my fox girl

Chapter 298 Shall I get a fashionable look?

Chapter 298 Shall I get a fashionable look?

"Are you really going to cut it?"

Xiaobai lay on the bed sullenly, glanced sideways at Lin Yi who was squatting on the ground sharpening the scissors, and suddenly felt a little bit reluctant to cut them.

In fact, she didn't want to cut it at first, but was persuaded by Lin Yi.

"Well, it's not that it doesn't grow anymore after it's cut. It can grow back in a few months after it's cut off. At most, a bald tail will not look good. Isn't this more cost-effective than reducing your life?"

Lin Yi sharpened the scissors, and looked at the tail behind the little fox demon. He couldn't bear to do it. It was white and looked very fluffy and soft. Such a beautiful tail was about to pass through his hands and become a bare commander. , there is a deep sense of guilt.

"All right."

Xiaobai struggled for a long time, and was persuaded by him again. He couldn't help but reach out and touch his tail, wanting to feel this fluffy and furry feeling for the last time.

It will become a bald-tailed fox in a while, and I can't touch it even if I want to.

"I'll sharpen the scissors for you quickly, just like blowing hair and breaking hair."

Lin Yi pulled a strand of hair from his head, put it on the blade of the scissors, and blew gently, without breaking it.

Blow hard, still not broken.

He tried to blow it again, but the hair was gone. After looking around on the ground, he couldn't find it. He pulled another one, put it on the blade of the knife and pulled it down gently with his hand, and it broke.

"Well, yes, although this one can't reach the point of blowing hair and breaking hair, it's very sharp."

"Is it really sharp?" Witnessing all his movements, Xiaobai expressed doubts.

"Don't worry, I tried it with my own hair."

Lin Yi took the scissors and walked to the bed, lifted the hem of her nightgown a little, and held her tail. He was hesitant when he was about to do it, coughed twice, and said, "I cut it..."

Xiaobai glanced back, then quickly turned his head around, and closed his eyes tightly, he couldn't bear to look any more, and tremblingly said: "Well, come on!"

"I really cut it." Lin Yi confirmed again.


Lin Yi stabilized his mind, picked up a strand of hair with his hands, and put the scissors in front of him.

With a click, the white hair fell off.


Almost at the same time, there was a soft hum.

"Don't make any weird noises."

"I do not have!"

"Okay, you don't have any, then would you like to take a look at your hair, it's quite long." Lin Yi handed her the strand of white hair that he just cut off, and it was indeed quite long, at least ten centimeters in length.

"I do not watch."


Lin Yi continued to help her cut the hair, the scissors in his hand made a clicking sound, just after two cuts, he suddenly asked, "Beauty, do you want a membership card?"


"Do you want to dye it?"


"Sorry, can't help it, this scene always reminds me of the days when I went to the barber shop to get my hair cut."

Seeing her staring back, with fierce eyes, Lin Yi continued to cut with sullen head, without saying a word.


"Do you want to get a fashionable look?"

"Don't do it."

"Get one. I'll cut a heart out for you. It's that kind. You saw it when we went to the pet store last time. There was a dog like that."


"What are you doing, lie on your stomach, I haven't yet"

"If you talk again, I will beat you."

Xiaobai stared at this guy with his eyes, feeling that he was definitely angry with him on purpose.

Then he pulled his tail over to take a look. It didn't change much, but he could clearly see several gaps.

It looks ugly.

"Hey, what, why don't you cut it."

Seeing her eyes, Lin Yi was inexplicably guilty. The tail, which used to be pretty, was cut like a dog gnawed by him.

"Then am I like this?"

Xiaobai's cheeks bulged slightly, and he touched his own tail with some distress. After only a few cuts, it was already ugly like this. If it was all cut off, he would not even dare to think about it.

"Although it's a bit weird, but it's true after a long time"

Lin Yi scratched his head in embarrassment, thought for a while and said, "Actually, it's okay. It has a different kind of aesthetic feeling, and it feels bohemian."

"Shut up, you."

"What I'm saying is true."

Lin Yi murmured a few words, put the scissors back, it is impossible to cut any more, and the little fox demon was very distressed after just cutting such a small amount.

If it was cut as Ge You, then she would have to cry.

I can only think of other ways.

In fact, even if there is a tail, the impact is not very big. At most, when the wedding photos are taken, all the photos will be taken in ancient costumes, or those with large skirts.

Then I don’t jump around or pick things up, and I don’t engage in that kind of non-mainstream.

Just sit or stand properly.


The wedding is approaching, and there are more things to be busy, not just taking wedding photos, but also making wedding invitations, decorating the wedding room and so on.

Anyway, Lin Yi didn't know much about it. Few young people nowadays know the process of getting married.

It's very vulgar, just knowing that getting married requires a lot of money.

"Do you think we should redecorate this house?"

Lin Yi looked around in circles in the living room, and felt that the decoration was not bad in all aspects.

The Chinese-style decoration style looks dignified and grand, and there should be no need to redecorate.

It's time to arrange it.

"I feel very good."

"Well, I think so too, it's better not to decorate, other..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi stopped suddenly. He originally planned to decide on all the things that needed to be prepared for the wedding today, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that the preparations for the wedding seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Although he is the protagonist, he doesn't know the wedding process, and he doesn't have to worry about it. He only needs to be present on the wedding day, and the rest can be left to his parents.

During this period of time, the old couple were so busy that they didn't even have time to open the bookstore. They kept running around, contacting the wedding company, and had to make a hotel reservation.

Speaking of which, if it is held in a hotel, can it still be called a Chinese wedding?
Lin Yi was a little skeptical that it was impossible for Qingqiu to hold the wedding in the inn.

It should be the kind of big flowing water mat, just like in ancient times, oh, there is also this kind of flowing water mat now, the whole village sits together and everyone eats and drinks, and then the bride and groom come out to toast.

But since it is a Chinese-style wedding, only the groom should toast, that is to say, only you come out to toast.

As for the little fox demon, after she worships, she has to wear a red wedding dress, a phoenix crown and a xiapei, and a red hijab.

This is a serious ancient wedding, and it is probably the marriage in her mind.

"You said the same is true for people nowadays. They don't have anything left from their ancestors. They set up a wedding company, and they don't even contract weddings in their own country. They are all Western-style. What is this called? It's called forgetting the ancestors."

After going to several wedding companies in a row, but they didn't contract Chinese wedding business, Lin Yuguo couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Don't say a few words, hurry up and drive, let's go to the next one and ask."

"Oh." Lin Yuguo started the car, and couldn't help turning his head and said: "Do you think we still have to buy two Taishi chairs?"

"Why buy a Taishi chair?"

"If you hold a Chinese-style wedding, don't you have to worship the heaven and the earth first, and the high hall twice? When it's time to worship the high hall, we can't just sit on a small bench."

"What's the matter?"

"You don't understand, you can only feel it when you sit on the master chair."

Lin Yuguo sighed and shook his head. When it was time to pay homage to Gaotang, he sat down on the grand master's chair, held a cup of tea in his hand, and watched his son and daughter-in-law kowtow. It was exciting to think about it.

Seeing Lin Yuguo showing an excited expression for no reason, Yu Shuhui squinted at him, "I'm sick."

(End of this chapter)

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