my fox girl

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Lin Yi watched as Yu Shuhui wrote down the date of birth of the two of them in a notebook, and then put it in the drawer with great care.

I don't know what to say, if you say she is superstitious, she even wants a fake birth date.

But to say that she is not superstitious, since she only has a fake birth date, she insists on counting it.

In other words, is it accurate to calculate if this thing is fake?
In fact, he also understands that the reason why parents insist on counting this is actually just for psychological comfort, and the truth is not that important.

After dinner in the evening, they chatted casually, and the two of them didn't stay any longer, and drove back home.

"Let's get the certificate next month, and then wait for my parents to calculate the date, plus various preparations, I guess we can get married by the end of the year, by then."

"I'm going to give birth to you by then, right?" Xiao Bai sat in the co-pilot and looked away and asked.

"No, I want to say that we will be a real husband and wife by then, and we can earn a lot of money in blood, and there is another point."

"What is it?"

"Actually, I'm not very interested in having children. I'm just interested in making children. In other words, I'm just greedy for your body." Lin Yi held the steering wheel with a serious expression on his face.

"You are asshole!"

Xiao Bai glared at him reproachfully, then turned his gaze away, his cheeks flushed slightly.

"No, I'm nasty."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lin Yi was startled for a moment. He found that his lower limit of morality was getting lower and lower. When he was criticized by her every day for being shameless, he was very resistant and refused to admit it.

Later, I slowly admitted it in my heart, but refused to accept it, and then I accepted it, and even enjoyed it.

Then there is the word obscene. It was the same at the beginning. I refused to accept it, and I was particularly resistant, but now I can take the initiative to say it, which is very natural.

If this trend continues, I'm afraid that sooner or later I will accept the status of pervert, and even
Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help shaking his body, turned his head and said: "When you want to scold me in the future, don't use the word pervert."

He found that every time he admits and accepts a new identity, there is a prerequisite, that is, to be scolded by this girl countless times with this word.

Then, little by little, we will go from resisting to accepting, then from accepting to admitting, and then enjoying it and being complacent.

But what he can do now is to vaccinate her in advance, and let his identity stop at a dirty pornography.

As for the title of pervert, he never wanted it in his life.


Xiaobai looked at him inexplicably from the side, and this person gave such a word for no reason, which made him unable to react for a while.

And this guy is a bit perverted. When I first asked myself to help him, I still used my feet, legs, or hands. Later, it became more and more obscene. I asked myself to help him in stockings and rub against him. Last night Also let yourself.
Thinking of this, she subconsciously set her eyes on her neckline.
"There is no reason, anyway, you are not allowed to use this word, and I."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi seemed to be aware of something wrong, turned his head to look at her, and then found that she was staring at the collar of the skirt, her cheeks, neck, and behind the ears were already flushed, realizing something, his expression could not help but freeze.

Looking forward again, after a while, he continued: "And I'm not a pervert."

It's just that what he said this time was obviously lacking in confidence.

I often see those scenes in those small movies on the Internet, so it is understandable to want to try it.

And at night, people's spirits will be more excited, and they will do things that they would not even dare to think about.

This is also understandable. Furthermore, it is normal for lovers to have various intimate actions. This is called the joy of the boudoir.

Definitely not perverted.

More importantly, sick people will think that they are not sick. Similarly, perverts will definitely think that they are not perverted.

And I have suspected that I am a pervert many times, from this point of view, I am definitely not a pervert.

Well, well-founded, well-organized, logical and reliable.

After proving through some formulas that he is not a pervert, Lin Yi's brows could not help but relax, and his whole body felt relaxed, as if a big stone in his heart had slammed to the ground.

Then he thought about it, and changed the subject: "My parents still don't agree with my resignation today, and we may have to delay the business of opening a small shop together. In short, I will try my best to persuade them .”

On the other side, Lin Yuguo and his wife lay on the table and began to study the preparations for marriage.

"I did the math. They have cars and houses. After excluding the others, what makes me hesitate now is the bride price, and the bride price is not for the girl, but for the kid. It's a total of 50, you say Shall we give it or not?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yuguo couldn't help frowning, but in the entire Ancheng City, he has never seen a gift of 50 yuan. He sold a house in the past two years. Why does it hurt.

"That's not counting. At that time, I have to buy three gold, hold a wedding banquet, and other messy things. No matter what, it will cost a small 100 million."

"It's indeed a bit high." Yu Shuhui nodded in a murmur, then thought for a moment, then changed the topic and said: "The times are different now, marriage costs a lot, and after all, it is a big event in a lifetime, we can't just talk about it Do the math.

To put it bluntly, after waiting for more than ten or 20 years for the two of us to die, wouldn't the little money saved now still belong to them? "

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo's expression was full of displeasure, "Why is it only ten or twenty years old, we are both less than fifty this year, we are in good health, we don't have any disease at all, we are alive and kicking, we must have a long life."

After finishing speaking, he brought the topic back again, and said: "And let me tell you, he wants the money because he intends to resign and start a business. You said that he quit his serious job and has to jump into the fire pit." , is this business something he can do?"

"If he says that the money is intended to be used to open a shop for others, that's fine. At that time, he will be his teacher, and his daughter will open a shop to do some business. It doesn't matter how much he earns. It's better than taking photos online every day. Video is strong.

We can give this money happily, but he doesn't like that. What he wants is to do business with others, just like being dazed.

I ran over to say nothing, when I asked, he said that being a teacher is boring, he just wanted to open a black shop for husband and wife, and he didn’t want to leave his job. He thought about opening a black shop every day. You said this is not a fool What? "

"Then according to what you mean, should we give the 50 dowry money or not?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo fell silent, hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Here."

Although she was still conflicted in her heart, she was right, wait for ten or twenty years, bah, wait for four or fifty years, and the money will still be theirs once the two of them kick their legs.

Think of it as giving them a portion in advance.

Thinking about it this way, apart from being a little aggrieved, there is nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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