my fox girl

Chapter 260 Go to the hospital yourself

Chapter 260 Go to the hospital yourself

The food in the evening was very delicious, and Xiaobai basically finished it all by himself. She may be very talented in cooking, or maybe it was Lin Yi's initial fooling that gave her a certain psychological hint. You are really talented , I will teach you how to cook in the future.

Then she naively took it seriously, studying and cooking with the recipe every day, and came to steal from Yu Shuhui whenever she got the chance.

The dishes I have cooked so far are decent, I dare not say that green is better than blue, it is a bit crazy, it is comparable.

"Girl, can you make money from that cooking video you made?"

During the dinner, Yu Shuhui couldn't help opening the topic while holding her job.


"It's okay, it's only a few hundred yuan a month after exhausting work." Lin Yi retorted directly, which made Xiaobai hesitate to speak, and looked at him with complicated eyes.

This guy is really annoying. I can obviously earn more than 1000, and sometimes I can earn [-] if the playback volume is high.

And taking videos is not tiring at all, you can take pictures casually while cooking.

But in this guy's mouth, it became an income of only a few hundred yuan after hard work.

"Is it so little?" Yu Shuhui was stunned, looking at Xiaobai, remembering that when she first found out about this, Lin Yi was still bragging, saying that as long as he does well, he can play with hundreds of millions a year same.

Now it seems that it is all farting, and I can directly apply for the subsistence allowance with this little income.

"Well, it's a little less."

"You see, it's because she earns so little money that I want to open a shop with her and do some business."

Seeing that Lin Yi revealed his original purpose again, Lin Yuguo paused in the action of picking food, and raised his head to look at him.

"It's okay to open a store, but can't one person also open it?" He pondered for a moment and said.

"Well, if you're too busy then, you can hire someone to help."

Yu Shuhui added that she was also not in favor of Lin Yi's resignation.

"She still hires people, and she has no management experience, how can she manage if she hires people?

Another one, she doesn't even know how to calculate the accounts, she has to hire someone for the cashier, but if the cashier she hires wants to make fake accounts, she won't be able to see it at all, and it is estimated that she will not even be able to keep her money. "

Lin Yi's serious face caused Xiao Bai to look over with complicated eyes again.

This person is really annoying, he obviously knows how to settle accounts, but it's just a little slow.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Yu Shuhui saw her expression and couldn't help but glared at Lin Yi.

"Mom, don't believe it, it's just such an exaggeration. We are going to bring some math textbooks home today, and we are going to take them back to teach her, but she is very stupid and learns very slowly."

Lin Yi pointed to his head, and continued: "I don't know how long it will take until she can learn how to reconcile accounts proficiently. I'm going to take her to the hospital to prescribe some brain-replenishing medicine."

"You're so stupid, I'm obviously very smart." Xiao Bai couldn't help retorting in a low voice.

"I think you really should go to the hospital." Yu Shuhui said to Lin Yi.

"Isn't this going to go?"

"I'm talking about letting you go by yourself and showing your own brain. I think a girl is much smarter than you."


Lin Yi fell silent.

Xiaobai lowered his head and squinted his eyes to snicker, feeling elated.

"Mom, you don't understand. Although she is good at learning to cook, she is really not talented in mathematics. She never went to school since she was a child, and missed the best learning age. Up to now, she has no logical thinking in mathematics. No."

Lin Yi's expression was very serious, as if what he said was true.

"That's why I said to open a store together with her, at least I don't have to worry about her being cheated by others, and I am afraid that she will be tired if she opens the store by herself."

"What kind of store are you going to open?"

"The gift and jewelry shop mainly sells trinkets for girls, as well as small gifts for each other, and also sells dolls, ornaments and other small gadgets."

Lin Yi had carefully thought about it before, and he was the first to rule out the catering industry like restaurants, which was too tiring.

The rest of his options are flower shops, coffee shops, and milk tea shops.

After some discussion and deliberation, they all felt that selling jewelry was reliable.

It's not tiring, and the investment can be less, and it doesn't buy gold, silver or diamonds, just some gaudy trinkets. Aba Aba has a lot of purchase channels, and you can buy a lot for a few tens of dollars.

Moreover, I and she both have relevant working experience. When I stayed in the bookstore, I was the acting store manager and she was the acting deputy store manager.

Although it is a bit different, selling jewelry is similar to selling books.

More importantly, it doesn't matter if it can't be sold out, you can keep it for the little fox demon to wear.

Thinking about it this way, it feels more reliable.

"You are a big man running to play with the gadgets in the girl's house?"

Hearing this, Lin Yuguo was inexplicably surprised, and the tone of his voice suddenly increased. He thought this guy was holding back and wanted to do some big business, and he just did it for a long time?

"Well, did you break the law?" Lin Yi asked back.


Lin Yuguo couldn't help being silent, he was at a loss for words for a while, he turned his head and looked at Yu Shuhui, neither of them said anything.

Breaking the law is not breaking the law, but I didn't expect this guy to be so promising.

Leaving a decent job and not going to work, I ran to open a shop with my girlfriend, and it was still this kind of small jewelry shop, so sissy.

They can almost imagine that in a store, the decoration style is full of girly atmosphere, and the shelves are full of gadgets such as headbands, earrings, and mobile phone pendants.

There are also a lot of plush toys inside.

This guy is stuck at the counter, watching those girls enter the store to choose, and greet them.

Thinking about it this way, it feels more girly.

The husband and wife confirmed their eyes, and Yu Shuhui said: "It's actually okay to open a jewelry store. Our house happens to have a facade. When the time comes, we will open those books downstairs, which is convenient."

"Well, and you don't have to resign, I don't, just your mother can help." Lin Yuguo wanted to say that your mother and I can help, but felt that it was wrong, so he quickly changed his mind.

"No, you continue to sell your books, and we will find another place to open one." Lin Yi refused.

"Our house has a facade, why are you looking for another place?"

"Yes, there is, but the business in this area is too bad, especially the facade of our house, which is simply evil. I think it may be a matter of Feng Shui."

Lin Yi had a serious face. He didn't dare to say that it was poor management. He wisely blamed Feng Shui for the bookstore's business.

Otherwise, the old man will definitely blow his hair.

And he stepped on it during this period of time, one of the bottom shops at the gate of the community was to be sold, and one was vacant.

The area of ​​the two is quite suitable, and more than 30 square meters are definitely enough.

As for the flow of people, there is no need to worry. Let alone the residents in the community, that area is very close to the school.

Students are known to earn a lot of money.

What's more, such cheap trinkets are very attractive to little girls in middle school.

It is also attractive to young boys, so you can buy it as a gift for your puppy love.

In the school where I teach, there are quite a few young couples who fall in love openly and secretly.

When the teacher's shop opens, I will definitely give you a discount.

 Thanks to Rem Sauce for being the 333 points rewarded by my children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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