my fox girl

Chapter 267 I Feel Unreal

Chapter 267 I Feel Unreal

The reality was better than Lin Yi expected, at least the car could drive to the foot of the mountain, but it was a bit bumpy along the way.

After all, this place belongs to the outer suburbs, more than 50 kilometers away from the urban area. There must be no asphalt roads in the city, and some are only cement roads.

It is still full of potholes. It is estimated that it has been paved for a long time and has been run over by many cars.

It's okay to go in along the deep and shallow of the mountain. The main reason is that there are not many trees next to the path on the mountain, so it feels a bit hot.

Lin Yi looked at the sun hat on her little head, a little envious.

"If we had known earlier, we should have brought an umbrella out."

"I checked the weather forecast and it won't rain today."

Xiao Bai kindly reminded him, but couldn't help but glance at him, this guy is getting more and more stupid.

I don't even know to check the weather forecast before going out.

Sure enough, the family still had to rely on themselves.

"You also know to check the weather forecast before going out?"

Lin Yi pinched her face, "It seems that you are not very stupid."

"I'm not stupid."

"If you are really not stupid, you should think of the types of umbrellas, not only umbrellas, but also parasols."


In the afternoon, the two finally reached their destination.

The apple trees are next to each other and form a piece. The fruit trees are not very tall, but rather low.

It was after Newton was hit by this thing that he discovered gravity.

Of course the story must be false.

Unless Newton is only 1.2 meters.

As for the so-called free picking, I also encountered a small problem-the apples are not yet ripe.

Lin Yi looked at the apples on the tree with a dignified expression. Under the sun, he climbed over several hills and ran in panting, but it turned out that they were not ripe.

It's so outrageous.

Judging from this season, the apples should have been fully ripe long ago, but the ones planted here are all red Fuji.

This was something he didn't expect.

The red Fuji apple variety matures relatively late, and it has to wait until late autumn, that is, from October to November.

There is still more than a month from now.

"I think it's okay to eat uncooked."

Xiaobai stood under the tree and looked at the apples on it. The size was not bad, but the color was a little yellowish. It was similar to the apples he had eaten before, and he felt that they should be edible.

"You don't feel right. If it's not cooked yet, it will taste astringent."

"What should I do?"

"What else can I do, find a place to rest for a while and then go home."

Lin Yi didn't complain about her either, this girl was originally naive.

Standing on the mountain and looking down, wow, there are apples, or yellow apples.

When I told myself, I didn't think much about it, after all, most of the apples were already ripe at this moment, and yellow apples were also very common.

Then two idiots rushed in to pick it up, and the result was the current situation.

After all, I blame myself for not thinking carefully.

"But if we go back like this, doesn't that mean we came in vain?"

Xiao Bai was a little reconciled, she felt stupid right now, she couldn't even tell if the apples were ripe or not.

And a little bit of self-blame.

This guy was lazy and ran in with himself, but the apples were not ripe and he couldn't pick them.

"Actually, it's not in vain. Although what we did is a bit silly, it will become a good memory instead."

Lin Yi found a shady place to sit down, and ran all the way here, but he didn't pick any apples, but he couldn't go back after a while after being disappointed, and he had to get back to his book.

"It will definitely be interesting to recall it after many years. At that time, you can still tell our children about it, just say that your father and I went to pick apples on the mountain and climbed several mountains. As a result, the apples were not ripe."

"I don't want it." Xiaobai shook his head and refused, walked over and sat next to Lin Yi, grabbed the weeds on the ground and pinned them to his ears, "Just make fun of me every day, and the children will laugh at me too."

"It's okay. If he dares to laugh at you, I'll beat him up for you."

Lin Yi picked up her little hand, pressed it softly a few times, and added after thinking of something: "However, the prerequisite is a son. If it's a daughter, I can't do it."

"Don't you like your son?"

"It's not that I don't like it. I can only say that my son can handle it when he is beaten. After all, boys are more skinny, and the main thing is that they are resistant to beatings."

Lin Yi thought of his unbearable childhood again, and felt that he was particularly resistant to beatings when he was young.

After all, I was too skinny when I was a child.

"I feel sorry for being your son."

"It's not my son, it's our son." Lin Yi corrected.

"Our Son"

Xiao Bai muttered softly, feeling that these words were indescribable.

Some unexpected, but feel natural.

The wind blew, and the branches and leaves on the trees rustled.

The longer he stayed in this world, the more distant Qingqiu's memory felt from him, as if he belonged here.

The memories of being with him flashed through my mind from time to time.

Scenes, every piece is clearly remembered, as if it happened yesterday.

On the rainy night when I met him for the first time, I was still very wary of him at that time.

But such a long time has passed in a blink of an eye, and I have already let go of my guard and fell in love with him.

Now they are going to get married soon, and they are even discussing with him here about having a child in the future.

Sometimes it feels very unreal, and it feels like everything is in a dream.

"I feel unreal, like a dream." She whispered her thoughts at the moment.

"Well, I also have this feeling. It is obviously two different worlds, but I can meet you, and I can pick you up and let you be my daughter-in-law. When I think about it this way, it feels even more unreal."

Lin Yi stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, and looked up at the sky. All he could see was the scorching sun and a few white clouds drifting past.

The world in the sky has been explored by human beings for a long time. There is only the atmosphere above, and there is no heavenly palace at all.

Humans have also landed on the moon, but there is no Chang'e holding the jade rabbit on the moon, nor Wu Gang cutting down trees on the moon. There are only large and small craters on the moon.

But when she worshiped the moon, she seemed to be able to absorb the essence of the moonlight, and her body was full of radiance, giving her a dreamlike feeling.

What is the nature of the world?
Where does that mysterious Qingqiu country exist?

There is no way of knowing.

It seems that there is no such place as Qingqiu in this world. The Qingqiu that can be found only has the place name of Qingqiu. There is no fox demon or nine-tailed fox in it.

But she really came from Qingqiu, the mysterious country with fox demons and nine-tailed foxes.

As a young man in the new era who has received modern education since childhood, the more I think about these things, the more unreal they feel.

"Actually, it's useless to think about it. The more you think about it, the more unreal you feel. Reality is based on feelings. For example, I'm holding you now. This feeling is very real."


Xiao Bai responded softly, and snuggled into his arms tightly, feeling the warmth at this moment, listening to the heartbeat in his ears, inexplicably feeling extremely at ease.

Then he slowly closed his eyes without making a sound.

If all this is really a dream, I hope it is a dream that will not wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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