my fox girl

Chapter 272

Chapter 272
"Experience any car accident, this is just for fun."

Seeing that it was finally their turn, Lin Yi couldn't wait to pull her into the car, first help her fasten her seat belt, and then fasten his own.

"Look, I'm Qiu Mingshan Riding God."


Xiaobai didn't say a word, she still had that dignified expression, watching a few cars coming towards them from the opposite side, she subconsciously hugged Lin Yi's arm to prevent him from being knocked into the air.


The car body vibrated violently, but nothing happened, and Lin Yi didn't fly out, and he still looked eager to try.

Although a little flustered, Xiaobai still tried his best to keep calm.


Again, nothing happened.

The tension in Xiaobai's heart gradually dissipated, and he gradually felt the excitement, and even leaned over to Lin Yi's ear and asked him to bump back.

Lin Yi readily accepted it. He had long been displeased with those little kids in the field. They didn't learn well at such a young age, and even drove with their girls.

At this age, my brother only knows how to play happily with boys, but he can't tolerate a girl in his eyes.

Simply unbearable.

They bumped into several times in a row, and when they started to be besieged, the staff over there shouted loudly with a loudspeaker, signaling for the tourists to leave the venue in an orderly manner.

When they entered the playground, they bought a package ticket, which allowed them to experience all the items.

But the bumper car can only be experienced for 10 minutes at a time. Lin Yi felt that the time was up before he got on the car. He tried to step on the accelerator a few times, laughing to death, and couldn't move at all.

Those little kids had no way to turn back, they could only watch him leave helplessly.

After getting out of the car, Xiaobai's face was still flushed with excitement, feeling very exciting.

"Let's play again."

"It's boring to play too much, let's go, I'll take you to play something more exciting."

It's not that Lin Yi doesn't want to play, the main reason is that
Thinking of this, he glanced at the few junior high school students who ran to line up again. He was already obsessed with the feeling of driving with girls at a young age.

But that's not important, what's important is that as soon as I enter the arena, these brats will definitely attack me.

Things like bumper cars are only interesting if they hit other people.

If you are under siege, you will have no gaming experience at all.

"Are we really going to play this?"

Standing on the ground, Xiaobai looked up. On the iron frame tens of meters high, there was a winding runway. There were ups and downs, and there were turns. Something that looked like a train was running around on it. go.

From time to time, there is a 360-degree big ring. The angle is so tricky that it feels like it may fall down at any time. From such a distance, you can hear the hoarse screams of the people above.

It's scary just looking at it, thousands of times scarier than the bumper car just now.

A strong sense of crisis rose, and her little face became serious.

"Well, isn't it very exciting to look at?"

Lin Yi's expression was calm, but he was also a little apprehensive. This was the first time he wanted to sit on such a wicked thing, and he was panicking now.

I just tried to hold on and didn't show tension.

But I have come here, I must try it, in short, I can't leave any regrets.
He comforted himself so in his heart.

There are not many people waiting for the roller coaster, maybe it is too exciting, few people dare to ride, or maybe there is an old man in the crowd of onlookers who has been lying.

"Fuck you young man, fuck you."

"Damn it, if you give me the money, I won't sit on it."

"Fuck, there's a marijuana flower, fuck."


There were so many shits, it attracted half of the people in the waiting area, and they all went to listen to the shit.

For more than ten minutes, whether it was long or short, it was their turn while waiting anxiously.

Lin Yi took her to sit on the second row of the roller coaster, and didn't dare to sit in the front row. It's not suitable for them to take the lead.

I also didn't go to sit in the back row. I heard that sitting in the back row is dangerous, and the snot and tears of the person in front are likely to fall on the face.

Xiaobai hugged Lin Yi's arm tightly, with a serious face as if he was facing a big enemy, and asked again very uneasy: "Are we really going to sit here?"

"It should be true, but maybe we can quit now." Looking at the criss-crossing runway in front of him, there are one after another big circles with marijuana flowers on them, Lin Yi suddenly wanted to give up riding this thing .

However, as soon as the words fell, the safety bar of the roller coaster fell down, trapping both of them inside.

"We can't go out now, what should we do?"

Xiaobai pushed hard on the safety pressure bar on his body a few times, and it felt so strong that he couldn't push it at all. He was flustered and at the same time he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's so strong it shouldn't fall off.

Don't worry about being a little widow yourself.

"What else can we do, we definitely can't quit now, we can only come in this wave, I think we should."

Lin Yi said uncertainly, "It shouldn't be too scary."

"I feel horrible."

"Well, I think so too."


The staff ran over to check the safety situation one by one, and waited for a while before the roller coaster finally started.

The speed of the car was very slow at the beginning, until it came to a steep slope of nearly [-] degrees, there was no time to react, and it dived down at an extremely fast speed.

Sitting in the second row, Lin Yi could clearly feel a strong sense of weightlessness, top-heavy, and now he regrets it.

Very sorry.

What the fuck is right, I won’t sit if I’m paid, what the fuck.

Why bother to spend money to suffer this crime, damn it.

Acceleration of gravity, accompanied by a sense of weightlessness, and a fierce wind blowing head-on, making my face hurt.

Her hands hurt, her arms hurt as well, as if she was going to break, the little fox demon tightly clutched her hands and arms, because of panic and fear, she couldn't control her strength at all.

Lin Yisheng closed his eyes helplessly, and could hear countless screams and cries in his ears.

There were also a few crying and calling for their mothers.

Sure enough, the first thing people think of when they are most afraid is their mother.

There is also Lin Yi.

This must be the little fox demon. It is really true that this girl thinks of herself first when she is most afraid.
It's a pity that I am being tortured with her at the moment.

Perhaps she also realized this, and then came Lord Fox God and Sister Xiaoyu.

Lin Yi felt that he should shout something too, but it was too shameful to call his mother, and he felt something was wrong to call him Xiaobai. After thinking for a long time, he simply called Di Jia.

Too bad he didn't turn into light.

Wrapped by weightlessness, time seemed to have lost its meaning of existence. After some time, the speed of the car finally slowed down, and the screams around were much quieter.

Getting off the car, Lin Yi's eyes darkened, his legs went limp, and he almost fell to his knees.

When I passed those large rings just now, even though I kept my eyes closed, I could still clearly feel that my head was below, and I had the illusion that my head would fall down at any moment.

And the speed of the car is extremely fast, the car is running in front, and the soul is chasing behind, a terrifying group.

Xiaobai's face was also pale, with tears in his eyes, he still didn't know what was wrong, so he could only hug Lin Yi's arm tightly.

I almost became a little widow just now, and I will never sit on such a hellish thing again.

 Thanks to book friend 161019213537688 for the 1500 points rewarded by children's shoes.

  Thanks for the 100 points rewarded by the red-nosed child thief.

  Thank you for the 100 points rewarded by the choppy Tao children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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