my fox girl

Chapter 256 This is the setting

Chapter 256 This is the setting
Hearing her lofty ideals in the next life, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, and then reminded: "This thing is based on IQ, it doesn't mean that you can lie to me if you pick me up, if you are still so stupid in the next life, you want to lie to me It is estimated to be difficult."

"I don't care, I'm going to lie to you anyway."

"Well, I let you lie. If you are still naive, I will pretend to be deceived by you."

Lin Yi stroked her back lightly with his hand, "When the time comes, you have tricked me into your hands, and you can walk sideways in Qingqiu with the steps of disrespecting your relatives, beat anyone who doesn't like you, beat me up, and report to me as you go." They didn’t even bring back their titles.”


"Because I am a time traveler, the setting is like this. According to the law of time travel, if I travel to ancient times, the last time I travel is to be a marquis and worship general, leaving a name in history, and something more advanced, such as changing the dynasty, ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor. However, if you travel to the fantasy world, the situation is more complicated.

It is best to be gifted since childhood, but suddenly lose all skill, be spurned and humiliated by everyone, and the most important thing is to have a fiancee, and then"

"Who is the fiancee, is it me?"

"No, it was someone else, and then she came to the door to divorce, and I wrote a letter of divorce, shouting 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young man."

Seeing that he was about to talk about the exciting part, Lin Yi suddenly felt a pain in his chest and asked, "Why are you biting me?"

"I'll bite you to death, why do you want someone else to be your fiancee?"

"Don't worry, won't you be retiring soon?"

"It's not even possible to withdraw the marriage."

"Okay, my fiancé will come and divorce me." Lin Yi changed the settings helplessly, "Then I'll write a divorce letter."



Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said: "Can you not disturb me, I'm telling you about my setting to travel to the fantasy world."

"But you time travel as long as you travel, why do you have a fiancé?"

"Isn't this forced by you? You don't let me have a fiancee."

"I didn't say you couldn't have one." Xiaobai poked his belly a few times with his fingers, puffed his cheeks and said, "But your fiancee must be me, not someone else."

"Okay, you come to the door to divorce, and then I will write a divorce letter"

Speaking of this, Lin Yi was taken aback, and asked: "My side is about to retire soon, why are you being this fiancée?"

"Isn't it okay not to divorce?"

Lin Yi considered it carefully for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, this is a setting."

Fantasy literature cannot lose the flow of divorce, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem.

"But I don't like this setup."

"You don't understand, if you don't divorce, you won't be happy, and this fiancee is just a trick, and there will be another heroine who will appear later. She is my real wife, that is, you."

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded again and again, and asked expectantly: Then when will I be able to appear on stage? "

"Don't worry, it's still time for divorce. You will be the one after the divorce."

"Then hurry up and retreat." Xiao Bai couldn't help urging.

"Well, I'll try my best, don't interrupt."

Lin Yi squeezed her face with his hands and said, "Now I have divorced my fiancée with the letter of divorce, and I have dealt a severe blow to her arrogant arrogance. At this time, there is a man named Xiao .No, there is a girl named Su Baier, she..."

"My name is not Su Baier." Xiao Bai said with a frown, feeling that changing his name without authorization was superfluous.

Also Su Baier, why not Su Qier?

Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said: "Okay, there is a girl named Su Xiaobai. She has always liked me, but she didn't say it clearly. It is a secret love, that is, a secret love. Don't interrupt, it's a setting."

"But I haven't even said anything yet."

"I know, I'm just telling you in advance, in short, this Su Xiaobai loves me very much, the kind of love to death, from her family."

"Bah, shameless, I still love you to death."


Lin Yi continued to remain silent. After a while, he turned over and lay flat on the sofa, looked at the ceiling and said, "I won't talk anymore."

This girl always interrupts me when I talk about the time-travel setting.

It is very strenuous.

To put it in class, I have to throw a piece of chalk over it, so that she can understand what happens to her students who interrupt her.

"Hurry up and talk about it." Xiao Bai hugged his arm and shook it twice. What's going on with this guy, I just heard half of it, and when he was getting excited, he said nothing.

"Don't tell me, you always interrupt." Lin Yi shook his head.

"I won't interrupt this time."

"En." Lin Yi pretended to ponder for a moment, then reached out and pointed to his lips, "Give me a kiss, and I'll continue."

"Love to talk or not to talk."

Xiao Bai snorted, paused for a moment, still lifted his long hair with his hands, bent down and covered his lips with his mouth.

Lin Yi became active again, wrapping his hands tightly around her body, until the little fox demon felt uncomfortable and pushed him a few times before giving up.

"It feels different from before, it smells like chocolate and strawberry."

With a blush on Xiaobai's cheeks, he panted slightly and said angrily, "Speak quickly."

It is very annoying for this person to be cheap and act obediently.

"Well, let me think about it first."

Ruanxiang was in her arms, Lin Yi rubbed her back gently with his hands for a while, and then slipped in from under the skirt naturally.

"You, don't touch my tail."

"Well, don't touch."

Once again testing the switch of the little fox demon, Lin Yi saw that her body trembled for an instant, and then softened again, and two blushes instantly appeared on her cheeks. She looked very uncomfortable, and changed her hand to another place.

It seems that things like holding her and wagging his tail should wait.

Then he continued to talk nonsense, "In short, your family is very powerful, and I must become stronger if I want to be with you, but this is simple because I have an old grandfather."

Lin Yi blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, until the more he talked, the more excited he was, and a bunch of women admired him, and then he was forced to stop.

Xiaobai bit his cheek, and said vaguely: "Shameless, you return my kiss!"

"Hiss, no, I don't really want to do something, can I just talk casually?"

"No, I will bite you to death."

"Let me tell you, this is the setting. Generally, such terrifying time travelers will have many confidante friends, but if I time travel, I will definitely be different from them. Although there will be many women who like me, I am weak. I only got addicted once."


"No, what I want to say is that there are three thousand weak waters, and I will only take a scoop to drink. In other words, I will only like you."


"Really, it's more real than real gold, you should let go of your mouth, you're not a puppy, don't always."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help but pause, turned his head and glanced around the living room, and asked, "Have you seen the glutinous rice balls?"

Not long ago, the dog was still jumping in the living room, but now there is no sound at all.

He had an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

 Thank you for the 1500 points rewarded by Hokuriku participating in children's shoes.

  Thanks for the 100 points rewarded by the red-nosed child thief.

  I wish all readers and children a happy Children's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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