my fox girl

Chapter 288 You Can't Imagine What I Will Do To You

Chapter 288 You Can't Imagine What I Will Do To You

Lin Yi looked at the closed bedroom door and silently counted the time in his heart.

Sure enough, in less than 10 minutes, the door was pushed open again, and a small head poked out from behind the door. Her face looked like nothing had happened, and she urged, "Come in and sleep."

"You call my husband and I will go."


Hearing this, Xiaobai was silent for a while, and closed the door with a bang as a response, and even locked it twice.

Seeing this, Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat, it's broken, he shouldn't have been a bitch just now, if he had known it earlier, he would have gone in first and let her yell later.

Thinking of this, he quickly got off the chair, picked up the glutinous rice balls that were sleeping under the chair, stuffed the dog into the kennel, and then ran to the bedroom door and knocked on the door.


"Open the door quickly, it's very cold outside, I'll catch a cold after sleeping all night."

"You can turn on the air conditioner."


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said, "Turning on the air conditioner costs electricity."


Seeing that she was speechless, Lin Yi walked around the door twice and asked, "Do you still remember that ghost movie we watched?
There is someone under the bed, you sleep until midnight, a pale hand suddenly appears from under the bed, grabbing your ankle, this hand is cold, like ice, and then"

"you shut up!"

Xiaobai gritted his teeth angrily, subconsciously retracted his feet into the quilt, and felt uneasy, so he wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, only then did he feel a little safer.

After a while, I didn't hear Lin Yi's words, so I couldn't help shouting towards the door: "Are you still there?"


There was only silence in response, and the quiet atmosphere made her nervous, and she shouted again: "Lin Yi."



"Hey, I'm here."


Xiaobai wanted to hit him angrily, this guy definitely did it on purpose.

"Daughter-in-law, open the door quickly." Lin Yi continued to knock on the door.

"not open!"

"Pale hands stretched out from under the bed, grabbed your feet, and then a woman covered in blood crawled onto your bed."


Lin Yi leaned on the door to listen to the movement inside. Seeing that there was no sound, he decided to change his strategy, turned around and walked to the kennel, put his head in through the hole, looked at the dog inside and said, "Tangyuan, let's sleep tonight." Let's go together, I think your kennel is quite warm."


"If you agree, you can bark twice." Lin Yi patted Tangyuan's head with his hands, signaling the dog to shout quickly.

"Wang Wang."


Hearing the sound of the door opening, Lin Yi struggled to get his head out of the dog hole. Looking back, the little fox demon was standing behind him, staring at him angrily with a puffy face.

"Do you sleep or not?"

"Sleep, sleep, sleep, of course."


Following her into the bedroom, Lin Yi closed the door casually and locked it twice. Then, taking advantage of her inattention, he walked over quickly, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other around her leg.


Xiaobai only had time to let out an exclamation, and his whole body was hugged in his arms, and he subconsciously asked, "You, what are you doing?"

"Heh, why are you asking?"

Lin Yi walked to the bed with a sneer, threw her on the bed, then leaned on him, looked down at her and said, "Call me husband."

"Don't even think about it!"

"If you don't ask me, I will take off your clothes."


Xiaobai let out a soft snort, expressing disdain for his threat, and even took off his clothes. He was able to take off his clothes before because he was willing to let him take them off. If he didn't want to, it would be impossible.

Seeing her disdainful expression, Lin Yi immediately felt offended, and reached out to hook her shoulder straps. The next moment, she pressed her backhand on the bed.


Lin Yi struggled a few times, unable to move at all, and chose to give up, "Go to sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow."

The little fox demon who was soft and weak at the beginning, with only enough mana to light a cigarette, is gone forever, and now he is just like a violent loli.

Really tired.

Lin Yi felt that his family status had plummeted, and that he could no longer keep his position as the head of the family. In the future, he would only be a head higher than Tangyuan.

"I don't, your name is husband."

What a shame and humiliation, I can't bear it.

Lin Yi suddenly became angry from his heart, and the evil turned to his gallbladder, and he felt infinite power springing from his body.

It was just a kite turned over, but did not turn over, Kuixing kicked and fought, her legs were pressed by her, unable to move, he simply turned his face away, choosing to die rather than surrender.

"Hurry up, or I'll take your clothes off."


The roles were reversed, Lin Yi was silent for a while, and asked, "Are you interested?"

This girl spoke all her own words.

It's so outrageous.

"Interesting, hurry up and call."

"Oh, you think I'll scream... Hissing pain, don't pinch it, you can't afford it, can you?"


Lin Yi closed his eyes in humiliation, and muttered indistinctly, "Husband."

"Speak louder, I can't hear you clearly."

"I'm so hissing. Husband."

"My daughter-in-law is so good."

Xiao Bai kissed him, then lay down contentedly, covered himself with the quilt, and helped his daughter-in-law cover it too.

Lin Yi looked hopeless, feeling that he was not clean, not clean in spirit.

That door has been breached, and pure joy can never return.

"What's the matter with you, daughter-in-law, are you unhappy?"

Seeing Lin Yi's expression, Xiao Bai put his arms around his neck, "Come on, husband, give me a hug."


Lin Yi almost shed tears of humiliation.

"If you don't have magic power, you can't even imagine what I will do to you."

"what will you do?"

"I will press you on the bed and spank you hard." Lin Yi said with his head sideways, but he couldn't beat him again and again, so he could only live off his mouth addiction and barely maintain his life.

"But it's a pity that I have mana, so you are the one who gets spanked." Xiao Bai reached out and groped under the blanket, turned Lin Yi over and let him lie on the bed.

Then there was a slap, Lin Yi was careless, didn't dodge, and was humiliated and spanked.

"Are you satisfied?"


"Then go to sleep, good night."

Lin Yi turned his body back, lay flat on the bed, looked at the ceiling and let out a long breath.

No, I have to find a way to regain my family status.

At least the title of husband cannot be lost.

The night light by the bed was turned off with a snap, and the room was suddenly dark.

After being quiet for a while, Xiao Bai turned over slightly, stretched out his little feet and hooked his legs and rubbed them lightly.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yi asked, opening his eyes.

"Aren't you holding me?"

"You are my husband now, you should hug me."

"Then I'm not a husband anymore."

Xiaobai squeezed her body into his arms, seeing that he didn't respond, she said coquettishly, "Hurry up and hug me."

"You call me husband, and I'll hug you."


Hearing her waxy voice, Lin Yi felt his heart tremble suddenly, as if it was about to melt.

Not satisfied at the same time.

Finally got my husband's name back.

He stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and kissed her on the cheek, "My wife is so good, good night."


Xiao Bai responded lightly, then curled up his legs, retracted his whole body into his arms, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes satisfied.

I feel very at ease.

After a while, she quietly opened her eyes again, looked up at him, and whispered, "Good night, husband."

(End of this chapter)

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