my fox girl

Chapter 254 I will bite you to death

Chapter 254 I will bite you to death
Holding a book and a pen in his hands, Xiaobai sat on the balcony with a grand teacher's chair, far away from Lin Yi, determined not to let him take advantage of him.

He was given a routine by this person again. In order to let himself learn, he really took great pains.

Persuasion is not enough, and devious tactics are used.

Frighten yourself with a horror movie so that you can study, and let yourself be admitted to an adult university.

As soon as the word "adult" is heard, I feel that it is not a good thing.

But if you think about it carefully, you still have to take the exam.

Although I am not illiterate, this is written in the household registration booklet. If the child sees the household registration booklet and asks again in the future, I will definitely feel ashamed.

And this guy Lin Yi also mocked himself when he had nothing to do, saying that he was a little illiterate.

just hate it.

"Don't sit on the balcony and play with your dog, concentrate on your studies, get admitted to an adult university early, and change your education level in your household registration book, and you can get rid of your identity as a small illiterate."

Hearing Lin Yi's voice drifting over from afar, Xiaobai gritted his teeth angrily, "I know, you don't need to tell me!"

"Well, write down the knowledge points in a notebook. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen."

"Shut up, you!"

"When did you learn inverted sentences? Did you learn them in Kiyoshima?"


Xiaobai didn't reply anymore, decided not to talk to this guy anymore, spread out his notebook, and bit off the cap of the pen with his teeth.

Just wanted to draw a turtle on it as usual, write Lin Yi's name on it, and then start learning.

Suddenly, I realized that I had taken the wrong book, and it was a diary.

First day of August
"The purpose of opening this new diary is also to urge myself to work harder in my studies. In Qingdao, I promised Lin Yi to study hard, to be admitted to an adult university as soon as possible, and to take off the hat of a small illiterate. '

second day of august
'Play games, watch movies. '

third day of august
'Play games, go out with Lin Yi for a walk with glutinous rice balls, and go home to watch movies. '

the fourth day of august
'Play games, watch movies. '

August fifth
'Play games, watch movies. '

the sixth day of august
'Su Xiaobai, Su Xiaobai!How can you be so depraved, have you forgotten all the promises you made earlier?Do you still want Lin Yi to laugh at you as a little illiterate?Can't go on like this! '

seventh day of august
'Play games, watch movies. '


Xiao Bai read the diaries he wrote a few days ago one by one, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart for a while.

I was not in the mood to draw bastards, and silently spread out the math books and workbooks. Seeing all kinds of formulas mixed with symbols, I felt a headache again, but when I remembered the promise I made before, I still held back Headache looked down.

He didn't even bother to pay attention to the glutinous rice balls circling back and forth on the chair.

I am in this modern society with highly developed human civilization. Although I can find out what I want to know with a mobile phone, I can't rely on my mobile phone alone. I should fill my head with knowledge.

Only the knowledge that enters the head is your own.

But this knowledge is really inaccessible. I finally became familiar with the numbers, and now there are so many letters.

And this guy named Xiao Ming is definitely out of his mind, doing some abnormal things every day, and now he is going out to chase his brother, can't you go out together?

Even if you can't go out together, then you can chase after them, and you still have to walk after them, can't you take the bus?

If you don't have a bus, you can also take a taxi.

The two of you are walking or driving at a constant speed. As the elder brother, can't you stand still and wait for your younger brother?

And Xiao Ming, why don't you call and tell your brother to stop.

Can't I borrow one if I don't have a mobile phone?
Xiaobai bit the tip of his pen and complained in his heart. The more he looked at it, the more irritable he felt. His brows gradually frowned, and he was about to throw away the books and workbooks to play with the dog. When he thought of his diary, he felt guilty again. I have a headache and continue to chew on math problems.

He could faintly hear the voices in the living room. Lin Yi didn't seem to watch the horror movie anymore. It seemed to be a comedy movie. The cheerful background music mixed with Lin Yi's laughter from time to time kept lingering in his ears.

It is very annoying to interrupt all the thoughts that I have finally figured out.

She suppressed her annoyance and continued to lower her head to solve the problem, but Lin Yi's laughter still sounded in her ears from time to time, feeling that she couldn't calm down at all, so she simply shouted to the living room: "Can you stop laughing?"


"I'm studying, you always laugh, I can't do math problems even if I'm influenced by you."

"Hey..." Hearing this, Lin Yi curled his lips in disdain, and continued, "It's as if you can solve math problems if I don't laugh."

The little fox demon blamed herself if she couldn't solve the problem, it was obviously because she was too naive.

Don't make yourself laugh yet.

"If you don't solve the problem, what are you doing in the living room?"

"I'll bite you to death!" Xiaobai opened his mouth to reveal a mouthful of small white teeth, his face full of anger.

"If you don't want to be a little widow, I advise you to calm down."

"You are only a little widow, and I will bite you to death."

"Then can you separate the word bite, I prefer this way of death."


Xiaobai's footsteps paused, and she didn't quite react. She hasn't comprehended the part about taboos in the Xinhua dictionary.

"I don't care what you like, I'm going to bite you to death."

After thinking about it for a long time, she still couldn't figure it out, but her intuition told her that Lin Yi was talking about something very obscene.

Seeing the little fox demon rushing towards him with its teeth and claws open, Lin Yi opened his arms to catch her firmly, then hugged her whole body in his arms with his backhand, and asked, "Do you have the heart to bite me to death?"

"Be patient."

"Then can I make a small request before I die?"

"any request?"

"Can I have a bridal chamber with you before I die? I'm still a virgin, so I feel aggrieved to die like this."

"Don't even think about it!"

There was a fight in the living room, but it didn't bite in the end. Lin Yi looked at the little fox nestling on his lap, wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and then hugged her tightly.

"How long have you been studying, and you haven't solved the problem yet, so you just sit on my lap and be lazy."

"I'm not being lazy."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm just taking a break to sort out my thoughts." Xiaobai said with a serious face.

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi wanted to laugh inexplicably, "Then do you have any ideas now?"

"No, who made you laugh all the time just now, you lost all my thoughts, and now I can't find them back."

Xiao Bai continued to blame him. If this person didn't laugh, he must have helped Xiao Ming catch up with his brother.

Then I have to solve Xiao Ming's next problem.

It's annoying to think about it.

Why is there such a person as Xiao Ming.

He creates problems for himself day by day, if he knows where his home is, he must go there and set fire to it.

If you can't solve the problem, solve the person who has fallen out of the problem.

But if you get rid of him, maybe Xiao Xiaoming, Xiao Xiaoming and the like will pop up.

At the end of the day, it's all math's fault.

How wonderful it would be if there was no such subject as mathematics in this world.

Then I only need to learn Chinese now, and I don't need to hold the draft paper to check the calculations when reading Chinese documents. I can sit on his lap with the book like this now, and read it slowly with the whole body in his arms.

"I decided to save the math problem for tomorrow, and now I'm going to study with my Chinese book."

"Well, then go get it."

"No, I want to kiss you before I go."

 Thanks for selling Bao Dalangjun's children's shoes for the reward of 100 points.

  Thanks to book friend 20180706213843097 for the 100 points rewarded by children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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