my fox girl

Chapter 248 You Remember to Code

Chapter 248 You Remember to Code

"Don't drag me, so many people are watching, save me some face."

Being dragged out of the shop abruptly, Lin Yi looked at the messy female shop assistants in the shop and said helplessly.

This girl is like drinking fake wine now, she is so strong that she can't resist at all.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, being dragged out of the store by her like a little chick, I feel that I will definitely become one of the future conversation topics of the store staff.

It's impossible to go in again, let's change to another store.

Walking back into the downtown area, Lin Yi was silent for a moment and said, "You make me feel very uncomfortable."

"Because I dragged you out, did you feel ashamed?"

"No, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have a thick skin, and I just feel guilty."

Hearing this, Xiaobai couldn't help but hesitated for a long time before asking, "Did you do something to offend me?"


Lin Yi was silent for a while and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"You said yourself that you feel guilty."

"I said I felt guilty because you never asked me what I wanted, and it seemed easy to satisfy, but I didn't know if you were really satisfied, so I felt very guilty and distressed."

The streets were bustling with festive atmosphere. Looking at the couples on the street, Lin Yi didn't know how they got along, but his little fox demon was obviously too sensible.

I don't want anything every day, just buy her a small satchel worth tens of dollars, dolls, hairpins and other small items, and she will be happy for a long time.

It is very easy to satisfy.

In that store just now, she looked at those dazzling diamond rings, her eyes were shining brightly, but she didn't want them, so she dragged herself out abruptly.

Inside and outside the words are too expensive.

But the more she behaved like this, the more uncomfortable she felt.

"Actually, you like those diamond rings, don't you?"

Before she could speak, Lin Yi asked himself and answered: "Girls like such beautiful things, and this thing has a different meaning."

"What's the difference?"

"It is used for marriage proposals. Other couples will use this to propose marriages, and Qixi Festival is especially suitable for marriage proposals." Lin Yi said three marriage proposals in a row, and said important things three times.

"How did you ask for marriage?"

"Holding flowers in his hands, he opened the ring box, knelt down slowly, and said affectionately, can you marry me?"


Hearing this, Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to say yes, but suddenly reacted, swallowed it quickly, looked around with a pretty blushing face, and then asked nonchalantly: "And then?"


Lin Yi scratched his head, recalled the scene on TV, and said: "If it was another couple, the woman would open her eyes wide and cover her mouth with her hand at this time, making an unbelievable look, and then a group of people surrounded Come over to send blessings, shouting to marry him, marry him and so on."

"Marry him! Marry him!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi heard a burst of noisy voices, and was just about to say who is okay and put this aside to cheer me up?

Following the sound, I found a large group of people, both men and women, shouting "Marry him, marry him" not far away.

It is the nature of ordinary people in this country to watch the excitement. Seeing that there is excitement to watch, Lin Yi pulled her to take two quick steps and squeezed into the crowd.

As soon as I entered, I found that the protagonist was an acquaintance.

In the open space among the crowd, Yang Ming was kneeling on one knee, holding a large bouquet of roses in one hand and a ring box in the other.

There was a girl wearing glasses standing opposite him, it was Li Wan.

"this is not"

"Hush, let's watch quietly, don't talk."

Lin Yi gestured for silence, then took out his phone from his pocket, turned on the video function and started shooting.

Take a picture of this guy's proposal scene, and then send it to your son group, so that the two of them can also see it,

"Li Wan, I know this might be a bit sudden, but there is only one Qixi Festival in a year, I won't live until next year, no, I mean, I can't wait until next year, it doesn't seem right.

Anyway, I just don't want to wait until next year's Qixi Festival, so if you want, you can just nod. "

Maybe it was because of his anxiety, or maybe it was the first time he was surrounded by so many people, Yang Ming's nervous palms were sweating, and he accidentally smacked his lips back.

He thought in his heart that if he wanted to let Lin Yi say what he would say to propose marriage, that kid could speak well, and the words he said would definitely be more beautiful than himself.

If he was here, he would have to make fun of himself, his mouth is so nervous to propose a marriage, and he is so big for nothing.

Thank goodness he wasn't here.

Among the crowd, Lin Yile was shaking, his hand holding the phone was trembling, and he couldn't help turning his head and laughing: "Did you see that this guy has such a nervous mouth when he proposes, Bai Chang is so Big guy."


Xiaobai was speechless, too lazy to care about this person's bad taste, and even laughed at his friend when he proposed marriage.

A young man next to him spoke up and said, "Isn't that right? This dude is big and thick. Just now he plopped on the ground and couldn't speak a word. I was quite surprised. It's the first time I've seen someone from the society. So shy."

"I want to say that he is not a gangster, do you believe it?"

Lin Yi couldn't help but said.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it, but it's a pity that Bai Xia has such a good appearance." The young man sighed.

"Who says it's not." Lin Yi also sighed softly. If it weren't for the intensity of the crackdown on crime in the past two years, Yang Ming would definitely have a great future in the society, and he would have to be a talker no matter what.

"Bro, are you taking pictures too?" At this moment, the young man found the phone in Lin Yi's hand.

"Well, are you filming too?"

"To be honest, I am actually the editor of UC. Today is not Qixi Festival. I took my girlfriend shopping and happened to catch such a scene. This is the news material. I have thought about the title, so I called it"

"Shocked that a two-meter-strong man would do this to a beautiful woman in the street." Lin Yi took over.

The young man continued to pick it up, "The crowd of onlookers all exclaimed."

After the words fell, the two couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see a sentence from each other's eyes, the hero saw the same thing.


Xiaobai watched coldly, feeling that the two might be sick.

At this moment, the crowd erupted into cheers like a tsunami, and Lin Yi saw that Yang Ming had stood up and embraced Li Wan.

It seems that the marriage proposal has been successful.

Reflecting the noisy voice, the young man said to Lin Yi, "Brother, are you interested in working in our UC? I think you are suitable for this bowl of rice."

"There's no need to eat. We still have to take a step ahead. Let's talk again when we have a chance."

Inevitably being discovered by Yang Ming, Lin Yi was about to take her away, but when he remembered something, he quickly turned around and said, "You remember to code them. The title doesn't matter, but the content must conform to the objective facts."

"Don't worry, our UC shock department is just a headline party. The content is absolutely relevant, and it will definitely be typed. We promise not to disclose their personal information. As a media person, there is still some integrity."

The young man clasped his chest to promise, and his eyes were shining with light called the light of faith.

 Thanks to book friend Chen Shuizi for the 30000 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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