my fox girl

Chapter 247 Is Your Body So ​​Frail?

Chapter 247 Is Your Body So ​​Frail?

"Let's go to another movie."

Finding that the little fox demon's expression was a bit sullen, Lin Yi didn't need to think about why this girl was.

Her little head was originally naive, and it was not easy to find such a business opportunity to sell flowers, but after being excited for a long time, she realized that it was impossible to implement, and her dream of getting rich was also shattered, and everyone would be lost.

"Having spent so much money on flowers, do you still want to go to the movies?" Xiao Bai's expression turned hesitant.

Look at the bouquet in my hand, except for the flowers, there are only a few leaves, not even a root, and I can't plant it yet. I go home and find a bottle and fill it with some water. I don't know how long it will last.

Thinking about it now, happiness is quite happy, but I feel a little worthless.

"What you're talking about is two different things. They don't stand next to each other at all. It's hard to catch up with Qixi Festival. Don't always think about how much money you spend. Let's go as happy as we can."

As he spoke, Lin Yi looked around and saw a movie theater not far ahead, and said, "There's a movie theater ahead, let's go, let's go straight in."

"No, we can watch the movie when we go home." Xiaobai shook his head.

"Then let's go home?"

"Well, go home."

"But I just went out to have a meal, and then bought a few bouquets of flowers to go back. I always felt that something was missing."

Lin Yi looked at the young couples holding hands on the street, and always felt that it was not that way.

Other people's girlfriends want this and that every day, but this girl is only thinking about how to save money for herself every day.

Logically speaking, I should be happy, but I am not happy. Instead, the more I think about it, the more I feel uncomfortable.

"Let's go and buy you a Qixi Festival gift, and then we'll go home."

Lin Yi held her little hand and led her through the downtown.

Having been in love for so long, think about it carefully, if clothes, shoes and socks, and other daily necessities are excluded, then I don't seem to have given her any gifts.
The only things I sent were probably dolls and small satchels.

For more expensive things, such as necklaces and rings, none of them were given away.

And this is about to get a marriage certificate, and follow the normal process, no matter what, you have to buy a diamond ring for marriage proposal.

While the diamond thing is just a hoax, the symbolism is greater than the reality.

As the advertisement says, diamonds are forever, and one diamond will last forever.

Thinking wildly in her head, she then led her into a branded jewelry store.

Two female shop assistants in uniform stood on both sides of the door. As soon as they stepped in, they bowed to Qi Qi, "Welcome."

Faced with this enthusiastic attitude, Xiaobai was inexplicably uncomfortable, and looked around nervously. The decoration in the store was elegant and elegant, even the walls could reflect light, and there were a variety of jewelry in glass cases.

Dazzling, it feels like it's shining.

In short, it looks like I can't afford it.

Then she saw a female shop assistant, also in uniform, walking quickly towards them.

Seeing this, she subconsciously hugged the bouquet in her arms tightly, as if the other party was going to grab her flowers, then looked sideways at Lin Yi, and whispered: "What are we doing here?"

As she said that, she looked around quietly again, she had seen it in the movie.

The things in this kind of jewelry store are very expensive, and the people who buy things here are all upper-class people.

It's not an upper-class person who eats pimple soup every day, but a real upper-class person, the kind of domineering president who always signs orders for everything.

"Didn't I just say that I want to buy you a Qixi Festival gift? Let's buy you a diamond ring."

Lin Yi silently counted his savings in his heart. It looked like more than 3 to less than [-]. The size of a pigeon egg must be enough, but he felt that he should be able to buy a smaller one.

"Buy a diamond ring?!" Hearing this, Xiaobai exclaimed subconsciously. She felt that Lin Yi must have a brain problem.

To spend a lot of money to buy yourself a beautiful stone that glows is definitely sick.

Just as Lin Yi was about to say something, the saleswoman had already walked up to them and swallowed her words.

"Hi two, are you buying a diamond ring for your girlfriend?"

Out of professional instinct and the skill of speaking, the female shop assistant looked Lin Yi and the two back and forth. After seeing the appearance of the target customer, after a brief moment of stupefaction, she tried her best to cover her astonishing gaze, and then turned her gaze back on the two of them. Dress it up.

Glance back and forth across their wrists.

The man didn't wear a watch, but the woman wore a suet white jade bracelet, which was very valuable at first glance.

And these two people stand together quite well, they both have such good genes, according to the theory of merit selection, they must be a rich second generation.

The exclamation just now should not be too expensive, but a surprise.

I just don't know what price to buy.

Thinking of this, the female clerk couldn't help showing an expectant smile on her face, and there was a bit of envy in the smile.

"Come here, please, let me introduce to you two, this one is made of platinum with diamonds, the size of the diamond is [-] carats, this one is"

Following the female clerk to the showcase, Lin Yi hesitated inexplicably as he looked at the various diamond rings in the showcase.

The price tags here are often more than [-], and there are even a few six-figure prices, not even a price that matches my savings.

This is different from what he thought before. He saw that others bought ones worth [-] to [-] yuan, but this
Just as I was thinking, I suddenly felt a hand tugging at the corner of my clothes, and then a weak voice sounded in my ear, "The things here are so expensive, let's go."

"Don't go, I'll buy you one if I say anything today." The more she said that, the more Lin Yi wanted to buy it for her.

Seeing that the two were whispering, the female clerk faintly heard that she was going to buy you something, she couldn't help but feel happy, and then said:
"Sir, it's like this. If you are not satisfied with these, we can also customize it here. If you are proposing, I personally recommend that you customize one, which can be engraved with the lady's name, and you two can also customize it. The style you choose to build."

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded expressionlessly, glanced sideways at the little fox demon who had been pulling the corner of his clothes to signal to leave, hesitated for a moment, then pointed to the showcase, looked at the female shop assistant and asked, "Is it a customized comparison?" Are the ones here more expensive?"

"This is for sure, after all, it is custom-made, and we all invite world-class jewelry masters to make it by hand."

Hearing this, Lin Yi hadn't spoken yet, Xiaobai continued to grab the hem of his clothes with his hands, and couldn't help urging again: "Let's go."

The ones in this showcase are already so expensive, I didn't expect the customized ones to be even more expensive.

"Don't go." Lin Yi made up his mind to buy it, and continued: "Then can we pay the deposit first?"

He felt that his own money should be enough to pay a deposit, and as for the remaining money, he would ask the old man to borrow some money.

"Of course, we have a few styles to push here"

Before the female clerk finished speaking, she saw the male customer who was about to make an order, but was dragged out of the store by his girlfriend's arm, and it was obvious that he was already desperately resisting, but he didn't use it at all. nothing.

I froze in place for a while, is this man's body so weak?

I really didn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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