my fox girl

Chapter 280 I Don't Want To Make You Feel Regretful

Chapter 280 I Don't Want To Make You Feel Regretful

After the song was sung, Lin Yi stopped plucking the strings on the screen, and then the curtain gradually went out, and the living room fell into darkness again, except for the bright moonlight outside the window.

Lin Yi lowered his head, gently pinched her fair and tender face, and asked warmly, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Well, that's the best song I've ever heard."

After all, Xiaobai raised his face, looked at Lin Yi with some red and swollen eyes, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "What is the relationship between that woman who plays the piano and you?"

Out of female instinct, when she was watching just now, she always felt that the way Xia Yuelin who played the piano looked at Lin Yi was not quite right.

"Didn't I tell you? She is my colleague who teaches music. Her name is Xia Yuelin. It's the most common colleague relationship."

Lin Yi looked at her reluctant little face, and stretched out his hands to pinch her cheek, "There's nothing to be jealous about, I'm just asking someone for a favor."

"Yes, but I think this Xia Yuelin likes you."

"Well, she does like me a little bit."

Lin Yi hesitated to admit it. He also felt that Xia Yuelin must have taken a fancy to his talent and appearance. Last year, he even offered 10 yuan to invite him to pretend to be her boyfriend, but unfortunately he refused.

This is called falling flowers intentionally following the flowing water, while flowing water has no intention of falling in love with the falling flowers.

"Then do you like her?"

Hearing that the little fox demon's tone was strange, even slightly trembling, and through the moonlight outside the window, he could still see her worried expression, so Lin Yi couldn't help tightening his arms and hugging her even tighter. .

Then he stroked her back and said softly: "I don't like it, I only like you."

Xiao Bai didn't say a word, put his arms around his neck, stood on tiptoe, and then pressed his lips against it.

After a long time, she gently brushed his cheek with her warm fingers, and said with a very serious face: "You will always be mine, and no one can take it away."

"Yes, I will always be yours."

Lin Yi couldn't help scratching the tip of her nose, and asked, "Then did you swear your sovereignty by kissing me just now? I want to prove that I have been an inseparable part of you since ancient times."


Seeing her nodding, Lin Yi's mouth curled up slightly, and he leaned into her ear and whispered, "It's not so easy to take an oath of sovereignty, one kiss is not enough, you have to be more direct, that's it."


Xiaobai's lips parted slightly, he struggled for a long time, bit his lips lightly, then leaned into his ear with a blushing face and whispered softly.


Hearing her words, Lin Yi didn't react too much, and couldn't suppress his heartbeat for a moment.

I just wanted to tease her, but this
To be honest, he felt a little unreal.

"Is what you said true?"


After a long while, there was a soft hum, which was barely audible.

"Then shall we go to the bedroom now?" Lin Yi subconsciously glanced at the bedroom and asked.


Hearing this, Xiaobai's heart trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he felt that it was inappropriate, then looked at the cake on the coffee table, and said in a very small voice: "We haven't eaten the cake yet, and we haven't taken a bath yet. .”

At this moment, she felt flustered and scared, and she was a little hesitant and entangled.

I feel like I was with him without getting married. There is also a small sense of loss.


Lin Yi felt that his mood was not right at the moment. He should have expected it, but he felt an inexplicable sense of tension.

After all, it was the eldest girl who went to the kang, bah, it was the first time that the eldest girl got on the sedan chair.

I don't know what it feels like, will it hurt?

Probably not.

I've never heard of men getting it too.

But women seem to be different.

I heard it will be painful.

To be honest, he was a little hesitant and felt unbearable.

After eating the cake in silence, I didn't eat much of the three-tiered cake, and there was more than half of it left.


Seal the cake with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator. Lin Yi turned around and looked at the little fox demon sitting on the sofa. He asked, "Aren't you going to take a bath?"

"I..." Xiaobai looked up at him, then quickly lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "You, wash first."

"Well, our house has two bathrooms, I think we can wash at the same time."


There was another long silence. Lin Yi watched her move into the master bedroom step by step, slowly. Just by looking at her, she could tell that she was struggling.

And Lin Yi also walked into the bathroom in the living room very tangled.

He turned on the shower and tested the water temperature. He was about to take off his clothes when he heard the phone ding-dong in his pocket. He took it out and saw that it was a message from the group with my three sons.

"My brother advises you, pay attention to restraint, and be careful of your body being hollowed out."

"take care."

"There is nothing to say, I wish you a good pregnancy."

If it was normal, Lin Yi would definitely reply when he saw such news, but now he can only silently put his phone in his pocket.

Because he is really likely to be hollowed out.

After taking a shower for a long time, he changed into his pajamas and walked into the master bedroom. There was no sign of her on the bed, and the sound of water in the bathroom had stopped, but the light was on.

Obviously, this girl didn't dare to come out.

Lin Yi didn't knock on the door either, but sat at the end of the bed, looking in the direction of the bathroom and waiting quietly.

I don't know how long it has passed, and finally there is a click, and the little fox demon comes out of the bathroom, blushing uncontrollably on his cheeks, like a timid fawn.

Seeing Lin Yi sitting at the end of the bed looking at him, he couldn't help but pause, and stood there with his head down, without moving.

"Are you afraid?"


Hearing this, Lin Yi walked over and picked her up by the waist, holding her in his arms like a princess.

Xiao Bai's body tensed subconsciously, but he didn't struggle, he just closed his eyes tightly and put his head in his arms.

Lin Yi gently placed her on the bed, kissed her on the forehead, then turned around and turned off the lights in the room, locked the door, and drew the curtains tightly.

The entire master bedroom suddenly went dark.

Xiao Bai was so ashamed that he didn't dare to open his eyes, he bit his lips tightly, and then he only felt the bed shaking slightly, then a pair of arms wrapped himself in his arms, and touched his shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, there was a chill on his body, and his nightgown was peeled off, and then he felt a hand gently rubbing against his body, and every time it passed a piece of skin, it brought a shiver.

After a while, she heard Lin Yi whispering in her ear: "Do you really want to hand you over to me tonight?"

After gradually getting used to the darkness just now, Lin Yi could vaguely see the expression on her face, nervous, flustered, apprehensive, expecting everything, and even a little bit disappointed.

This made him hesitate, that's why he asked this question.


In the darkness, Xiao Bai responded softly, her voice trembling slightly, and then she stretched out her arms to wrap around Lin Yi's neck, and said softly: "I, I like you."

Hearing this, Lin Yi suppressed the throbbing in his heart, rolled over, kissed her on the cheek, and said softly: "I like you too, so I decided to save this matter for when we get married, I don't want you to feel Pity."

After finishing speaking, he hugged the weak little fox demon in his arms tightly, and before she could speak, he found her lips and pressed them against her.

(End of this chapter)

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