yi withdrew his gaze, turned his head and said, "Let's go home, let's go home and have a good rest, and go over to eat hot pot tomorrow."

"Are you going too?"

"That's right, you run over to cook hot pot, and I eat takeaway at home, do you think it's appropriate?"

"But my uncle won't let you go, and said that if you come, I will drive you out."

"That's what my dad said, can he really not let me go?" Lin Yi picked up the suitcase and said as he walked, "We can just go there when the time comes, he will definitely not drive me out."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded, thinking what he said made sense, and after thinking about it, he said, "Anyway, you have a thick skin, you can just go in after being kicked out, uncle will definitely have nothing to do with you."

 Thanks for the 100 points rewarded by book friend Red Nose Pirates

(End of this chapter)

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