my fox girl

Chapter 255 I Will Lie to You Forever

Chapter 255 I Will Lie To You Forever
The time has come to late August, and the three-volt weather has come to an end, but the temperature is still horribly high.

It has even reached 37 octaves. Don't even think about going out in this kind of weather, you may be sunburned to death.

The only thing I can do is lie at home with the air conditioner on and eat ice cream.

"Would you like to try mine, the chocolate-flavored one." Lin Yi raised the chocolate-flavored ice cream in his hand and asked.

"No, you've already licked it."

"You despise me?" Lin Yi looked at her pretending to be surprised.

"Well, I really dislike it."

"Then why don't you dislike me when you eat my tongue?"

"Obviously you ate mine." Xiaobai couldn't make him turn black and white, although he did take the initiative to eat it, but as long as he didn't admit it, it didn't count.

"Do you want to eat this from me?"

Looking at the strawberry-flavored ice cream she handed over, Lin Yi shook his head and said deliberately, "No, I despise you."

"You mustn't despise me." Xiaobai stuffed his own ice cream into his mouth, snatched his ice cream back, and took a big bite to express his dissatisfaction.


Before Lin Yi could react, she suddenly had a nucleic acid test with ice cream, and a gust of cold air rushed to his forehead, making his mouth and nose feel numb from the cold.

He took the ice cream out of his mouth, wiped the corners of his mouth, and then said: "You are allowed to despise me, and I am not allowed to despise you. What is the reason for this?"

"It doesn't make sense, anyway, you are not allowed to despise me."

"Well, I certainly don't dislike you, but do you feel that you have changed a lot?"

Lin Yi looked at her arrogant appearance, and carefully recalled her previous appearance.

Simple and ignorant, with timid eyes, soft-spoken, of course, soft and waxy now.

But if you want to say that you despise her before, she will never say something like you are not allowed to despise me.

On the contrary, there is a high probability that they will take it seriously, then pack their bags with a sullen head, buy a station ticket overnight and leave.

Oh, she has no luggage, all she has is a long gray dress.

I don't have an ID card, so I can't buy standing tickets.

He could only run away from home in that weird long dress, and then wander aimlessly, acting like a slut.

Look at her now, the white spun skirt is spotless, her two white and tender long legs are curled up together, her long black hair is draped softly behind her, her delicate and lovely face is not made up, and her eyes are full of agility.

And the eyes are no longer the timidity and bewilderment of the past, replaced by playfulness and cuteness.

It was obvious that she had only been in this world for more than a year, but it seemed that she had been here for a long time, so long that he had already gotten used to her existence.

I am used to hugging her every night when I go to sleep, and I am used to sleeping in the middle of the night when suddenly a small hand pinches my nose, and a soft voice whispers in my ear, let you bully me.

I am used to being kissed secretly by her in the morning, I am used to holding her hand when I go out, or being held by her arm, I am used to it.
Too many habits have been engraved in my life, and besides being naive, she is no longer the same as when we first met, and is no longer the timid and dazed little fox demon when I first came.

That's good, really good.

Seeing Lin Yi staring at him in a daze, without any focus in his eyes, Xiaobai reached out and waved his hand a few times in front of him, and asked, "Are you dead?"

"Huh?" Lin Yi withdrew his thoughts, "What did you say?"

"Are you dead?"

"I'm not a computer, what kind of machine died."

"Then why do you look so stupid." Xiaobai threw the ice cream stick in his hand into the trash can, looked at the ice cream in his hand that was about to melt, and poked his head over to bite off a piece of his ice cream.

He muttered vaguely, "I've been asking you questions just now, but you ignored me."

"What did you ask just now?"

"I ask you what has changed in me."

"There's been a lot of changes, I can't tell for a while, but it's okay, I'll sum it up for you, there are probably two points, first you become cuter than before, and then I like you more and more."

Hearing this, Xiaobai's eyes flickered a few times, expressing that he was very happy with his words, but he snorted softly, "Hmph, you promised to like me more and more."

"It's true, these are all promised." Lin Yi reached out to wipe off the chocolate and cream left on the corner of her mouth, and said, "I want to like you forever, and I want to like you more and more."

"En." Xiaobai responded lightly, then looked down again, it seemed that his body had also changed, he was a little fatter than before, especially this part.

This guy must have done it.

This person is very annoying, and his hands are dishonest every night when he sleeps.

"Yes, it is indeed my credit."

Just as he was thinking, Lin Yi's disgusting voice sounded, followed by a long speech.

"However, there should be other reasons. Humans have basically stopped developing at the age of 20, but you are different. You are a little fox demon. Maybe you are still in the developmental stage, and the scale may become larger in the future."

"I don't want to get bigger!"

Listening to the nasty people saying nasty words, Xiao Bai felt ashamed and angry, and this guy would definitely like to touch him more when he got bigger.

"Well, it doesn't matter if it stays the same size. I have no objection. You can discuss it yourself." Lin Yizheng has no objection. The current size of the little fox is just right, which fits his palm shape very well.

The golden ratio in your grasp.

If it increases by one point, it will be plump, and if it is reduced by one point, it will be thin.

"Is this negotiable?"

"That's not negotiable, let it be." Lin Yi threw the ice cream sticks into the trash can, wiped his hands with a paper towel, and then opened his arms, "Come on, give me a hug."

Holding the little fox demon tightly in his arms, Lin Yi closed his eyes, quietly feeling the warmth of her body, and instantly became satisfied in his heart.

Xiaobai put his head on his shoulder, and saw that his hands were hugging his waist in a regular manner, and he didn't reach into his clothes to take advantage of him. He didn't understand why this guy suddenly changed his temper.

Looking at him sideways, I saw that he seemed to be thinking about something with his eyes closed, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think of anything."

Lin Yi opened his eyes, kissed her on the forehead, hugged her tightly, and said softly: "I feel that I can't live without you in this life."

"What about the next life?"

"I can't live without it in my next life."

Lin Yi stroked her back with his hands, and said: "But in the next life, you must come and squat early, I want to pick you up early."

"I do not want."

"Why, don't you want to be picked up by me?"

"I don't want to. I will be tricked by you into being your girlfriend, daughter-in-law, and child in this life. I won't be fooled by you again in my next life."

After saying that, Xiaobai stretched out his arms to wrap around Lin Yi's neck, and then fixed his eyes on his face, "If there is a next life, I will pick you up instead."

"Why did you pick me up?"

"Because I want to lie to you forever."

She felt that if she could find Lin Yi in Qingqiu, this guy would definitely be the same as when she first came here, stupid and ignorant, so she could only be deceived by herself.

At that time, I must lie to take advantage of him, deceive him to be my husband, and deceive him to give birth to myself
Bah, men can't have children.

In other words, he gave birth to him himself.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that I am still the one who suffers.

But it doesn't matter, when the time comes, the identities will definitely be switched, he is simple, but he is very smart.

When the time comes, I must laugh at him every day.

 Sorry, readers and friends, something happened two days ago and I didn't update it on time.

  But I didn't stop updating, shouldn't you praise me. ()
(End of this chapter)

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