my fox girl

Chapter 271 You Crow's Mouth Said It

Chapter 271 You Crow's Mouth Said It

"Be sober, there is no future for writing novels. You stay at home and type all day long, and sometimes Calvin has to rack your brains to think about the plot. Locked in a small black room, let your hard-working writing go to waste, all for nothing."

Seeing that she was determined to write something about Liu Beiwen, Lin Yi persuaded her earnestly, "Not to mention that what you want to write is this kind of thing. I guess you won't even pass the review, and you will be blocked as soon as you write a chapter."

"No, this novel has not been blocked, and many people still read it."

"This is why this website censors funny comparisons."

Lin Yi rubbed the space between his brows, and continued to persuade: "Anyway, don't think about taking such crooked ways, and when our store opens, it's the right way to be your proprietress.

Hurry up and obediently give up this unrealistic fantasy. After we have eaten, I will tell you the linear equation in one yuan in the evening. "

"I don't want it." Xiaobai refused, and this guy knew how to urge himself to study mathematics.

Mathematics is not as interesting as writing a novel, let alone writing a novel is something I have considered.

It doesn't bother at all, and it doesn't get stuck in the plot.

As long as I adapt the things that happened between me and him, after some artistic processing, I can write a novel, and finally post it on the Internet, so that everyone who sees it will be envious.

"Okay, you can write it. Let me tell you, the outrageous things you want to write are dangerous and will violate the law. It is illegal to spread those reading materials."

Lin Yi's heart aches right now, this girl doesn't think it's enough, so she has to create it herself.

If her writing was outrageous, it would be a trivial matter if she was reported or her book blocked, and she might have to stay in the bureau for a few days.

"I'm not trying to write something outrageous."

I almost believed your nonsense.

I read this kind of novel every day, and it is a miracle that what I write is not outrageous.

Lin Yi was silent for a moment and asked, "So, what are you going to write?"

"I can't tell you yet."

Xiaobai shook her head, she hadn't started writing yet, she decided to start writing two chapters after accumulating enough experience, and then show him to surprise him.

If you say it in advance, there will definitely be no surprises.

Immediately, she thought about it and said, "But I can tell you the title of the book."

"What's the title of the book?"

"My husband surnamed Lin is very perverted."

"What the hell is this!" Lin Yi stood up suddenly, and even named someone by name, feeling offended.

It's okay to call her in private, but this girl is planning to write a book and post it on the Internet for people to read.

Can this be tolerated?

"This is not a ghost, this is the title of my novel." Xiao Bai frowned, puffing his cheeks with a displeased expression.

"I know, so this is something you are going to write that is not outrageous? I already think the title of the book is outrageous enough. As for the content, I can't even think about it."


Xiaobai didn't bother to pay attention to him, he put his mobile phone into the small pocket on his skirt, and then ran to feed the glutinous rice balls with dog food while stepping on his slippers.

This guy doesn't understand anything, and the title of his book is clearly in line with the objective facts. He is a sex critic, and he still doesn't admit it.

As soon as my book is finished, I must amaze this guy.

Lin Yi felt that what was waiting for him was not surprise, but fright.

It's a pity that I can't hold her back, now she has more and more ideas, and she is no longer the little fox demon who obeyed her when I first met, and now she still wants to write Liu Beiwen.

I still can't persuade her.

A little depressing.

Looking at it from another angle, it doesn't really matter much. Just by listening to the title of the book, one can already predict what kind of ball her work will be.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the reviewer is a funny comparison, but even if it can be uploaded to the Internet, it will definitely not last long, and it will end sooner or later.

What's more, considering how difficult it is for her to write essays, Lin Yi doesn't think she can really finish writing a novel.

Good guy, it is estimated that if she can hold back [-] words a day, she is considered bursting with inspiration.

When she realizes the difficulty of writing a novel, she will naturally give up this unrealistic idea.

No matter how bad it is, there are crabs and beasts waiting for her.


The novel Xiaobai was about to write hadn't welcomed the crab monster yet, but the next morning, the novel she was reading had already been locked in a small black room.

I was looking forward to seeing today's update, but when I opened the bookshelf, the book was gone, indicating that it had been taken off the shelf.

This kind of mood is like making a pot of braised chicken. After waiting patiently for a long time, I was about to eat it, but when I opened the lid of the pot, I found that the chicken was gone. No, it was more depressing than this.

Because she was going to see what it was like to do something like that.

A look at the author is experienced.

It can definitely be written very realistically.

But now I can't see anything.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Lin Yi who was beside her pillow. She suspected that this guy had reported her food.

Now he is still sleeping so soundly in a grand manner, like a dead dog in cold salad, he is very angry.

She reached out and pinched his nose vigorously.

"What are you doing?" Lin Yi fell into a drowsy sleep, and felt short of breath for a while, so he opened his eyes involuntarily.

"The novels I read were blocked."


Lin Yi answered vaguely, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

"You are not allowed to sleep!" Seeing his reaction, Xiaobai gritted his teeth angrily, grabbed his ear, and asked angrily, "Did you report it?"

"No, how could I do such a wicked thing."

"I don't believe it, it must be you who reported this novel, and I don't even have to read it now, so I want to bite you to vent my anger."

Seeing her opening her mouth and revealing a mouthful of small white teeth, Lin Yi woke up instantly, hugged the quilt and shrank to the foot of the bed, subconsciously covered his face with his hands, "Hey, this is all your random speculation without reason, with a little basis nothing."

"Who says I have no basis, I can't think of anyone else except you who will report it, so it must be you who did it."

"What the hell about me?" Lin Yi couldn't complain, you think it's me when you don't think of others, what kind of shit is that.

"If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse. Now that the censorship is so strict, you can't write anything below the neck. This author still writes in such detail that he is jumping repeatedly on the verge of being banned. Even if he is not blocked, he will catch up with a wave. Internet cleansing activities will definitely be the first to be locked up in a small black room.

And even if I really don't want you to read this novel, it is absolutely impossible to report others. I can't do such a wicked thing at all, so all this must be a coincidence. "

"Is that right?"


"Alright then." Xiaobai frowned and stared at him for a while, then reluctantly accepted his explanation.

Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Lin Yi hugged the quilt and lay back down again. Just as he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep for a while, he was caught off guard by her bite on the cheek.


Lin Yi took a deep breath in pain, "Didn't you tell me that it wasn't my report? Why are you still biting me?"

"Even if you didn't report it, it must have something to do with you."

"what is the relationship?"

"You crow mouth said that."

"What am I"

(End of this chapter)

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