my fox girl

Chapter 279 I Only Want You

Chapter 279 I Only Want You
"I know you are very thin-skinned and a little ashamed to speak, but I still want to ask you again."

As he spoke, Lin Yi held up her soft white hand, put the ring on her middle finger gently, then looked up at her and asked, "I love you, will you marry me?"

"I, I will."

Xiaobai was crying, but there was always a little smile in her eyes. She bit her lips tightly and tried hard to hold back her tears. Then she looked at him with red eyes, sobbed and repeated: "I, I would like to marry you."

Seeing her crying pear blossoms with rain, Lin Yi quickly stood up and hugged her into his arms, patted her on the back gently, and comforted her softly: "Hey, don't cry, don't cry, look at me Didn't cry."

"I, I don't want to cry, but I just can't help it."

Xiaobai snuggled her body tightly into his arms, sniffled her nostrils, and said angrily, "It's all your fault. You clearly said you didn't need to propose marriage, but you insisted. I cried for so long before I even ate the cake."

"Yes, it's all my fault." Lin Yi lowered his head and kissed away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and asked softly, "Then can we eat cake now?"

"I do not want."

Xiaobai stretched out his arms and hugged his waist tightly, buried his head in his embrace and rubbed it lightly a few times, like a delicate kitten.

Then she looked at the curtain on the wall with some confusion in her eyes. Although she had seen every photo shown here, she still couldn't help but want to see it.

While watching, the screen on the curtain suddenly jumped, and then the screen went black.

"Is this broken?"

"No, this is also a video, which is another surprise."

Hearing this, Xiaobai raised his slightly red and swollen eyes, and said, "But you have prepared a lot of surprises today, I, I'm afraid and want to cry again."

"Then I'm going to turn off the projector."

"No." Xiaobai shook his head again and again, raised his eyes and asked, "What kind of surprise is this?"

"a song."

Hearing this, Xiao Bai's heart sank, and he asked in a panic, "Did you sing it?"

She thought again of the fear that had been dominated by that song.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted Lin Yi to turn off the projector.

"That's for sure. If I didn't sing it, who else could sing it?"

Seeing her nervous expression, Lin Yi stretched out his hand to pinch her face, "Don't worry, I've recorded this song many times, I'm sure it will satisfy you."

When he went to record a song earlier, he discovered a very frightening thing.

Every lyric I sang was out of tune, and every song didn't follow the score.

It belongs to the unreliable and out-of-the-ordinary kind.

At first, he even suspected that the people in the recording studio had secretly changed his singing voice, otherwise how could it be so ugly.

The people in the recording studio also wondered, this guy's voice is full of magnetism when he speaks, why is he tone deaf when he sings, it's like crying a grave.

Later, after repeated auditions, Lin Yi also turned on the recording function of his mobile phone.

He finally accepted that his singing was ugly.

Then there is repeated practice.

Being guided to practice vocalization and singing skills, it took a whole week before I finally finished recording this song.

The curtain was lit up, and Lin Yi's figure appeared on the screen. His hair was neatly arranged, and he even put on a white suit. With a microphone in his hand, he walked to a high chair and sat down.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little late, um. Let me guess what happened. Now that the marriage proposal has been completed, you were very moved, crying, and threw yourself into my arms for comfort. That's it. ?"

He put his mouth in front of the microphone, his expression was very serious when he spoke, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"That's not true." Xiaobai wrinkled his nose, looked at Lin Yi on the screen and retorted: "Obviously you took the initiative to hug me."

"Of course, it's also possible that I took the initiative to hug you."


"But no matter what, you must be hugged by me now."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he fixed the microphone on the microphone stand in front of the chair, and pulled out a guitar from under the chair.
"You may be surprised when you see this thing, because you haven't seen me play the guitar, don't believe me, I really can play, but the level is a bit low.

At first I planned to find someone to play for me, but I felt that this was not enough to express my singing voice, so I found someone to learn guitar for a while, and now I can play it well, I dare not call it professional Standard, but amateur play is still no problem. "

"I do not believe."

"If you don't believe me, listen."

Lin Yi on the screen was talking, stretched out his hand and gently plucked the strings of the qin, and the melodious sound of the qin sounded, "Isn't it nice?"


"You will definitely say no against your will, but it doesn't matter, because I also found two accompanists."

With that said, Lin Yi clapped his hands, the door behind him was pushed open, and two women came in.


Xiaobai fell silent, couldn't help raising his eyes to see the guy who was hugging him, and then continued to look at the screen.

Come to the conclusion that this guy is more annoying on screen than in reality.

"You're fine, don't take my word for it." Lin Yi couldn't help but said.

"I didn't pick you up, I picked up his."

"But isn't he me?"


Xiaobai was silent, he had to admit this fact, and continued to look at the curtain.

in the screen.

Of the two accompaniment women, one sat directly in front of the piano after entering the door, and the other rested the violin on his neck. Lin Yi continued to sit on the high chair with the guitar in his hand.

"These two are teachers in our school, they both teach music. One's surname is Xia, named Xia Yuelin, and the other's surname is Li, named Li Ru."

"En." Xiaobai responded softly, looking at Xia Yuelin who was playing the piano on the screen, wondering what she was thinking.

Soon, Lin Yi on the screen began to gently pluck the strings in his hand, mixed with the sound of the piano and the melodious sound of the violin, singing sounded.

Find the sun in a windless place

Be a warm sun in your cold place

Personnel rush
you are always naive
the rest of my life
I only want you
Somewhat unexpectedly, the singing voice is not the usual tone-deaf, and it can even be said to be very nice.

Singing softly, the standard folk singing method, the singing voice is very light and a little low.

Xiaobai stared blankly at the curtain, her eyes a little dazed, she always felt that Lin Yi on the screen seemed to be able to see herself, as if she had crossed the barrier of the screen and was looking at herself.

And when she heard the phrase "For the rest of my life, I only want you", her heart trembled.

I can't tell what it feels like, I just feel that my eyes have become sore again.

The rest of the life

Blizzard is you
plain is you
Poverty is also you

Ronghua is you
The tender heart is you

also you

There is no complicated transition, and the singing voice has always been light and deep, but it has the most sincere feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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