my fox girl

Chapter 242 Grandpa is here

Chapter 242 Grandpa is here
Opening the door, the familiar screen came into view, followed by the familiar living room. The large electrical appliances in the room were covered with large flower cloth, which came from the old couple in the study.

There is no dust in the room as a whole, but it looks a little cold, and there is a faint fragrance, which is a smell that has never been smelled before.

Xiaobai put the cardboard box in her arms on the ground, took a few breaths with her nose, she felt something was wrong.

I always feel that I should be familiar with this strange smell. Although I smell it for the first time, I should be very familiar with it.

But I just don't know why I should be familiar with this smell.

After smelling it for a while, she turned to look at Lin Yi and asked, "Did you smell it?"

"Smell what?" Lin Yi was a little confused.

"It just has a scent."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi also raised his nose and began to smell, and indeed he smelled a faint fragrance.

Although it was very strange, it gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he had smelled it somewhere, but it was so long ago that it was dusty in his memory.

After walking around the room for a few times, Lin Yi lay down here to smell it, ran over there to sniff it, and finally, turned his gaze back to the little fox demon who was frowning and thinking, and then walked over.

"You, what are you doing?" Seeing that Lin Yi hugged himself without warning, he buried his head between his neck and inhaled.

Xiaobai was stunned for two seconds, feeling the itching on his neck, his cheeks blushed, and he gently pushed him a few times with his hands.

"Don't move, let me smell it. I think this smell is very familiar." After speaking, Lin Yi took another deep breath between her neck and said, "Sure enough, the smell in the room is a bit like the smell on your body."

After saying that, he looked around, and said again: "It should be that no one has lived in the room for more than ten days. The smell after it was vacant and the smell you usually leave are mixed together."

After summarizing, Lin Yi let her go, opened all the windows for ventilation, opened the suitcase, took out all the things inside, and threw the laundry into the washing machine.

Daily necessities such as charging treasures were put in the drawers, and the rest were some souvenirs they bought in Qingdao.

Among them was a Laoshan little Taoist ornament bought in the Laoshan Scenic Area. The little fox demon liked it very much. Lin Yi didn't know why she liked the Taoist priest's ornaments as a monster.

But like this Q version of the big-headed doll, it looks cute and cute, and girls generally like it.

For example, her favorite pair of ornaments for couples was bought when she went to the Dream Kingdom.

It is also two Q-version big-headed dolls hugging each other, sitting on a moon-shaped swing, with flowers on both sides and a heart in the middle, which looks cute and cute.

Moreover, it can be turned on at the touch of a switch, and it can be used as a night light at night. It is the most practical souvenir among the souvenirs they bought.

Inventory the things and sort them on the coffee table. Put the ornaments on the bedside table in the bedroom, and give others as gifts.

"When we go to have lunch tomorrow, bring them the Laoshan green stone decoration, the two safe and sound cards, as well as the tea and silk scarves, so that the old man won't say that we are eating and drinking."

"But aren't we just going to eat and drink?"

Xiao Bai squatted in front of the box and looked at the puppy inside, and asked back without raising his head.

She knew very well the purpose of their visits to the bookstore every time, not only to eat and drink, but also to bring something back.

Along a flower pot, along a vegetable basket, along a fruit snack, and other messy things.

It's not about what you want to follow in particular, but you have to get back in order, and you can't go home empty-handed.

Otherwise, I always feel that something is missing and I am not at ease.

Thinking of this, she raised her head to look at Lin Yi, and said seriously, "I discovered something."

"what's up?"

"I was brought on by you, and now my skin is getting thicker." Xiaobai's face is still serious, and she feels that her skin is really getting thicker.

She used to feel embarrassed about going to her parents-in-law's house, eating and drinking at her uncle's and aunt's, but now she took it for granted.

Even when he went home with Lin Yi to get things done, he still felt normal, with a sense of righteousness.

I think it is a very happy thing to use the things I got from my future in-laws' house to build myself and his small family.

"This is normal. Two people will inevitably affect each other when they are together. Over time, even their personalities will change. This is called husband and wife appearance."

"We're not married yet."

"It's all the same. We are going to be husband and wife soon, and we will go to get the certificate in one and a half months. At that time, you will be my wife and I will be your husband. You can call me husband, husband, or official, whatever you want , I don't care."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi's expression became solemn, "But I think we should practice in advance."

"Practice what?"

"I'll call you daughter-in-law, do you dare to promise?"

Before she could answer, Lin Yi shouted, "Daughter-in-law!"

Xiaobai didn't respond, but looked at him with a frown and asked, "Would it be that after I agree, I will be put in a bottle?"

"That's busy K-sun, and it's not you. Besides, I don't have a bottle in my hand. In this way, let's do it again. Pay attention to your cooperation."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi cleared his throat and shouted again: "Daughter-in-law!"

"Grandpa is here!"


Lin Yi fell silent. The little fox demon has really learned badly now, and he doesn't feel as cute as before.

"You are a girl from every family, and you are rushing to be a grandfather for others. Do you think it is interesting to take advantage of this?"

"I think it's very interesting, you call again."

Xiaobai's eyes flickered twice, his face was a little excited, with an expression of eagerness to try.

Finding that this girl had a tendency to take advantage of others and become addicted, Lin Yi hesitated and said, "Daughter-in-law."

"Well, I'm here." Xiaobai's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a smile that couldn't be hidden between the fluttering eyelashes.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but retract his previous thoughts, his little fox demon was still cute.

"Okay, now it's your turn to call me, husband, husband, officer, you can call me whatever you want."

"I..." Xiaobai opened his lips slightly, hesitating for a long time, but he still didn't know which one to call him.

It's quite simple to agree, but it's a bit embarrassing to use this kind of address between husband and wife before they are married.

Turning to look at the dog in the box, he changed the subject and said, "We, what will he do after we pass tomorrow?"

"There's no rush for this, we'll discuss it later."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi brought the subject back, "Quickly pick one and shout."

Xiaobai continued to hesitate, hesitated for a long time, and asked again: "Shall we give it a name?"


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and wanted to continue to bring the topic back, but this girl obviously couldn't shout out, and it was useless to force her like this.

And you really do have to give the dog a name.

(End of this chapter)

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