my fox girl

Chapter 259 Did You Steal It?

Chapter 259 Did You Steal It?

The living room on the second floor of the study.

Waiting for the two of them to come out of the bathroom after washing their faces, Yu Shuhui checked the time. It was past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was almost time for dinner, so she called Xiaobai to cook in the kitchen together.

When the two got into the kitchen, Lin Yuguo looked at Lin Yi and asked, "Did you two come here specially for dinner again?"

"No, we mainly came here to get books." Lin Yi shook his head, and added: "By the way, come over for a meal."

"Take books?" Lin Yuguo was taken aback. It's very common for these two people to eat and take food at the same time, but this book
He also remembered that when his husband and wife went on a trip last year, they asked Lin Yi to help look after the store, and then they were guarded and stolen by this kid.

Good guy, last year you took it sneakily, now you don’t carry anyone’s back, right?

"How much are you going to take this time?"

"Not many, just a few books, just like the previous few times."

"Well, it's not too bad. Wait a minute, what do you mean it's the same as the previous few times? How many times have you co-authored it?"

Just as Lin Yuguo was about to nod, he suddenly realized, good guy, I thought they took it just once last year, but now that I hear it, these two are still repeat offenders.

"Ang, I have taken it a few times."

"Then why don't you tell me."

"It's just about a few books, do I still need to tell you?" Lin Yi took an apple from the coffee table and took a bite, confidently.

What are you telling me, isn't it just about going downstairs to take something with you every time you finish your meal and go with something?
There's no point in making a special announcement.

Anyway, it can't be sold, so instead of putting it on the bookshelf to eat ashes, it's better to use it to learn from the little fox demon, so that she can be admitted to an adult university as soon as possible, and take off the hat of little illiterate.

Seeing his upright look, Lin Yuguo felt a little unconfident for some reason. Do I need to tell myself what it means?
It seems that there is no need to tell.

In any case, they did a lot of things that they took advantage of, and they didn't specifically say anything about other things, but they all took them under their own noses.

But when I ran downstairs to get the book, I couldn't see it.

It dawned on him at this moment.

No wonder I always feel that one or two of the books on the bookshelf will be missing for no reason. I thought it was sold, but the co-authored book was never sold at all, because it was a thief or a house thief.

This is really hard to guard against.

Seeing that the old man was speechless, Lin Yi turned to pointing downstairs and asked, "Dad, have you seen the little electric bike we're riding?"

"No, what's your expression?"

Seeing his face full of vigor, Lin Yuguo couldn't help frowning, and asked, "You two came here against the sun like two idiots, why do I think you're quite proud?"

Covering his helmet on a hot day, he rode his bike over. Not only did he not feel anything wrong, but he also looked smug.

I'm afraid this son is not really stupid.

"It's not important." Lin Yi waved his hands, leaned over and asked, "Dad, where do you think that car came from?"

"If you didn't buy it, how did you get it? Could it be that it was picked up by the side of the road?"

"I didn't buy it, but it's similar to what I picked up on the side of the road. You can guess."

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo looked around subconsciously, and said in a low voice, "Did you steal it by stealing it?"

There was an electric car parked on the side of the road without the key out, and this kid just rode away. Only this kind of scene fits the situation he said.

I didn't buy it, but it's similar to the ones picked up on the roadside.


Lin Yi couldn't help being silent, feeling a little uninspired for some reason, and felt that most of the energy to show off suddenly disappeared.

I couldn't help but asked back: "Dad, what do you mean by stealing a sheep by hand? Am I the one who did that?"

"Why not, don't you have enough things to do with me?"

Speaking of this, Lin Yuguo changed the subject and said, "But you can't do something like stealing an electric car."

This kid is thick-skinned, but it is impossible to steal from others.

If he really dared to steal, then he had to clean up the door this time.

Pull out the seven wolves and shout, little beast, die!
"So, guess how our car got here."

"I don't guess." Lin Yuguo didn't bother to talk to this guy, so he picked up the tea and took a sip by himself.

Needless to say, the green tea this kid gave is really good, with a long and lingering taste. It tastes bitter at first, followed by a burst of sweetness.

This bitterness before sweetness is just like life, although often the sweetness you get after suffering is far less than the bitterness you experienced before, and even just a little bit of feeling will be fleeting and come to an end.

But in this way, it just seems that this sweetness is hard-won, and it is more worthy of aftertaste. The sweetness obtained after bitterness will be considered precious.

in the kitchen.

Xiaobai was chopping the chicken legs with a kitchen knife, showing a sharpness that didn't match her appearance.

She has been here for more than a year or almost two years, and the number of chickens that have entered her stomach is uncountable.

Even the chickens she killed with her own hands are eighty if not one hundred. Her attitude towards chickens is as cold as the kitchen knife in her hand.

Of course, except for one kind of chicken.

Chop the chicken legs into even large pieces, then cut a few more slits, marinate with soy sauce cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, and prepare to braise in soy sauce.

This kind is chicken side legs, which are called pistol legs in fried chicken shops. One piece weighs almost half a catty.

The oil in the pot was emitting a slight white gas, and the temperature in the kitchen gradually increased.

"So why are you telling me this?"

"This doesn't let you see how lucky your future daughter-in-law is. You can get an electric car in just a few tricks, and you will definitely be prosperous in the future when you get married."


Lin Yuguo responded lightly, and then there was no response. It is a good thing to be blessed, and it is also a good thing to be prosperous, but it has little to do with him.

As long as the two of them can live a good life, and this kid is obviously here to show off.

This guy loves to show off every day. Ever since he had a girlfriend, he has always come over to show off his girlfriend. It's naive for someone who is about to get married.

After getting married, she must start showing off her daughter-in-law again, which makes her feel even more childish when she thinks about it.

I don't know who inherited it either.

It is very puzzling.

Lin Yi didn't know what he was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely reply without thinking: Of course it is inherited from you.

Lao Lin is naive every day, and he likes to show off every day when he is in his forties.

Comparing with myself with suffocation, drink a drink to compare the amount of alcohol, catch a fish to compare the head.

As long as he can beat himself, his face will be full of embarrassment, as if I am your father, of course I am better than you.

The last time he caught a big fish by himself, he insisted on holding back for a few months to catch a bigger one, and then he couldn't wait to run over to show off.


The smell of food from the kitchen wafted into the living room. Lin Yi looked left and right, ready to do the old man's ideological work, and said, "Dad, I want to resign."

"You resign." Lin Yuguo gave him a sideways glance, "As long as you dare to resign, you don't want the 50 gift money."


Lin Yi didn't continue to speak. It's rare for a person to be poor and short-sighted. He decided to wait for the old man to give the gift money before talking about resignation.

(End of this chapter)

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