my fox girl

Chapter 297 Shall I cut it off for you?

Chapter 297 Shall I cut it off for you?

The time has come to the depths of winter.

It's just in time for New Year's Day, with snowflakes floating outside and the sound of the slight wind, it's a good time to sleep in, but Lin Yi received a call from Yu Shuhui early in the morning, and he was still in a daze, but he suddenly woke up come over.

After hanging up the phone, he no longer felt sleepy, and looked at the little fox demon who was still sleeping in his arms with a delicate expression.

Those normally lively eyes were closed at this time, and her hair was loose but not messy, instead showing a lazy feeling.

As if aware of something, the little nose wrinkled slightly, and arched his head into his arms.

Lin Yi pulled the quilt and gently covered her up, then hugged her tightly, but didn't want to wake her up.


Xiaobai rubbed her eyes, and made an unconscious nasal sound, soft and sticky, with her unique delicacy.

"Did someone call you just now?"

"Well, my mother called." Seeing that she had woken up, Lin Yi put his hand where it should be without any scruples.

"You're so naughty.."

Xiaobai lowered his eyes, glanced at the hand on his chest, ignored it, turned over and hugged Lin Yi's waist, raised his small face and asked, "What did Auntie tell you?"

"She said that she was going to contact the wedding company in the next few days and asked what kind of wedding we are going to do. I said it would be Chinese style, just like a grand and mighty welcome guard of honor. You are sitting in a red sedan chair and wearing a classic red wedding dress. Submit, then worship heaven and earth, and lift the hijab"

Lin Yi supported his head with one hand, and continued to grope with the other hand, "What do you think?"

"So soon, are we going to get married in advance?" Xiaobai asked subconsciously. Although he was looking forward to it all the time, he suddenly felt a little flustered because he was not prepared for it.

After getting married, you will have a bridal chamber, and then you will have children.

Sister Xiaoyu asked what she was going to do before getting married, oh, she had never been married before.

"It's not in advance, just make an appointment first, so as not to make an appointment when you get it, and you will be in a hurry. Also, what's the matter with your expression, why do you feel that you are very resistant."


With a groan, Xiaobai held Lin Yi's hand down, and then gave him a shy and angry look.

This guy is so dishonest when he wakes up early in the morning.

just hate it.

Facing her gaze, Lin Yifeng was calm and calm, and there was no disturbance in his heart. As long as she didn't hit him, the others would have no lethality at all. Instead, he asked, "What do you think of the Chinese-style wedding I just mentioned?" ?”

Although I don't know what Qingqiu's wedding was like, it is estimated that it should be similar to the ancient wedding on my side.

Anyway, it's impossible for the groom to wear a suit and tie, and the bride to wear a white wedding dress and drive a wedding car, then exchange rings and kiss each other.

If so, it would be too magical.

It is simply unimaginable.

"I think"

Xiaobai's lips parted slightly, thinking of the scene where she married him in a red wedding dress and sitting in a sedan chair, her cheeks felt a little hot for no reason.

Realizing this, she simply hid her head in Lin Yi's arms to prevent him from seeing the blushing on her face, then pulled the quilt to cover herself, and then whispered: "I think it's pretty good."

"No, talk as soon as you speak, why are you hiding?" Lin Yi lifted the quilt, looked at the little fox demon shrunk into a small ball, and urged: "Come out, it's so boring inside."

"I do not."

"Okay." Lin Yi covered her with the quilt, and began to have a conversation with her through the quilt: "Then our wedding will be Chinese style?"


"Looks like we still have to take wedding photos." Lin Yi looked around in the bedroom, thinking about where to hang the photos he took, and it should be fine to hang them by the bedside.

But you don't have to wait until the wedding is over before hanging up.

I have no experience with this thing myself.

Then ask again.

Another point, if it is a Chinese-style wedding, then the wedding photos must also be Chinese-style, just the old-style ones.

Maybe it should be called wedding photos?

And when taking wedding photos, you must change other people's clothes. There are all kinds of clothes, including skirts with big panniers and skirts with corsets.

The shooting style is also very tricky, jumping and jumping, it is really easy to expose that she has a tail.

You can't just wear the kind of ancient clothes with big panniers, it's too monotonous.

"Wedding photos?"

"Well, just the kind of big photos, there is a photo album, and there are several big ones, which can be hung on the wall. What are you tossing about under the quilt?"

While Lin Yi was talking, he felt a limp body crawling on top of him, and then a small head popped out from under the quilt.

"I didn't bother."

Xiao Bai wrinkled his nose, then leaned on his chest, looked up at him and asked, "Are we going to take wedding photos?"

"Well, now there is a problem"

As he spoke, Lin Yi stretched his hand under the quilt, lifted the hem of her nightgown, groped up and grabbed her tail.

Xiaobai froze suddenly, "What are you doing?"

"Don't do anything." Lin Yi let go of her tail, hugged her slender waist, and gently stroked it, "The problem now is your tail, I'm worried that others will find it when I take pictures. "

He also asked this girl before if she could put her tail back.

The answer is yes, but her level is too low. If she wants to put her tail in, she needs at least a level of three tails.

It's a pity that she only has one tail at the moment, and if she changes it forcibly, she will have to pay a price of [-] points.

It will reduce lifespan, and it will also reduce a lot of lifespan, the kind in units of tens or hundreds of years.

And that's not counting, one change can only be maintained for a short period of time, ranging from a few days to several months.

Because of this, her tail has never changed.

After all, this deal is too bad, it's not worth it at all.

Of course, it is understandable that this happens.

In an ancient book about fox demons, it is said that foxes can transform into humans to confuse humans, but their tails cannot be changed, which becomes the key to distinguish fox demons.

Later, people used to show the tail of a fox as a metaphor for people revealing their true colors, which comes from this allusion.

"How about I make the tail disappear."

"You change a fart, keep your tail, you are not allowed to change." Lin Yi directly rejected her plan.

"Then what should I do?" Xiaobai didn't really want to change, and felt that it was not worthwhile to spend so much life, and would waste a lot of time with him.

But she really wanted to take wedding photos.

Feeling caught between a rock and a hard place.

"How about I help you cut off the hair on your tail. The reason why your tail looks big is actually because the hair is too long and fluffy. As long as you cut off the hair, it will become very small, maybe You can’t even see it in your clothes.”

Lin Yi proposed a great method, and it is well-founded. Many big fat cats that look chubby will become thin and small once the hair on their bodies is cut off.


 Thanks to the book friend Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian's children's shoes for the 2736 book coins.

  (There should be no miscalculation, I am still very confident in my primary school mathematics.)
(End of this chapter)

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