my fox girl

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

The next afternoon, after bidding farewell to the pup, the two drove to the bookstore for dinner.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Yuguo saw Lin Yi coming in, and was about to ask if you were not allowed to come, when he saw the big and small parcels in the hands of the two of them, and he didn't say what he wanted to say for a while.

The mood also became complicated, the two of them have been eating and drinking from their own place, and it is really rare to come to the door with things.

There is an inexplicable feeling of being flattered.

"Mom, this silk scarf is for you. You like the little floral scarf best, and it's also suitable for your age."

"What age am I?" Yu Shuhui gave him a reproachful look, and happily held the silk scarf to her chest.

Middle-aged people like this kind of fancy things.

"An age in the prime of life."

"Dad, this can of Laoshan green tea is for you. It's delicious to quench your thirst, and it can also shave the oil. There's also this safe and sound card. You and my mother have one each. Hanging it around your neck can bless our bookstore's business prosperity, And this green stone ornament."

Lin Yi put all the souvenirs he brought back from Qingdao on the coffee table. Apart from the serious souvenirs, there were also some weird ones.

For example, two T-shirts with the logo of Qingdao Beer were given to them by the event organizer when they visited the Beer Museum.

The dinner table.

The big fish that Lin Yuguo came here to show off to them yesterday has been cooked and brought to the table, not the hot pot that Lin Yi was expecting.But a whole fish feast.

Fish meat is made into boiled fish, fish fillets, braised fish fillets, fish heads and fish bones with tofu stewed in a pot of soup.

The taste of the fish soup was very delicious, with a hint of sweetness. Lin Yi drank three or five bowls, smacking his lips, feeling similar to crucian carp soup.

"The two of you have been traveling for the past few days, and your dad and I also went to the full moon wine for your cousin's children." During the dinner, Yu Shuhui said suddenly.


Lin Yi was stunned for two seconds, then nodded slightly, and continued to eat fish.

"What are you? Your cousin's child is full moon."

"Oh, so soon, then I want to be an uncle?" Lin Yi thought for a moment, checked his relatives, and said uncertainly, "Is he going to be an uncle?"

"It's uncle." Lin Yuguo corrected.

"Zeming is two years younger than you. When you were young, you took him to run wild every day. Now that everyone is married and has children, you don't have any ideas?"

Yu Shuhui went to participate in the full moon wine, and she was very envious when she saw that her sister couldn't close her mouth while holding her grandson.

I didn't plan to remind them, but these two people slept in the same bed every day, and there was no movement for more than a year. The safety measures were really good, which is indeed worthy of recognition, but it can't go on like this forever.

Not to mention how much it costs to buy that thing every day, the most important thing is that I really want to hold a grandson right now.

But the hukou was issued, and the two of them didn't inform them that they were going to get the certificate. They only said that they would go back to discuss, but after discussing for more than half a month, they didn't give an exact date.

Could it be that the two of them had to wait until they were pregnant before thinking of getting married.

According to the current saying, what is this called, get on the bus first and then buy the ticket?

"What should I think? Didn't I miss my trip? Otherwise, I'll call Zeming later to congratulate him."

"Is that what your mother meant?"

"What does that mean?" Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized, "You are urging us to get married, aren't you?"

After cooperating in such a big circle, the old couple wanted to have a grandson, but this matter had to be done step by step, and they couldn't say they wanted one right away.

Not to mention that the little fox demon has always resisted such behaviors before marriage, even if she didn't resist, she and she would have sex as soon as they got home, and then it became a hit and a hit.

I have to wait until October to conceive, and then I will give birth.

Oh, this is just the normal fluency of humans, but if the demon is pregnant with a human cub, how long is the pregnancy cycle?

Who has studied this stuff?

If you ask the little fox demon, you will definitely not be able to find out. She only knows the pregnancy cycle of the demon and the demon, and how long it takes. There are one year or two, three years and five years, and ten years or eight years.

It seems to change according to the strength of the mana, the stronger the mana, the longer the time.

Not only the time of pregnancy, but also the time of what should be long.

As for the matter of humans and demons giving birth to cubs, the only person who has studied it seriously is the reckless hero Xu Xian, who will read The Legend of the White Snake once he gets home.

In just a short moment, countless thoughts flashed through Lin Yi's mind, including everything in a mess.

Glancing at the little fox demon beside her, she saw that she was burying her head in her meal, she looked like nothing to do with herself, but the tips of her ears were slightly red.

Obviously just pretending to be nonchalant.

"I forgot to tell you before, we will go to get the certificate on NO.15 next month."

This time it was the couple's turn to be startled. Lin Yuguo and Yu Shuhui looked at each other, a little caught off guard. They thought they thought they were still young and didn't want to get married so early.

For this reason, they also specially prepared a bunch of words to do the ideological work of these two people, but this...
"So fast?" Lin Yuguo said.


"This" the couple looked at each other again, and Yu Shuhui said, "Then have you discussed this wedding date?"

"Not yet. The two of us can't discuss this matter. According to our customs, there are too many things to prepare, and I don't understand them very well."

"That's right, I have to ask someone to count the days, so you two go to get the certificate first. As for this wedding date, your father and I will ask someone to count the dates for you. The birth dates of the two of you are horoscopes."

Speaking of this, Yu Shuhui couldn't help but pause, she knew the birth date of her son, but what is the birth date of the daughter-in-law here?
I'm an orphan, I don't even know my birthday, so I have to go to someone else's house. This is all about meeting with my in-laws, the two families sit together for a meal, and during the dinner we discuss the marriage of the two children, the bride price, the three gold caravan, etc. Talk about all the mess.

Then they jointly invite someone to count the date with the horoscope of the birthday, determine the date of marriage, and then arrange the banquet and wedding banquet. As for obtaining the certificate, it seems not so important.

In the minds of the older generation, getting a certificate is only to get the legal recognition of the marriage, and to truly represent the ceremony of becoming a couple, you have to invite all your relatives and friends, have a happy meal, and receive everyone's blessings. It's real marriage.

But none of these experiences can be used in my own family, and I don't even have an in-law, so it's a pity that I should talk about it or not.

I used to think about how to get along with my in-laws, and how to bargain if I met an in-law who opened his mouth like a lion.

I have also considered how to allocate the two children to which family to go to during the Chinese New Year so that there will be no quarrel.

"Mom, it doesn't really matter whether the birth date counts or not, it's just a formality."

"What does it mean to be unimportant? The last time that family didn't use the horoscope to ask someone to count their days when they got married, but they left within two years. We still have to count."

"People's divorce has nothing to do with not counting horoscopes. Mom, if you insist on counting, then I only have a fake one. Do you want it?"

Hearing this, Yu Shuhui couldn't help hesitating, and didn't know whether the fake horoscope could be calculated accurately, but after pondering for a moment, she still nodded and said: "Fake ones are fine, anyway, I have to do the calculations."

(End of this chapter)

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