my fox girl

Chapter 266

Chapter 266
There are only a few days left before the start of school, and Qiuhu still hasn't passed. The temperature is cooler than midsummer, but it still feels a little hot.

Drive to the suburbs, stop near a mountain, walk up, and you can see large green and red everywhere, a bit like terraced fields, east and west.

"There's still wheat here. I think it's wild, and no one cares about it." Then, Xiaobai looked around and saw no one, and confirmed, "No one cares really, we can pick some back. Then make flour dumplings and eat them."

"This is not wheat, this is sorghum."

Lin Yi could recognize what it was at a glance. It did look a bit like wheat ears, but the red ones were red sorghum.

Although she was wrong about the species, the field was overgrown with weeds and looked like it hadn't been taken care of for a long time, so it might really be wild.

This thing matures in this season, and the red ears can be made into sorghum rice and sorghum noodles.

As for its rod, it is also very useful. It can be made into a broom, which is the kind of relatively ancient broom, also known as broom bumps.

Lin Yi was lucky enough to be beaten by this kind of artifact when he was a child, but only a few times.

It's not because of any other reason, the main reason is that beating someone with a broom doesn't hurt very much. Every time Lin Yuguo hits him with this thing, Lin Yi will taunt him with a stiff neck, "Laugh, it doesn't hurt at all."

The angry old man trembled, and finally replaced it with a feather duster.

"Is sorghum edible?" Xiaobai pinches a few sorghum ears with his hands, puts it to the tip of his nose and smells it, there is a faint smell of hay mixed with dust.

"It is possible, but it has a more important role."

"What does it do?"

"It's very suitable to do some shameful things here, especially the red sorghum field, which is more suitable."

Lin Yi looked at a large area of ​​red. Yu Zhan'ao and Jiu'er had struggled in the same sorghum field back then.

It's a pity that I am not Yu Zhan'ao, and the little fox demon is not Jiu'er.

Otherwise you can still go in
Bah, if you don't do it with a big soft bed, you come here to be a field army, and you will suffer so much for such a big grain on the sorghum ears.

"You're going to think dirty things like that."

"This is not what I thought. Many years ago, there were really two people who were not ashamed in it."

Hearing this, Xiaobai looked at the red sorghum in front of him, with red ears on the branches, hesitated, and asked, "Isn't it very rough inside?"

"You can put your clothes under it."

Lin Yi looked around, and couldn't help but want to tease her again, "If you want, we can also follow in the footsteps of seniors and go in without shame."

Xiaobai didn't bother to talk to him, this person was thinking about this kind of thing all day long, and he had to wait until he got married if he wanted to do it.

She raised the sun hat on her head with her hands, and continued to walk forward with her small satchel on her back. She held a branch picked up on the ground, straight and straight, facing the weeds on the roadside from time to time. Up and down twice.

Watching the branches and leaves on the weeds being chopped off, I feel like a hero with swordsmanship in the movie.

"Have you stopped picking sorghum?"

"Don't pick it, I think this kind of thing is very obscene."

Xiaobai looked back at the sorghum field behind him, maybe someone had done shameful things here.

"Sorghum is not obscene, only thoughts can be obscene. When thoughts are obscene, everything you look at is obscene, and sorghum is the same."

"You're the one who thinks dirty!"

Lin Yi curled his lips and said in a low voice, "I don't think sorghum is obscene."

"You..." Xiao Baiqi's cheeks puffed up again, and he raised the branch in his hand, "Look at the sword!"

Lin Yi subconsciously used his arms to block, but the branch stopped firmly a few centimeters away from him.

"I knew you would be reluctant."

"I'm not reluctant."

Xiaobai pointed to a branch on the ground and said, "Pick up your weapon, this hero never bullies unarmed people."

Lin Yi glanced back, picked up the branch, and held it up in his hand, "This sword is called Yitian, and it is three feet and three inches long, and it is designed to cut the injustice of the world."

", the name of this hero's sword is Lin Zhan, it is nine feet nine inches long, and it is designed to kill the lowly people in the world."

"What do you mean by cutting the forest? I'm the one who co-authored the bastard specifically?"

"Hmph, as long as you know."

Xiao Bai snorted softly, and raised the branch in his hand again, "Dirty Lin Yi, look at the sword!"


When the weapons intersected, the branch in Lin Yi's hand snapped off.

"You find another weapon."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

Lin Yi dropped the branch in his hand and stood with his hands behind his back, the corners of his clothes fluttering slightly in the breeze, and said proudly: "There is no need to use a sword to deal with you, empty hands are enough."


"Look at me empty-handed... Hiss, the hero spares my life."

Halfway up the mountain, the forest is lush and green, and there is a cool breeze blowing under the shade of the trees. Xiaobai looks out into the distance with his feet on his feet. Red Sorghum.

"There is a large piece of wild fruit in the mountain over there, we can pick some back."

"What kind of wild fruit?" Lin Yi sat under the tree holding a water bottle to drink water, and didn't stand up to look at it, he was too lazy to move.

"Looks like a yellow apple."

"It was planted by someone else."

"But I don't see anyone there."

Lin Yi was silent for a while, and asked, "You mean, let's steal some back?"

"No, I don't think it's someone else's plant, it's wild, because no one cares about it." Xiao Bai looked at the distant mountains and observed carefully, and there was no one there.

If it is an apple grown by oneself, it must be guarded every day, lest others steal it.

And there are a lot of apples here, but no one guards them.

From this it was concluded that it was wild.

"No one cares about it, it doesn't mean it's wild, but we can pick some."

Lin Yi felt that she couldn't be spoiled, and the little fox demon didn't have any other interests. She didn't like spending money, didn't like online shopping, and didn't ask for anything.

She stays at home with her every day, kisses and hugs her, and it's hard for her to come out, no matter what, she can't disappoint her.

What's more, picking wild fruits is something she misses very much.

After all, when she was in Qingqiu, all kinds of fruits on the mountain were her main source of food, and she often went to the mountain to pick these things.

"Are we going to steal?"

"Don't say it so harshly, it's not called stealing, it's called free picking."

Lin Yi stood up and dusted off the dirt on his body. Stealing is definitely not allowed, just give some money later.

If no one comes after they finish picking, put some money under the tree and write a note or something.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the fresh air in the mountains and forests pouring into his lungs, Lin Yi looked around into the distance, and asked with his head sideways, "Where is the apple?"

"It's there."

Looking in the direction of her finger, she could faintly see trees all over the mountains in the distance. As for the fruits on them, she couldn't see clearly at all. They were far apart, and there were at least three mountains in the middle.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountain runs away to a dead horse.

Although it was only a small hill, it would take them until night when they walked over it. If they wanted to get over it faster, they had to drive down the hill first, and then drive forward.

As far as this is concerned, it may not be possible to drive far, at most it can only be driven to the vicinity.

Then he had to walk inside slowly. Lin Yi suddenly didn't want to go, but seeing her expectant expression, he still said, "Let's go, let's drive down the mountain first."

 Thanks to the book friend "璩" children's shoes for the 1666 book coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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