my fox girl

Chapter 275 I think you are making things difficult for me

Chapter 275 I think you are making things difficult for me
The staff at the side almost laughed out loud when they heard their discussion, and with the figures of these two people, let alone a perfect score, even if they could score [-] points, he would broadcast live and wash his hair upside down.

I've seen people who choose target 3 before playing, but I haven't seen people who think about this kind of thing as soon as they come.

I'm afraid these two people are a little different.


The staff member coughed twice, trying to hold back his smile, walked over and said, "You two, would you like to play?"

"No." Lin Yi shook his head, stretched out two fingers and said, "Let's play two games."

The big dog took it back and gave it to the glutinous rice balls, and then brought a vase to plant flowers, two pillows, one for each person.



"As long as you get full marks, it's fine, right?"

Xiaobai held a rubber sledgehammer in his hand, with an eager expression on his face, and began to condense mana in his hand.

I didn't expect to meet a kind person here again. Is this the benefit of celebrating your birthday?

"Yes, if you hit full marks, you can choose three of them, but you can only get one of the large dolls."

The staff suppressed a smile to explain the rules, and continued to be happy in their hearts. After thinking about it, they reminded them intimately: "You can let your boyfriend score it. It is difficult for us to score full marks in this project with the strength of a girl."

"No, she is much stronger than me." Lin Yi waved his hand.


Hearing this, the staff was stunned, looked at the two of them one by one, looked at Lin Yi's serious expression, and finally came to an evaluation that he was weak.

A little want to laugh, and suddenly very sad.


The indicator light climbed steadily, reaching the peak directly, and then a burst of music sounded.


The staff subconsciously uttered a sound and rubbed their eyes in disbelief. Is this machine broken?

Or is it that this woman grew up eating Dali pills? .

What a joke.

Such a petite body looks soft and weak, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with Dali Wan.

Furthermore, even if a strong man who took Dali pills were to come over, he would basically not be able to score full marks.

After all, the hammer is made of rubber, which is relatively light and difficult to borrow.

It does seem to be a problem with the machine being broken.

When these two people are finished smashing, check it quickly.


The indicator light reached the highest point again, and the cheering music sounded again.

"Can I take it?" Xiaobai put the hammer back to its original place and turned around to ask.

"Uh, yes." The staff handed over the things they asked for with a look of suspicion, with a hesitant expression on their faces.

"Whether we want to smash it again, I think it's very interesting."

Xiaobai hugged the large husky doll in his arms, and looked at the equipment in front of him with some reluctance.

It's hard to meet a kind person once, so I should get some more wool.

"Let's have a good time, otherwise we won't be able to take too many things."

Lin Yi held the vase and the pillow in his hands, saw the staff on the side look embarrassed, and called out to help him out.


Seeing the two leave, the staff couldn't wait to pick up the rubber hammer and smash it hard on the equipment.

The indicator light came on for a moment and stayed on the 120-point unit.

Unbelievable, try again, round your arms, bang, one hundred and three.

The staff started to mess around in the wind. They turned around to look at the two of them going away, and could still faintly hear their conversation.

"I didn't dare to use too much mana just now. I was afraid of smashing the machine, but fortunately, it hit [-] points."

"What you scored was not five hundred points, but full marks."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. Others can score more than 400 points because his strength can only score so many points, but you are different. The reason why you can score [-] points is because the machine's full score is only [-] points... ..”

"Damn it, this beep pretends."

The staff looked like shit, feeling that there were thousands of alpacas galloping wantonly in their hearts.

This is the national weightlifting team.

But what the hell is this mana?

Is it popular to call power mana now?

Without delving into this question, he turned around and glanced at the machine again, then took out his phone from his pocket, opened the Douyin interface, and started shooting short videos.

"Tiezi, come to my live broadcast room at [-] o'clock tonight, I will perform a handstand shampoo for you, we will see you soon."

"Are we really going to give this big dog to Tangyuan?"

"Why, are you reluctant?"

"Well, I think if you give this big dog to Tangyuan, it will probably be bitten by it again."

Xiaobai remembered the plush toy he gave to the dog last time. Every day he ran around with glutinous rice balls in his mouth, and even got bitten by it twice. It became tattered within a week.

"Then don't give it to him, let's put him on the bed." Seeing the little fox demon hugging such a big dog, Lin Yi felt very cute.

I'm also a little bit reluctant, the dog at home is in the period of grinding his teeth, and wants to bite everything he sees.

It is better to put it on the bed, but there are too many dolls on the bed, which will inevitably have some influence.

Many times, the dolls are thrown on the floor when I wake up in the morning.

Maybe buy a display case just for dolls.

"Then what shall we give the glutinous rice balls?"

"It's easy to say. In two days, let's buy some spare ribs and stew them, and then save the leftover bones for the glutinous rice balls. It will definitely be very happy."

Turning back to the entrance, I planned to stuff the big dog, pillows and other bits and pieces into the locker, but unfortunately the locker was too small to fit in, so I had to throw it at the tourist service center.

Fortunately, they have this business, otherwise I really don't know where to put it.

Wandering around the playground until the evening, until the last ray of the setting sun dissipated in the sky, they came under the Ferris wheel.

At this time, the lanterns are just beginning to come on, a full moon gradually appears, and the whole playground is lit up with colorful lights.

Even the Ferris wheel was shining brilliantly. One after another, the small carriages were hung on the big wheel, slowly rising up with the rotation of the wheel, and finally slowly coming down again.

The speed is very slow. If you want to go up, you don’t need to stop the Ferris wheel deliberately. Just stand in the waiting area, wait until a carriage turns to the bottom, and go straight up. It’s very convenient.

There are seats for four people inside. Seeing a young couple going in, Lin Yi led her and consciously waited for the next carriage.

Anyway, there is still space, there is no need for four people to sit together, whether they recognize each other or not, it will be awkward for two couples to get together.

When the next carriage got off, the two of them entered the carriage, and as soon as the door was closed, Xiao Bai couldn't wait to lie on the window to watch the night view outside. As the Ferris wheel rose higher and higher, the distant scenery could be seen in full view.

Right now, she felt that what Lin Yi said was right. The Ferris wheel only felt like sitting at night. All kinds of bright lights lit up the night scene of the city.

"It's so beautiful here." She couldn't help but sigh.

"You can use more descriptive words, instead of simply saying something beautiful after holding back for a long time."

Lin Yi didn't look out the window, his eyes kept falling on her, he was more willing to look at her than to look at the scenery.


Xiao Bai glanced at him sideways, but said nothing, this guy is definitely trying to make things difficult for me, little fox demon.

(End of this chapter)

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