my fox girl

Chapter 299 You allow me to reorganize 1 needs.

Chapter 299 You allow me to reorganize my needs.

I picked a day with heavy snow to take wedding photos.

It was only when they went to take pictures that they realized that their previous worries were all superfluous. In the winter, the dresses on their bodies were thicker than the other, so there was no risk of exposure at all.

While it was snowing, I took photos on the city wall, by the moat, on the curb, and under the trees.

Anyway, it looks good wherever you go.

Basically, the styles are all classical styles, and various skirts, brocade clothes, robes, overalls, and cloaks have been changed a few times.

I only took a few pictures of the western-style white wedding dress, far less than the red wedding dress.

After taking the wedding photos, they went to the wedding dress store to choose the wedding dress, and they didn't plan to buy it online. After all, there were only pictures on the Internet, and they couldn't see the real thing.

There is no way to control the material and quality.

Getting married is a top priority. If the quality of the one bought from the Internet is not good, and the real thing does not match the picture, it will really affect the mood.

So you can only rest assured if you see it in person.

Girls have an indescribable preference for wedding dresses and wedding clothes, and the little fox demon is no exception, full of fantasies about her wedding clothes.

Entering the store, looking at all kinds of wedding dresses worn by models, the eyes began to shine.

Automatically ignoring those white wedding dresses, and keeping her gaze naturally on those bright red Chinese wedding dresses, it was weird to her to wear white wedding dresses.

Although she has been in this world for more than two years and knows very well that a white wedding dress is the style of marriage in this world, she still resists a little.

After wandering around the store for a few times, it was difficult to choose a wedding dress from the dazzling array of wedding dresses.

I didn't try it on in the store either, I just chose the size. It's not that people don't allow you to try it. The main reason is that the style and shape of the bright red wedding dress I chose are quite cumbersome. The shopping guide insisted on helping, so I didn't try it.

When checking out, the shopping guide also thoughtfully asked if it is necessary to rent. After all, things like wedding dresses may only be worn once in a lifetime. Many people often choose to rent rather than buy.

But Lin Yi thought about it, and although the price was quite expensive, he still bought it, so that he could keep it as a souvenir in the future.

What's more, the rented wedding dress definitely doesn't mean that in the little fox demon's heart, after all, Qingqiu doesn't have such a thing as renting a wedding dress.

When she came out of the bridal shop, she was still empty-handed. The wedding dress she just bought was still in the shop, and she was going to come to pick it up the day before the wedding.

There is still a long time before the wedding, so if you take it home, if it is not properly stored and there are some wrinkles, it will definitely be very troublesome.

So it should still be handed over to the bridal shop for preservation, they are professional after all.

Sitting in the car, Lin Yi rubbed the steering wheel a few times, breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "There is still more than a month before the wedding, how do you feel now?"

He still remembers the humiliating experience of being pressed on the bed by this girl and forced to call her husband, so he can't wait to get it back.

When the time comes, I have to let her know what a real husband is.

"That's called getting married." Xiao Bai corrected.

"Isn't it just marriage and not a bridal chamber?"


Xiaobai had nothing to say, he was right in saying that, he wanted a bridal chamber, and he could have a bridal chamber very early, but this guy was afraid of regretting himself.

This man is just stupid.

He still thinks of himself as that little fox demon from Qingqiu. He is obviously the modern Su Xiaobai, and his thoughts and concepts have changed a lot.

Anyway, she was definitely going to marry him, and sooner or later it wasn't the same.

But this guy insisted on waiting until he got married, so he could only reluctantly agree to him.

Well, although many places are not true, there is basically nothing wrong.

At that time, it will be written like this in the novel, and readers will also criticize this stupid guy.

Oh, there are no readers yet, it was just uploaded yesterday, and it hasn't even passed the review yet.

It's annoying.

The current review mechanism is too procrastinated, and it really affects my book.


Just as she was thinking about it, her mobile phone beeped, and when she picked it up, her small face gradually swelled up with boredom.

"Lin Yi."

"Call husband."

"Husband, my novel has not passed the review."

"Isn't that a good thing?"


Xiao Bai was startled, this guy didn't come to comfort her, but even said it was a good thing, she felt betrayed right now.

Backstab from the person next to the pillow.

"When we get home, I'm going to press you on the sofa." She said, looking sideways at the car window.

"Are you going to kiss again?"

"No, I'm going to bite you to death!"


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said: "I admit that I didn't think about it when I spoke just now, please allow me to reorganize the language."

"Then organize it."

"This requires your cooperation, come on, you call my name first."

"Lin Yi."

"Call husband."

"I don't call."

"We are restoring what happened just now. Be good, call your husband quickly, and say that your novel has not passed the review."

Hearing this, Xiaobai turned his face back, glared at him first, and then said: "Husband, my novel has not passed the review."

"Bullshit websites have no vision, and the audits are all ridiculous. Let's not go to this crappy website!"

Lin Yi's face was full of indignation, and his tone of voice was filled with righteous indignation.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and asked, "How is it? Is my handling of all aspects of emotional language this time quite good?"

Xiaobai didn't speak, just gave him a sideways glance, then turned his face to the car window, paused for a moment, and then hummed softly: "Today, I'll let you go for a while."

"But don't be too happy too early. If you dare to make me angry next time, I will definitely bite you, you know?" She wrinkled her nose and warned with a stern face.

"Yeah, I know." Lin Yi nodded again and again, and couldn't help but look at her again, with a smile on his face unconsciously.

The little fox demon crouching under the eaves in fear and helplessness in his memory has gradually begun to blur.

Before she knew it, she had transformed into what she is now. Sometimes she would be silly, and her brain circuits would be so strange.

Sometimes she is a bit arrogant, always threatening herself with a stern face and her unique way.

But sometimes she will be very weak, she will run to her arms and beg for a hug, and then cry and tell herself her thoughts, her worries, and her confusion.

After being comforted by himself, he would break through his tears into a smile, and kiss him on the cheek.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face couldn't help but grow even bigger.

"What are you smirking at?"

"What is a bad smile, I am a happy smile."

When he came to a traffic light intersection, while waiting for the red light, Lin Yi pulled her little hand over, passed his fingers between her fingers, and interlocked with her, "Guess why I am happy?"

"How do I know?"

Xiaobai looked down at the hand that was held by him, and said with puffy cheeks, "Maybe you are coming up with some bad idea again."

"That's right, I'm really playing with your bad ideas."

"Do you want me to help you again?"

"No, I'm going to help you tonight."

Seeing the green light turn on, Lin Yi let go of her little hand, started the car, and continued: "I want to recharge my energy and let you call daddy when I'm in the bridal chamber."

"Don't even think about it!"

 Thanks for the 1500 points rewarded by book friend Yin Huaixu.

  Thanks to book friend Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian for rewarding 364 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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