my fox girl

Chapter 253 To Study

Chapter 253 To Study

August [-]th, the seventh month of the lunar calendar, is called the Zhongyuan Festival, and the folks call it the Ghost Festival. It is said that on this day, the gate of ghosts will open, and countless ghosts and ghosts in hell will come to the world one after another, walking back and forth in the streets and alleys. wandering, even everywhere.

Xiaobai squatted down to play with the dog, and when he heard Lin Yi sneering to create an atmosphere, he couldn't help but glance at him, and said, "Are you stupid? It's still daytime, and ghosts won't come out."

"That's not necessarily the case. The world we live in is a sphere. Now the other side of the sphere is night, so ghosts can come out." Lin Yi tried to argue with the theory of the circle of the earth.

"And ghosts can also appear in a dark environment." After speaking, he walked to the balcony and closed the curtains. The sunlight outside the window was blocked, and the living room suddenly became dark.

"See, it's like this, maybe it's in those backlit corners."

Hearing this, Xiaobai looked around subconsciously. The dim environment combined with Lin Yi's bleak and sad tone raised a gloomy tone for no reason, "Are you sick?"

"No, isn't this the Hungry Ghost Festival? I just wanted to match the festive atmosphere. How about it? Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid."

"I don't believe it. You must be afraid. In this way, I allow you to hide in my arms."

Lin Yi felt very bored, the little fox demon patronized to play with Gouzi instead of letting himself play.

Seeing that she ignored him, he found another topic, "You haven't studied for many days, why don't you lie down on the sofa and read a book for a while."

Reading books can not only increase knowledge, but you can also take advantage of her.

Killing two birds with one stone is very reliable.

"Not many days, I just studied last week."

"Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. It's something you have to do every day. You can't do this. Come and read." Lin Yi patted the sofa beside him to invite.

Xiaobai glanced at him, then quickly looked away, clearly refusing.

"There is Su Xiaobai." Lin Yi rarely called her full name, seeing that she couldn't hear her with her head covering, and continued: "Have you forgotten your wish to be admitted to a university?"

Some time ago, this girl patted her chest and promised that she would study hard and be admitted to a key university as soon as possible.

Now it's drooping again.

It definitely belongs to intermittent smugness, continuous eating and waiting to die.

"I haven't forgotten." Xiaobai looked down at the glutinous rice balls, and asked with some guilt: "But I don't want to read now, can I read it tomorrow?"

"What do you think?"

"I think it's okay, because studying is so tiring."

"Then why don't you feel tired?"

"It's not tiring playing with glutinous rice balls, nor is it tiring watching movies."

Speaking of this, Xiaobai glanced sideways at the computer on the coffee table, and proposed a compromise, "How about we watch a movie, you can also learn knowledge, and you have drawn the curtains, it is especially suitable for watching movies." .”

"Then come here and let's find a movie to watch." Lin Yi readily accepted and turned on the computer.

Xiao Bai was taken aback, and he didn't really want to understand why he agreed so quickly today, maybe there was some conspiracy.

After careful consideration for a moment, he found no doubts, so he came over and sat down beside Lin Yi.

The movie has already started, with eerie background music and blood-red subtitles, she couldn't help but ask, "What kind of movie is this, and why is it different from the ones we watched before?"

"Of course it's different. This is Teacher Shancun, and it's a very educational film."

"Educational?" Xiaobai looked at him sideways, feeling something was wrong intuitively.

"Well, this movie mainly tells about Chu Renmei, a drama teacher from a mountain village, who uses absurd techniques and exaggerated performance styles to introduce the dangers of drinking raw water to others. In short, it is very touching and makes people cry."

Lin Yi talked seriously, holding Xiangxiang's soft body in his arms, and couldn't help but test her a little bit with his hands.

The soft and smooth touch made him close his eyes comfortably.

It's really comfortable, not scary.

Xiaobai slapped his unruly hand to show his resistance, and then there was no movement, just quietly looking at the computer screen.

The scenes in the movie always feel eerie, not as educational as Lin Yi said.

A group of people gathered around the room, doing weird and weird rituals of invoking spirits, and the background music was also weird, and listening to it made my heart shudder.

The more I look at her, the more wrong I feel.

After watching it for a while, she made up her mind, turned her head and said, "This is obviously a horror movie."

"Well, it's a horror movie." Lin Yi admitted generously, and asked again: "How is it, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, but this is the very educational and touching movie you said?" Xiaobai felt cheated again, no wonder this guy agreed so quickly, it turned out he wanted to scare himself.

"Educational and horror do not conflict, not to mention this is really educational."

Lin Yi felt that this movie was really educational. Although it was one of his childhood shadows, and after watching it, he didn't dare to sleep with the lights off for more than two months, but it was also beneficial. Never drank raw water again.

The risk of possible stomach pains is thus also avoided.

On the computer screen, the long-haired woman in the blue dress finally appeared, with her long sleeves waving, her body twisted into an unbelievable angle, and she was taking strange steps, as if she was about to come out of the screen in the next moment.

Seeing this scene, Xiaobai couldn't help but hold his breath, as if he still felt unsafe, and then shrank his whole body into Lin Yi's arms, only then did he feel relieved.

"Didn't you just say you weren't afraid?"

"I, I'm not afraid, I just feel that the wind from the air conditioner is a bit cold."

"Well, you're not afraid, it's a problem with the air conditioner." Lin Yi held her tightly in his arms, and didn't pierce her stubbornness. He slipped his hand through the hem of his clothes and rubbed her tender belly stand up.

This location is very special, and it can be called the thoroughfare. It is divided into two seasons, the upper one is the snow-capped mountains, and the lower one is the river valley.

There is also a small white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes in the valley. It is white and very shy. It is usually not seen, but only occasionally.

"This movie is boring, let's watch another one."

"Feel scared?"

"No, I just think it's boring."

"Who says it's boring? Today is Ghost Festival, so it's suitable to watch this kind of movie." Speaking of this, Lin Yi paused, and then said: "And isn't this more interesting than studying?"

"No learning is fun."

"Then go and study."


Hearing this, Xiaobai fell silent, and after a while, she looked down at her neckline, "Aren't you just playing this kind of movie to take advantage of me? If I go to study, do you think you can still take advantage of me?" ?"

"You are my girlfriend, and you will be my daughter-in-law soon. Do I need to take advantage of you?" Lin Yi has already occupied the commanding heights, feeling full of flexibility, and continued: "Furthermore, when you are reading and studying, I can still take advantage of you."


Xiaobai opened his lips slightly, wanted to say something but felt that he had nothing to say, looked at the computer screen again, and then suddenly got up.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go study!"

(End of this chapter)

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