my fox girl

Chapter 274 You Are Called Double Standard

Chapter 274 You Are Called Double Standard

Sitting under a big tree not far from the depository.

"What are we going to play later?" Lin Yi spread out the guide map while eating a biscuit, thinking about the next entertainment project.

Things like spinning and jumping are definitely not considered. He has been spinning for a long time, and he is still a little dizzy at the moment, so he plans to ask her opinion.

"Let's go ride the Ferris wheel."

Xiaobai still misses the Ferris wheel that can spin in big circles.

"This is a reserved item. Let's wait until the end to sit. Let me tell you, this thing will glow at night and overlook the night view. It's very beautiful."

Hearing this, Xiaobai thought about the scene he described carefully, and found it very reasonable. In a small enclosed space, rising to the highest point with him overlooking the night scene, it feels really beautiful.

And the material of the novel can go further.

"Well, I listen to you."

"Then what shall we play for a while?"

"I also listen to you."

Although Lin Yi took him on a roller coaster in the underworld, Xiaobai still chose to forgive him.

"Then wander around casually, wherever you go."

Lin Yi put away the guide map. Anyway, it's still early, so there's no need to make a special decision on what to play later. Since you're here to play, you can do whatever you want.

"This bread is not tasty, I'll give it to you." Xiaobai handed him the half-eaten bread in his hand, and turned to find other things from his backpack.

"I told you when I bought it that something as long as a pizza must not be very tasty."

Lin Yi took it and took a bite. Sure enough, the taste was very complex, with sweetness mixed with salty taste, and a bit of spicy taste.

Overall evaluation, the taste is very evil.

"But it looks good."

"The fancy ones are unpalatable."

"Anyway, I don't want to eat and you help me eat, so what's the matter if we try."

Xiao Bai dug out another bag of potato chips from his bag, opened it and stuffed it into his mouth with a confident expression on his face.

"It's true what you said."

Lin Yi stopped chewing.

"you dislike me."

"No, how could I dislike you."

Lin Yi finished the bread in two bites. This kind of evil food must be eaten quickly, otherwise the taste buds will show great protest.

"I knew you wouldn't dislike me." Xiaobai looked around and kissed him quickly, "This is a reward for your kiss."

"The potato chip residue from your mouth hurts my face. What kind of reward is this?" Lin Yi wiped his face, feeling a little unbalanced, and leaned over to kiss her.

"There are so many people here, you don't know how to be ashamed at all."

"You are called double standard, obviously you kissed me first."

"I'm different."

Xiao Bai wrinkled his nose, and retorted, "I checked in advance, and I kissed when I saw that no one was paying attention to our side."


Lin Yi couldn't complain about her upright appearance.

This girl is really becoming more and more like a modern girl, not only learned to act like a baby, but also learned to be picky eaters.

Now I have learned to use strong words to make sense.

It's very sad.

I am afraid that in the future, I will have to learn to fight back.

No, she has already learned this, and many times she will choose to blame herself.

"You open it for me."

"Can't you open it by yourself?" Seeing the Coke she handed over, Lin Yi was a little puzzled, but he still took it to help her open the tab.

"I saw in the video that a drink opened by your boyfriend will taste better, and it can also reflect your boyfriend power."

Xiaobai took the Coke, brought it to his mouth and took a sip, feeling the carbonic acid bubbles explode on the tip of his tongue, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This stuff is delicious.

And the one he helped to open really tastes better than the previous one.

I don't know why.

Take another sip, um, it's still delicious.

She didn't quite understand why those people said that the first sip of Coke was worth [-] yuan, was it because it didn't taste good except for the first sip?

But obviously every sip is delicious.

"Boyfriend strength is not manifested in this way. It is hissing on the bed." Lin Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and changed his words: "I mean hugging you to sleep on the bed, so that you can feel a full sense of security."


Xiaobai let go of his hand with a soft snort, and this guy will quibble, that's definitely not what he wanted to say at first.

However, being hugged by him to sleep is really reassuring, and I feel very safe and happy.

Is this the embodiment of boyfriend power?

Then what to say after getting married.

Is your husband strong?

It feels a little out of touch.

Or do as the Romans do, and call him Lao Li, although this is a bit awkward.

Thinking about it, the corners of her mouth could not help but slightly curl up.

After eating, the two re-stored their bags, and continued to study the next project to play along the map.

Passing by a shop facing the street, there are all kinds of game equipment inside, such as basketball shooting, VR experience hall, claw machine, and a very retro entertainment project, Hercules game machine.

It is to give you a large rubber hammer and let you smash it with a rounded arm. The highest score is [-] points, and there are other different points. The corresponding points can be used to receive corresponding things.

Of course, most people will definitely not get full marks, and those who have practiced are also very difficult. Basically, three to four hundred points already belong to the category of strongmen.

There are also a variety of things behind the equipment, basically all kinds of plush toys, handicrafts of porcelain bottles and crock pots, and cartoon pillows and so on.

Next to it are the prizes corresponding to each score, [-] points will give you a keychain, [-] points can choose a small vase, and [-] points can choose a pillow or a small doll.

As for the full score, you can choose three things to take away, including the oversized plush doll over there, but if you choose the large plush doll, you can only choose one.

50 yuan for one drop.

The price is much more expensive than outside. After all, this is in an amusement park, and the rent of the venue will definitely be more expensive.

At this time, a strong man was swinging a sledgehammer in front of the equipment. He was big and round, weighing at least three hundred catties.

Standing next to him was an equally strong chubby man. Judging by their stature, the two must be father and son.

Afterwards, the father raised his arm and yelled eighty, then slammed it down with a bang.

The indicator lights of the equipment climbed steadily, and finally reached a score of more than 400, just a little short of the full score.

The strong man turned his head to look at his chubby son, the two whispered several times, and tried several times in a row, but it was a pity that they worked hard, then weakened and exhausted.

The next few times did not reach the full score, and even failed to hit [-] points once.

There was no other way, the father and son could only hold a few things and leave happily.

It seems that it is really difficult for this device to get full marks.

But Lin Yi looked indifferent. Now that the little fox demon has mana in his body, it's like opening a hook. It must be easy to score full marks.

"If we went to play once, do you think we should choose three things, or a large doll?"

"Why don't we just take that big dog and give it to Tangyuan as a gift."

Lin Yi looked in the direction of her finger, and saw an oversized toy husky.

"This dog is a bit big, and it's inconvenient to hold it."

"It's okay, can't it be stored in a locker?"


(End of this chapter)

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