my fox girl

Chapter 251 Will Lose Happiness and Joy

Chapter 251 Will Lose Happiness and Joy

Pushing the little sheep back to the community, he didn't throw the car into the garage, but pushed the elevator all the way, and then pushed it to the house.

The battery in this kind of electric car is particularly easy to remove. If it is not fully preserved in the garage, people will take the battery away. It is better to put it at home to be safer.

Although it was only brought back by a trap, it will definitely hurt for a while if it is lost.

As soon as he got home, Xiaobai sorted out the things the kind boss gave him. He put two dolls by the bedside, one by the computer desk, and one in the kennel for the glutinous rice balls.

Be a playmate for the dog.

It's a pity that Tangyuan didn't appreciate it, and just ran behind her with short legs.

Xiaobai didn't care about it, so he cleaned all the vases, filled them with water, inserted roses in them in batches, and put them on the balcony.

He took two steps back to look, adjusted the angle, and took two solitary roses in his hands, not knowing where to insert them for a moment.

"You can just find a vase and stuff it in. This thing can last for a week at most if you put it in water."

Lin Yi came over and said, then looked down at the glutinous rice balls that were circling excitedly around her legs, and couldn't help pushing the dog away with his foot.

Why does this guy look like a Teddy?

Should I consider neutering it?

Moreover, the life expectancy can be extended after sterilization. This is based on evidence. The eunuchs in the ancient palace were particularly able to live. In the Ming Dynasty, there was a great eunuch named Wei Zhongxian who claimed to be nine thousand years old.

Although this is a manifestation of power under one person and above ten thousand people, it also fully demonstrates the beautiful pursuit of longevity by ancient eunuchs.

As the saying goes, when God closes a door, he will open a window for you. If you lose, you will gain. Although you lose happiness, you also gain longevity.

Come to the conclusion that if you want to live a long time, you can't have Niu Niu.

What is this called? This is called cutting off the roots of afflictions with one knife, and you will be a long-lived person from then on.

Oh, the glutinous rice balls are female, there is no cow, and there is no root of trouble.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi knelt down and told Gouzi about this idea, and Tang Yuan howled twice to express his agreement.

Lin Yi also expressed his satisfaction. He melted the milk powder in warm water, mixed it with dog food, and rewarded him with a full bowl.

After arranging the flowers, Xiaobai sat on the sofa and began to settle the accounts as usual. Three hundred plus one hundred, it only cost 400 yuan in total, and he got a large bouquet of flowers, four dolls, five vases, and a small car. sheep.

Full of happiness.

He took out his nightgown from the closet and was about to take a bath when he heard Lin Yi muttering to Tang Yuan about the sterilization operation in the living room. He couldn't help but said, "Why did you let Tang Yuan undergo the sterilization operation? It's still so small."

"It's not about doing it now, it's good to do it when it grows up, it can avoid many physical diseases, and it can also prolong life."

"Then why don't you do it?"


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said: "If I do it, the price will be very high, and both of us will lose happiness and happiness at the same time."

"Does having a child make you happy?" Xiaobai looked at him inexplicably, remembering that this person told himself before that he didn't want a child, Barabara.

Sure enough, this was deceiving myself again.

"No, I mean the joy of making children." Lin Yi was still very honest.



Lin Yi didn't refute. He looked at the glutinous rice balls on the ground and stroked its back twice, "Actually, I'm also hesitant now. After all, once it is sterilized, it will deprive it of the qualifications to be a mother." .”

Speaking of this, he changed the subject and said again: "But if you don't do it, when Tangyuan runs out next spring, you will definitely meet a little bad dog outside, and then you will be pregnant with a cub."

"Just like I met you."

"Well, when we get married, you have to give me a baby."

"I won't conceive you."

"Okay, I won't let you get pregnant, go take a bath."

"I do not."

Xiao Bai leaned over and kissed him on the side of the cheek, and then ran into the bathroom with her nightgown to take a bath in satisfaction.

Seeing her running into the bathroom swinging her two little white legs, Lin Yi touched her cheek, the little fox demon is so naive, so cute.

I don't know if she will become more stupid when she becomes pregnant with a cub. People say that she will be stupid for three years after pregnancy.

This girl will be stupid for a few years.

Thinking about it, Lin Yi couldn't help chuckling again, Xiao Nizi refused to have sex with him, and when she mentioned the matter of getting married and going to a bridal chamber in the future, she panicked, she was still pregnant, and wanted to fart.

Hearing the laughter above her head, Tangyuan raised her head to look at Lin Yi, hesitated for a moment, and then pushed her dog bowl towards his feet with her head, seeing that he didn't respond, she raised her head and looked expectantly with her black eyes open. with him.

Sensing Gouzi's gaze, Lin Yi lowered his head to look at the dog bowl at his feet, saw that there was still half a bowl in it, and looked at it for a moment, and said, "Look at your fart, eat yours quickly, I tell you , if you are so full tonight that you dare to knock on the bedroom door again, I will take you to be sterilized tomorrow."


"Come on, give me another bark." Lin Yi pinched the back of the dog's neck and lifted it up.

This little thing has mastered three languages ​​now, Zhizhi, Aoao, and Wangwang.


Lin Yi was about to continue speaking when he heard a soft voice, "You are bullying Tangyuan again."

Looking sideways, the little fox demon came out of the bedroom wearing a nightgown, the skirt only covered her knees, her two white and tender calves were exposed, and her moist little face was full of resentment.

"What's another? I've never bullied it."

Lin Yi put the dog on the ground, and Tang Yuan didn't continue to deal with the remaining dog food. She ran away wagging her tail, and started circling her legs to have fun again.

"Come on, let me go." Lin Yi pushed the dog away with his foot again, and this guy was even more excited than himself when he saw the leg.

Who is the color batch in this family.

Feeling that one's family status is at stake.

Xiaobai leaned on the sofa, watched the movie playing on the computer, looked at the dog who was trying to jump up from under the sofa, and finally set his eyes on Lin Yi.

Feeling the slight strangeness, he couldn't help but gently squeeze the legs in his arms, then looked away, and asked in a casual tone: "How many children do you want to have?"

She thought about it for a long time when she was taking a bath just now. Although she often said that she would not give birth to him, she would definitely have a baby after she got married.

I just don't know how many children to have. This person has said two, five, and even eight children before, and he doesn't even have an exact number.

I still have to ask myself now.

Lin Yi continued to gently pinch her slightly cold little feet with his fingers, thought for a moment, and said, "Just give birth to one."

"Is one enough?" Xiao Bai couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously asked.

"Don't tell me, one is really not enough." Lin Yi paused and asked, "How about we have a litter?"

Hearing this, Xiaobai's heart tightened, he was afraid of having a baby, let alone a litter.

Feel more afraid.

I struggled in my heart for a moment, then raised my head and asked weakly: "Yes, but didn't you just say that you gave birth to one?"

"Well, then let's only have one child, don't want any more."

Lin Yi lowered his head to look at her toes curled up because of nervousness, couldn't help holding up the tender little feet in his hands, and kissed her on the back of her feet.

The little fox demon is naive, it's really interesting to tease him if he has nothing to do.

It's so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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