my fox girl

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Seeing the heated discussion between the two, with a posture of wanting to empty himself out, the boss couldn't help asking: "Two games?"

"Will you really give the car the key we got?" Lin Yi wondered inexplicably.

"Here, as long as you can hit three tricks, I'll give it, but you have to catch one by one, you can't throw them all at once." The boss stood up with a large handful of bamboo rings, and asked again: "Two tricks? "

"Two is not enough, don't you have to wear it three times?" Lin Yi shook his head, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and scanned the code with a beep to pay the bill, "Give us 100 yuan first."

"Okay, I'll give you a few more circles." The boss couldn't help being happy, and counted forty circles and handed them over. I dare to say that these two people have not woken up from their daydreams, and they really think that this is a wholesale market.

too naive.

"I'll set the dolls and vases, and you set the keys. Let's work together."


The two whispered to each other, made a division of labor, made half of the circle, and then began to entangle each other.

The key was the farthest thing in the booth, and Lin Yi felt that if he was asked to set it up, he would not be able to set it right even if he aimed at it.

After all, bamboo circles like this are light and fluffy, and they are easily affected by the wind during the throwing process, and the farther they are thrown, the more so.

To sum it up, it's just that I'm not strong enough.

But this girl is different, now the group of stronger ones, eyesight is several times stronger than their own, it is safer to count on her to set up.

This kind of small electric scooter seems to be called a little turtle, and it can be worth two thousand three thousand in a car dealership. I don't know what it feels like to ride it.

While thinking wildly, Lin Yi looked sideways, and saw that the little fox demon had already caught the key once, and several spectators surrounded him.

The smile on the boss's face suddenly disappeared a little.

Surrounded by a group of people watching, Xiaobai was inexplicably uncomfortable, with a slightly nervous look on his face, and even threw it several times without hitting it.

"Don't be nervous, take your time, it's okay if you don't get it."


A bamboo ring flew out of her hand again and landed firmly on the key, the crowd couldn't help bursting into applause,
The boss wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and forced a smile.


The bamboo ring was put on the key again.

Xiaobai's face was full of excitement, and he couldn't help shaking Lin Yi's arm, "I'm caught, let's ride home in a while."

"Well, I can see it. If you shake it lightly, I can't stand it." Lin Yi's face was full of helplessness. Just now, his mind had been attracted by the battle situation on her side. After a long time, he got caught in a vase.

There are not many bamboo rings left in my hand.

"Boss, another 100 yuan."


The boss was silent for a while, looked at the crowd watching around, walked over and put Lin Yi on the shoulder, and whispered: "Brother, hold your hand high, hurry up and leave after you've had your fill, and then I'll give you some more things."

After finally catching up with the Qixi Festival, I went out to set up a stall, and as soon as I made some money, I took an electric car. Today is worthless.

"thank you boss!"

After some discussion, the two sat on the small e-donkey and left contentedly, leaving the boss standing there doubting life, looking at his booth, and feeling that these two people really bought from him.

"The boss is a good man. He gave us a few dolls and vases before we got a match. Let's support his business next time."

On the way home, Xiaobai sat in the backseat of the little eDonkey, his face obviously a little unfinished, looking at the pile of things in his arms, he sighed that he really met a kind person.

Lin Yi was silent for a while, and asked, "Why do you think he gave us something?"


"He just doesn't want us to support his business anymore, and wants to send us away quickly."


The speed of the small eDonkey is not fast, and the handlebars are only turned to the end for more than 30 miles, but it can still feel a bit of coolness against the night wind.

"We should ask the boss for two helmets. During this period of time, the traffic police in the city have been strictly checking, especially those who ride bicycles without wearing helmets."

"Then will we be stopped by the traffic police?"

Xiao Bai looked around, trying to find the existence of the traffic police. This type of people was easy to identify. They were all wearing uniforms, big caps, and a shiny yellow vest.

"Normally not, because it's night, the traffic police have to get off work, and they have to spend the Qixi Festival with their wives. Even if there are, they will set up checks for drunk driving. They will definitely not care about us, and the section of road we are walking belongs to There is no bicycle lane, and the traffic police will not set up checks for drunk driving here."

"But I saw a traffic policeman at the intersection ahead, and he might stop us."

"Well, I can see it too, but he shouldn't."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yi fell silent. He saw the traffic police at the intersection gesturing to them from a distance, urging them to pull over and stop.

"Crow's mouth."

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do, stop the car and receive criticism and education, maybe you will have to pay a fine."

"Fine?" Xiaobai hesitated for two seconds, then asked weakly, "Why don't we turn around and run, he probably won't be able to catch up with us."

"If he runs away, it's called resisting law enforcement, and he has a big motorcycle, which runs much faster than our little sheep. We can't run away from others."


The little sheep was parked steadily on the side of the road, and the two got out of the car, listening to the traffic policeman Balabala talk about the road safety law, the new traffic policy, and the serious consequences of not wearing a helmet.

Fortunately, they were not fined, probably because they admitted their mistakes positively, and today is a holiday.

Ordinary people always have a strong tolerance for the four sentences, and one of them is a big holiday. From this point of view, the traffic police are no exception.

The two of them left the intersection and didn't ride any more. They pushed the bike forward a little bit.

After walking for a while, Lin Yi looked back and saw that the traffic policeman at the intersection was no longer visible, then he turned his head and asked, "How about we get on the bike and go?"

"But what if another traffic policeman stops us?" Xiaobai hesitated. Although he was not fined, it was not very pleasant to listen to the traffic safety instructions for half a day.

Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said, "I don't think so. The traffic policeman just now was probably just an accident, and on the night of Qixi Festival, if we have a car and don't ride it, it's easy to be regarded as a fool."


Xiaobai was confused. She stared at the pedestrians on the side of the road for a while, then looked at the small electric donkey that Lin Yi was pushing, and said hesitantly, "If we get on the bike now and get stopped again, won't we It is very likely that you will not be as lucky as before, maybe you will be fined?"

"Theoretically, this is possible, and it will work if you don't keep your crow's mouth straight, so let's push it away."

The fine is fifty, although it is not much, but the little fox demon will definitely feel distressed for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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