my fox girl

Chapter 246 You Are Really a Little Genius

Chapter 246 You Are Really a Little Genius
In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly.

"Today is Qixi Festival." Lin Yi put down his phone and said out loud.

"Huh?" Xiao Bai, who was squatting on the ground teasing the dog, couldn't help being startled.

"It's Valentine's Day, which is an important festival between lovers, so... Should we do something?"

"Are you thinking dirty things again?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi fell silent, feeling that the image of herself in her heart was no longer that of Wei Guangzheng as before, but now she was just a porn critic who was only thinking about how to engage in pornography.

Sighing lightly, he said, "You're fine, don't misinterpret what I mean. What I really want to say is, for such a good festival, shouldn't we go shopping, watch movies or something?"

"You can watch movies at home, but it costs money to go out to watch movies." Xiaobai lowered his head and continued to play with glutinous rice balls, threw out the molar stick in his hand, and the puppy came back with a jerk.

The chubby body twisted and twisted as it ran, which felt particularly interesting.

"It's not like that. You can't stay at home with cats on Valentine's Day. You should go out for a walk."

"Then shall we bring glutinous rice balls?"

"Why bring glutinous rice balls? It's enough for a single dog to eat our dog food at home every day. If you take it out, you have to eat not only ours, but also other people's. Let the dog rest for a while."

Lin Yi felt that it was not easy for Gouzi to begin with, and every day he saw himself and her hugging and scatter dog food.

Today is the Qixi Festival again, and there must be young couples walking hand in hand outside, and the whole city is filled with the sour smell of dog food.

And it's a big holiday, and it's a couple's holiday, so what's the matter with going out with a light bulb.

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Xiaobai didn't realize it for a while, and subconsciously asked, "Is there anyone outside who feeds glutinous rice balls and eats dog food?"

"Why not, it's all a bunch of showy people who spread dog food."

Dusk is over, and the lights are on.

A round of silver moon has hung in the sky early, and the warm wind of midsummer blows slowly.

Just as Lin Yi imagined, the street is full of couples holding hands, and as far as the eye can see, they are all showing affection and spreading dog food. The roadside is full of stalls. Snacks, and many are selling flowers.

The shops on both sides of the street are also decorated with colorful balloons, and the whole city is full of festive atmosphere, full of the sour smell of love.

It was going to be the Qixi Festival in previous years, but he couldn't specify this day.

But this year is different. No matter what he says, he still has a girlfriend, and he is about to talk about marriage. He has already drawn a clear line with single dogs.

After coming out of the restaurant, Lin Yi reached out to touch her belly, to see if she was full, but she grabbed her wrist with her backhand, failing.

"There are so many people on the street, don't touch your hands."

"I just want to see if you are full, and why not?"

As he said that, Lin Yi touched her stomach a few times with his other hand, and continued: "Besides, we didn't do anything shameful, I just touched your stomach."

Xiaobai stood still and looked around nervously. There are so many people on the street who are groping around. Although it's just the stomach, it would definitely be indecent if someone saw it.

This is called shamelessness.

"Where are we going now?"

"I'll buy you a bunch of flowers first, and then let's go around." Lin Yi looked at the night market stalls not far away.

"Do you still need to buy flowers? There are not many on the roadside, and there are many in the community. I don't care about it. We can pick two when we go back."

Xiaobai looked at him a bit like looking at a prodigal second idiot.

It's silly to spend money to buy flowers.

When I was in Qingqiu, I went up the mountain to pick it casually.

"The meaning is different, and you don't always think about this kind of thing. You are called destroying green facilities. If you are caught, you will criticize education. If you fail, you will be fined [-]."

Lin Yi inexplicably remembered his experience of stealing soil last year. He was chased all over the neighborhood just by stealing some soil. This girl wanted to steal flowers. If he went with her, he would not be chased for eighteen streets.

"Five hundred?" Xiaobai shrank his neck subconsciously, criticizing education was fine, but he didn't expect to be fined five hundred, and he would have to earn such a large amount of money for several days.

"Well, it might still be one thousand." Lin Yi continued to scare, he must get rid of this girl's idea of ​​stealing flowers from the root.

There were quite a lot of flower sellers on the side of the road, people of all ages, the two ignored those aunts and aunts, and came to a booth set up by a little girl.

He was about sixteen or seventeen years old, and felt like he was still in high school. At such an older age, he knew to take advantage of the holidays to earn money to support his family. Lin Yi felt that he had to support him no matter what.

But he miscalculated the other party's strength, he was simply a talent for doing business, and he felt that he didn't need his support at all.

The small-mouthed Tenneng said that at the beginning they planned to buy a bouquet of roses, but people said that only nine roses have a meaning, and this is called loving you for a long time.

Lin Yi thought about it, yes, just as he was about to pay, the little girl said again, buying nine flowers is worse than buying eleven flowers, which means that I love you for the rest of my life.

It's okay for Lin Yi to think about it again. Just as he was about to scan the QR code, someone said, 33 roses means that he loves you forever and ever.

In the end, I bought 33 roses, a whole bunch, and there were four colors in it, red, pink, white, and purple.

One rose was ten yuan, and the little girl thoughtfully wiped a zero, 300 yuan, and gave two roses.

A red rose and a white rose, one represents passionate love and the other represents pure love.

Lin Yi felt that the white rose was very suitable for the occasion. The two of them had been in love for so long. Although they were not innocent, they were absolutely pure.

Strictly speaking, they are still babies.

No one would believe this.

"How is it, do you like it?"

"Yes, I like it."

Xiao Bai set his eyes on the bouquet in his hand, and when he thought of its meaning, he felt warm in his heart and felt very happy.

Then she thought of something again and asked, "Can I also grow flowers and sell them?"

She thinks this is a business opportunity, and she can grow flowers herself, and sell the ones she grows at that time. For ten yuan a flower, she will definitely earn a lot of money, and she will not delay shooting videos every day.

According to Lin Yi, this is called online and offline integrated development.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but the place to plant flowers is a big problem. It is okay to put a few flower pots on the balcony, but it is definitely not possible to plant flowers."

"I can plant them in the community. There is a lot of open space by the artificial lake. Let's buy some seeds then, it's okay."

The more Xiaobai talked, the more excited his expression became, and he was not afraid of being stolen if he planted in the community. He would lie on the balcony and stare at it every day. As long as someone stole, he would go down and fine him, which could increase his extra income.

She told Lin Yi about this idea, and Lin Yi was silent for a long time before he said: "You are really a young genius, but unfortunately the community doesn't let you plant it. If you plant it, it will be the greening facilities of the community. Not only will you not be able to fine other people's money, When you pick it, you have to be fined by others."


(End of this chapter)

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