my fox girl

Chapter 270 This is Clearly Dried Noodles

Chapter 270 This is Clearly Dried Noodles
A beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival has turned out like this. It's not easy to look forward to such a holiday. I wanted to sleep in, but I didn't sleep well, and I got another bite.

"If it weren't for your birthday today, I would have to bite it back."

Lin Yi brought out a bowl of noodles from the kitchen and put them on the tea table, "Come on, here are the Longevity Noodles with Love I made for you."

An ordinary bowl of noodles in clear soup, with a few scallions floating on it, and two eggs nestled in it.

"Isn't this noodles?"

Xiaobai can tell at a glance that the noodles in the bowl are vermicelli, or the kind downstairs that costs five yuan a pack. When he doesn't want to cook, he cooks some tomatoes and eggs in a pot.

Economical and affordable.

"This is Love and Longevity Noodles."

"It's obviously noodles."

"Fuck you, eat quickly, you are not allowed to talk."

"What the hell..."

Xiaobai muttered softly, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles and put them in his mouth.

Before she knew it, it was the middle of autumn again, September [-]th in the Gregorian calendar and August [-]th in the lunar calendar. According to the date set last year, this day was her birthday.

If you don't count the birthday that was made up last year, this is probably her first birthday.

It is also the first time I have eaten longevity noodles. I just bought a large cake for my birthday last year.

"How is it, is it delicious?" Lin Yi asked expectantly.

"Well, it's delicious."

Xiaobai took the chopsticks and ate the noodles bit by bit. To be honest, it wasn't very tasty. It felt short of salt and a bit sour.

After all, Lin Yi's culinary skills are limited to the ability to cook food well.

But she still thought it was delicious. She couldn't tell why, but it was delicious anyway.

After eating a full bowl of noodles, my stomach is warm, and my heart is also warm, with a feeling that I can't finish it.

It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather is cooling down, and there is a cool wind blowing outside from time to time.

Xiaobai also completely changed into autumn clothes.

She was wearing an off-white long dress with a double-breasted knitted sweater, with a slender and soft waist, a sun hat on her head, her long hair hanging naturally behind her, a pair of thick-soled white shoes, and a pair of small white shoes on her shoulders. Her favorite little fox bag.

Unlike other girls, she didn't have lipstick, eye shadow or other cosmetics in her bag, only her mobile phone and tissues.

Sometimes there are several bags of snacks, such as candies, biscuits, and chocolates.

What was left were a few plastic bags, which belonged to the old employees in the bag, and the kind that would be kept in them all the time.

After all, for her, plastic bags are very useful. If you encounter eggs from the supermarket, you can just take them out and grab the wool.

"I'm going to get the certificate tomorrow, how do you feel now?"

Lin Yi helped her straighten her hair on the side of her ears and asked.

"Not in the mood."

"Don't expect it?"

"I'm not looking forward to it, it's just getting a certificate, not getting married." Xiaobai looked away and said.

In fact, I still look forward to it.

"What will other couples do after receiving their certificates?" She asked in a low voice.

"I will find a hotel to open a room, and then do happy things."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Xiaobai wrinkled his nose and wanted to hit him a little bit. This guy is just talking nonsense on the street without any shame.

"Then I really don't know what to do. Even conservative couples will have sex after receiving their certificates."

Lin Yi feels that there should be no more conservative couple in this world than them, and they are still young when they are about to get a certificate.

Saying it makes people laugh.

Just passing by a taxi, Lin Yi beckoned to stop him, took her into the car, and drove towards the playground.

There was nothing to do along the way, and he couldn't do anything too intimate, so Lin Yi grabbed her little hand and kept touching it, from the round fingertips to the slender fingers, and then touched the soft palm.

But after touching it for a long time, I always felt that something was almost there.

After thinking for a moment to come up with the answer, the difference is the sense of satisfaction.

At the beginning, my goal was nothing more than pulling the little hands, and I would be satisfied if I could touch the little hands.

Then I thought about hugging, then kissing, then I wanted to sleep together, and then I wanted to do more. Up to now, I have basically done everything I should do, and there is only one thing I love to do. .

People have bad roots, and they will never know how to be satisfied. The greed in their hearts is like a rolling stone on the top of a mountain. Once it starts, it can no longer be stopped.

Lin Yi sighed to himself for a while, and then began to look forward to when he would be able to do happy things.

How can liking this kind of thing be called greed?
This is called going further.

Only when you like her will you always want to be closer to her. This is not greed, it is derived from the most primitive impulse, and it is something engraved into DNA.

And the most intimate is nothing more than negative distance contact.

The kind with minus eighteen centimeters.

It was just in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and there were a lot of people in the amusement park. Most of them were couples with children or couples holding hands. No matter how bad it was, you had to invite a few friends to accompany you.

As for those who go alone, there are almost no such places that are full of the sour smell of love. Single dogs will definitely not come, unless they are the kind of people who naturally like to find unhappy people.

Xiaobai walked through the crowd holding Lin Yi's arm, looking around from time to time, his eyes were full of agility, and he was no longer the cowardly person he was when he first came.

She has now fully integrated into this modern society, and has obtained her own ID card, successfully infiltrating the human race.

If not for a fluffy white tail, she is basically indistinguishable from a modern girl.

"Let's go ride that." She pointed to the highest Ferris wheel.

In such a closed small space, it must be a very memorable thing to sit on this kind of thing and rise to the highest point and look down together.

At that time, you can also record your feelings and use them as material for your own novels.

That's right, she still didn't give up her intention to write novels, and even after the novels she read were banned, this idea intensified.

She will inherit the author's last wish.

When one little Huangwen falls, thousands of little Huangwens will stand up.

"There are a lot of people queuing up, and it will take a long time, and the Ferris wheel is a reserved item, so let's save it for the last time."

Although he came out to accompany her on her birthday, and logically speaking, her opinion should be respected, but Lin Yi still wanted to take a bumper car ride.

May I ask which boy would say NO to a car that can be hit?

The answer is definitely not.

Although the popularity of bumper cars cannot keep up with the three treasures of the park, the roller coaster, the carousel, and the Ferris wheel.

But there are also quite a few people in line, there are eighty if not one hundred.

"Is this one specially designed to experience car accidents?"

Standing in the waiting area, watching a group of people in the field driving cars bumping into each other, and girls screaming from time to time, Xiao Bai's expression became slightly dignified, and there was an inexplicable crisis feel.

It feels a little dangerous, what if they get hit and fly out?
She's definitely fine, at most it's just a pain, but Lin Yi doesn't have to be. If she doesn't do it, she will become a little widow.

(End of this chapter)

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