my fox girl

Chapter 289 Do You Really Like Me?

Chapter 289 Do You Really Like Me?
The beginning of winter has passed, and the weather is getting colder.

A new jewelry store opened at the entrance of the community. The signboard on the door is very strange. There is a cute little fox's head printed on it, and there are engraved words called Qingqiu Little Fox's House.

On the far right, there are three words of jewelry store printed, but these three words are so small that you can't read them clearly unless you look carefully.

He had just turned on the heat recently, and the heating inside the store was also hot. Xiao Bai was wearing a thick skirt, a pair of white velvet knee socks on his legs, and the little boots were also made of cotton.

It looks very warm.

But even so, she still shrank her whole body behind the counter, a small ball, with her little hands in her hands.

Lin Yi walked in from the door and was about to take off his coat when he suddenly saw a piece of A4 paper taped to the door and asked, "Why are you sticking this on the door?"

After that, he stretched out his hand to pull.

"You do not want"

Xiaobai was about to stop him, but before he finished speaking, Lin Yi tore the A4 paper off. He turned the paper over, and there were some crooked words written on it with a black carbon pen: This is the jewelry store , do not sell foxes.

"Someone wants to buy you?"

Lin Yi didn't understand what this meant for a while, he looked around the store, scanned the shelves one by one, and finally fell on her. It seemed that there was only such a fox in the store.

The premise is that if the fox demon is also a fox.

"No, several people came in today and asked me how the fox was sold."

"So you put up a piece of paper to remind me?"

Lin Yi looked down at the black words on the paper again, and finally understood.

"Well, I think there is something wrong with the signboard design of our house. The three characters for jewelry store are too small, and many people can't read them clearly. They think we are a pet store selling foxes."

Xiao Bai wrinkled his nose, leaned his head on the counter, and said with a sullen face.

Those who look forward to the stars and the moon are waiting for the business to come to the door. After a lot of difficulty, they wait for a few people to come, and it turns out that they come in to buy foxes.

I was very disappointed, and I still felt a little uncomfortable.

Although strictly speaking, foxes are not of the same kind as her, she was born with a human body and a fox tail, belonging to the demon clan.

And the fox is just a simple animal.

But when I think of foxes being bought and sold in this world, I still feel sympathetic.

"It's okay, just buy a fluorescent board and put it at the door. I'll just stick this piece of paper in the past two days and make do with it."

Lin Yi looked at the childish handwriting on the paper, and threw the paper into the trash can with some disgust.

"what are you doing?"

"Your writing is too ugly, I'll help you write a new one."

Lin Yi sat next to her, took out a pen and paper from the drawer, and wrote a few big characters in flamboyant characters: This shop deals in accessories and gifts, not foxes.

Pick up the paper and take a look, um, very satisfied.

He pasted the paper behind the door, turned around and said: "When you go back at night, remember to practice the copybook for half an hour."

I don't ask her to write well, at least she has to write correctly, what's the matter with crooked, it will lose the identity of the future little rich woman.

"I do not."

Xiaobai stood up, stepped on her little boots, and ran to water her own flowers. Several flower pots were arranged in a row. She moved them from home and put them in the store to decorate the environment. Picked a few beautiful ones.

It’s not good for the baby, I will serve it every day at home, and I can’t treat it badly when I bring it to the store.

"This is the bouquet of flowers I gave you some time ago?"

Lin Yi looked at her watering the flowers, and his expression was a bit strange. He had sent flowers to the little fox demon several times before, but the flowers in the bouquet were not easy to survive, and they basically couldn't hold up in a vase. one week.

Every time the little fox demon saw this situation, she felt very distressed. Seeing this, Lin Yi simply gave her a few bouquets of artificial flowers.

It's not the kind of industrial assembly line product, it's a very high-end kind, no matter the smell or feel is similar to real flowers.

But no matter how real the imitation is, it is a little different from the real flower.

It's just that I didn't expect that after such a long time, this girl has not discovered that these are actually fake flowers.

"Well, you sent it."


Lin Yi was hesitant to say what he wanted to say, but this girl watered her so carefully every day and waited on her carefully.

If she knew that it was a fake flower, she would definitely be ashamed and angry, after all, watering a fake flower is a silly act.

"Actually what?"

"Well, it's nothing."

Lin Yi coughed a few times, and changed the subject, "I asked someone to help you get a technical secondary school degree, and you don't need to go to school. You can get the certificate after one year."

"Then I don't need to study any more?"

Xiaobai was a little excited. Since she could get a certificate without even going to school, it meant that she didn't need to study. She felt that a better tomorrow was beckoning to herself.

"Sorry, I got you this certificate so that you can take the adult college entrance examination in the future, so you still have to study, at least you have to get a college diploma."


Xiaobai's excited expression immediately dissipated, feeling that the beautiful tomorrow has become far away again, he lowered his head and continued watering the flowers.

"Then when I get my junior college diploma, do I still need to study?" She suddenly asked.

"When the time comes, it's up to you. If you want to learn, you can learn, if you don't want to learn, don't learn."

Lin Yi made a little estimate. Although the junior college diploma in the Chengkao is not very good, if she can really get this diploma, she basically has the knowledge level of a modern person who has received nine years of compulsory education.

Almost enough.

After all, the purpose of letting her study is not to get a diploma, or this is only a small part of the reason, the main purpose is to let her broaden her horizons through learning, so that she can better communicate with this society.

"Well, I can definitely pass the exam."

Seeing her full of motivation, Lin Yi unconsciously sighed, not knowing how many more days she would be able to hold on with this motivation.

Let's do it.

After Xiaobai watered a few artificial flowers, he felt that the flowers were a little more colorful, so he was very satisfied.

I feel that I really have the talent to grow flowers. If I don't open a jewelry store, I can definitely make money as a flower shop owner.

Putting the kettle back in place, she stepped on her little boots and ran into the counter again, ignoring the empty seat next to her, lifted Lin Yi's arm and got in, sat on his lap, and put her head in his arms gently Rubbing a few times, he asked in a low voice, "Do you like me?"

"Your question is unnecessary. You are my daughter-in-law. I don't like who do you like? You can't like other people's daughter-in-law, right? Then what is the difference between me and that thief Cao?"

Lin Yi was puzzled, and felt that the little fox demon seemed to have become a little naive.

"Do you really like me?"

"Well, I really like you. If I like you, I can't."

"Then it's okay if I don't want to practice calligraphy today?" The little fox demon said softly, with a soft voice.


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and asked: "So you are acting like a baby and being cute, and that's why?"


"Get up, you're making my leg hurt."

"I do not."

Xiaobai wrapped his arms around his waist, refusing to let go.


(End of this chapter)

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