my fox girl

Chapter 243 Naming

Chapter 243 Naming
Regarding naming things, Lin Yi has always resisted. After all, naming is useless, but it can't be afforded.

After all, you have to have a name, and you can't always call it Gouzi.

This pup is a female and a vicious dog. From the combination of these two points, it definitely needs a gentle and domineering name.

It can not only reflect the beauty of women, but also maintain the identity of a vicious dog.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "What do you think of the name Goudan?"

"I don't think so."


Xiaobai was silent for a while, and asked, "Isn't there a better name?"

"It sounds nicer," Lin Yi murmured, and couldn't help scratching his head, this thing is really laborious.

Looking at the yellow circular pattern above the puppy's head, he felt inspired again, "What do you think of yellow eggs?"

"But it's white."

"Then white egg?"


Xiao Bai didn't say another word, but just looked at Lin Yi with complicated eyes. She didn't really want to understand why this person insisted on making things difficult for him.

Seeing this, Lin Yi simply said: "Then you can name it, I really don't know how to name it."

"Yeah." Xiaobai looked at the pup in the box, thought for a while, and said, "Why don't we call it glutinous rice balls?"

"The name you gave is not very good. It's too cute. It doesn't fit its identity as a future vicious dog at all."

"It sounds better than yours."


Lin Yi fell silent, and thought about it carefully. It seemed that it was true. Although the glutinous rice balls did not fit the status of a vicious dog, they were indeed much better than the various eggs he made.

Moreover, this pup's round ball, coupled with the yellow color on the top of the head and tail, really looks like a glutinous rice ball stuffed with egg yolk, but it's just a glutinous glutinous rice ball.

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't speak any more, Xiaobai stretched out his hand to caress the puppy's back twice, and asked, "Tangyuan, do you like this name?"


"You see, it likes the name."

Lin Yi hesitated, and said, "It's not necessarily because it squeaks because it likes it, but it may also be because it's hungry and wants to eat."

"Then I'll cook porridge for the glutinous rice balls."

"Eating porridge alone is not nutritious. Such a big dog should not be weaned yet."

As Lin Yi said, he picked up the glutinous rice balls in the box, and the dog began to struggle subconsciously. He stroked the glutinous rice balls on the back with his hands twice, and then parted its lips, "Look, the teeth just grew out , It is estimated that it will be a full moon, and I have not yet left the lactation period."

"What should I do?"

"What else can I do, I don't produce milk, let's go to the pet store first, buy some milk powder for it, puppy dog ​​food, and other things, maybe injections."

There is only milk at home, but it seems that it cannot be given to dogs, as it will cause diarrhea.

I drove all the way to the nearby pet hospital, which happened to be a busy downtown area.

Carrying the dog out of the box on the car, Tang Yuan seemed very nervous and was shaking all the time. Lin Yi's reassurance was not very effective. He always felt that the dogs in his arms were timid and didn't fit in at all. The identity of the future vicious dog.

"Let me hold it."


Xiaobai took Gouzi, her movements were much gentler, Tangyuan's mood inexplicably stabilized, she raised her head and looked around quietly.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help curling his lips secretly. If it wasn't for this little bitch, he would definitely think that this dog, just like himself, is a pervert.

However, the possibility of homosexuality is not ruled out.

Of course, it is also possible that the little fox demon is a monster and has a high affinity for animals.

After entering the pet hospital, I worked hard for another hour, bought kennels, dog food for puppies, milk powder, dog bowls, teething toys and other things, and also gave them a shot of vaccines.

I wanted to take a bath at first, but the people in the hospital checked the tooth age and said that it was less than [-] days old, so I can't take a bath, so I can only use topical drops to deworm it.

When I got home, maybe it was the second time I entered the house, or maybe I ate a glutinous rice ball at the pet hospital. Compared with the first time I entered the house, the glutinous rice balls were less restrained.

Xiaobai put it on the ground, and it started to run around the room, its four short legs were bumpy, and the speed was not fast.

He stopped from time to time, sniffed a few times carefully, as if he was claiming the land, and then continued to run, his chubby body still swaying from side to side, with an inexplicable sense of joy.

Lin Yi installed the kennel in the corner of the living room, along with its special dog basin beside it.

The dog toilet specially prepared for it is placed on the balcony. This kind of ventilated place is easy to wash away the smell.

But now there is still a problem, Tangyuan will not go to the designated location to go to the toilet, this thing seems to need training.

The people in the pet hospital taught this thing, but the actual operation seemed very complicated.Lin Yi frowned and looked at the dog toilet on the ground for a while, then looked back at the living room, the dog was chasing Xiao Bai around the room, wherever Xiao Bai went, it followed.

After Xiaobai finished cleaning the master bedroom, she came out of the room, and the dog still followed her.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, he didn't expect this bastard to recognize its owner so quickly.

While sighing, Tang Yuan suddenly ran towards him, ran to look around, then squatted down, and after a while, two more black balls appeared on the balcony floor.

Lin Yi: "."

Seeing the dog swaggering away, Lin Yi, who had witnessed the whole set of actions, didn't come back to his senses for a while.

Is this playing wild in front of me?

Xiao Bai also opened her lips slightly, and forgot to even move the mop in her hand. After a long time, she looked down at the glutinous rice balls squatting at her feet, with her tail wagging in a fawning manner.

Looking at the balcony again, Lin Yi with a black face was pinching the black balls on the ground with a tissue and throwing them into the dog toilet.

Fortunately, the dog is still young and hasn't eaten any miscellaneous things. The feces are relatively dry and in a perfect and healthy state. They will never remain on the ground and have no smell.

But he still felt a pain in his head, and he felt that teaching a vicious dog to go to the toilet was imminent.

Going over and pinching the back of Tangyuan Destiny's neck, Lin Yiti slid it to the balcony, letting it look at the black balls in the dog toilet.

"You son of a bitch, open your eyes wide and see clearly, this is your toilet, not there!
You are not allowed to shit at home, let alone in front of me, or I will give you a sterilization operation, do you understand? "


Tangyuan seemed to understand but half understood, struggling a few times felt useless, and looked at Lin Yi innocently.

"Don't scare it. It's useless. The people in the pet hospital said to be gentle and teach it to go to the toilet little by little."

Rescuing the dog from Lin Yi, Xiaobai stroked its head to appease it, then pointed to the dog toilet on the ground, and said softly: "Tang Yuan, this is your toilet, if you want to go to the toilet later You can only come here, remember?"


"If you remember, you just bark twice."


"It's not squeaking, it's barking."


"No, it's Wang Wang."


"Well, if you remember, you can squeak." Lin Yi couldn't help interjecting.

"Wang Wang."

"Look, it remembers." Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a happy little look.


Lin Yi fell into silence, feeling very complicated for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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