my fox girl

Chapter 300 This Is My Dream

Chapter 300 This Is My Dream
The wedding invitations have been sent out, and the wedding date is set on February No. 12, which is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival.

It was Yu Shuhui who specially went back to her hometown and found a half-immortal to figure it out. At that time, the half-immortal sat cross-legged on the top of the kang, making formulas and chanting mantras, and even flipping through the Book of Changes. Come out on such a date.

But Lin Yi thought about it for a while, and he always felt that something was wrong. I'm afraid this thing was not calculated by addition and subtraction.

His own birthday is April 4th in the Gregorian calendar, and the date on the little fox demon's ID card is the Mid-Autumn Festival in 12, which is September 2001th in the Gregorian calendar.

Added together equals 12 months and [-] days, minus [-] months in a year, so it is equal to NO.[-] in February.

It also happens to be the date of this year's Lantern Festival.

Good guy, you are indeed a half-immortal, you can use all kinds of mathematical formulas flexibly, and the calculated wedding date is really special, it is very scientific, and it makes people speechless.

Not only does it coincide with the mathematical formula, but it is also deducted to Valentine's Day.

The Lantern Festival is also known as the Shangyuan Festival, and isn’t the Shangyuan Festival the ancient Valentine’s Day.

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

Well, reliable.

After receiving Lin Yi's wedding invitation, Yang Ming specially called to express condolences. The main purpose was that Lin Yi's wedding date was booked too early. He originally planned to invite Lin Yi to be his best man.

He and Li Wan had just met their parents during this time, and the two families sat together and had a friendly meeting on the marriage between the two children.

During the meeting, Li Wan's father also kindly inquired about Yang Ming's work, and clearly pointed out the sustainable policy of the country's special campaign against gangsters and evil in the past two years.

He even gave an example, saying that the village tyrant in their village has already lived in a multi-person dormitory provided by the state, and has also served the state's job. In the next ten years, he will basically have no worries about food and housing, which is very enviable.

And when he learned that Yang Ming was really a specialist in IT, as his daughter had said, he immediately praised him with a smile on his face.

Then he immediately decided to marry his daughter to him.

The wedding date hasn't been set yet, so I have to find a half-immortal to figure it out.

Although it has not been calculated yet, it is definitely not far from getting married, and it will only happen in the next few months.

Yang Ming smacked, and was about to invite Lin Yi to be his best man, when he received his wedding invitation.

This feeling is very sudden.

Lin Yi said that there is something wrong with his head, and if someone is looking for a best man who is more handsome than him, he will use his appearance and temperament to compare you to him on the stage. Can you look good?
After thinking about it, Yang Ming thought it made sense, and asked if he should be Lin Yi's best man, but Lin Yi also refused, saying that his looks and figure were too eye-catching, and he looked like a gang leader when he stood on the stage.

It's not like a best man, like a protection fee.

And what he wants to do is a Chinese wedding, no best man is needed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi shook his head and sighed for a moment, seeing the little fox demon half-kneeling on the bed making the quilt, walked over and patted her little butt.

"what are you doing!"

Xiao Bai froze suddenly, then turned his head and stared at this guy with his eyes.

"Nothing, just want to take a picture."

Lin Yi looked down, couldn't help but take another shot, it was soft and bouncy, it felt really good in the hand, take another shot
"If you shoot again, I will bite you."

"whispering sound"

Lin Yi curled his lips, and silently withdrew his outstretched hand. He could touch it casually at night, but he had such a big reaction during the day.

Woman, no, banshee, your name is Fickle.

After breakfast, Xiaobai sat down in front of the computer again, and prepared to play games for a while while the time was still early, and then went to open the shop after nine o'clock.

Then check to see if your novel has passed the review.

The review of the website is very doggy. She revised it several times in a row, and the response she got each time was just a sorry, your work does not meet the requirements for website inclusion.

This kind of reply really broke her mind, and it made her very irritable recently, that bastard Lin Yi still teased her in the morning.

When I opened the mailbox, I just said I'm sorry, she didn't read the words after your .
I couldn't help but take a look at Lin Yi who was squatting on the ground teasing the dog. I felt that I had miscalculated. I should have used him to tease me just now by biting him on the head to vent my anger.

I don't know if it's still too late to bite him?
"Lin Yi."

"Call me husband." Lin Yi didn't turn his head back, he was studying how to make the dog lose weight, so that he wouldn't be chubby all day long, and look like big oranges are the most important thing.

What's more, if you are too fat, it will also have a great impact on your body.

How about buying a roller treadmill for Tangyuan, throwing it in and running in it, just like a hamster.

If you exercise for two hours a day, you should be able to lose weight.

Xiaobai took a deep breath, sniffed his little nose, and softly called out: "Honey, come here."

"I'm coming."

Hearing this, Lin Yi immediately dropped the dog and ran over. When he saw the website reply on the computer screen, he subconsciously wanted to be amused. Then he remembered something. He quickly suppressed the smile on his face and asked, "Is it right?" Didn't pass the review again?"


"I can't help it. The review is too strict now. Why don't you just stop writing and just be your boss with peace of mind. Isn't this more promising than writing novels?"

"I do not."

"Then what are you going to do, modify and upload again?"

"Put your face closer, and I'll tell you quietly."

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yi immediately became vigilant, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Nothing, I just want to kiss you."

"Really?" Lin Yi glanced at her rosy lips, and resisted the idea of ​​bringing her face closer, feeling that this must be a lie to herself, maybe she wanted to bite herself to vent her anger.

"Well, it's true."

Lin Yi made a gesture to bring his face closer, and just a little bit closer, he quickly leaned back tactically, and said, "I don't believe it."

"Hmph, it's really boring."

Seeing Lin Yi's vigilance, Xiao Bai wrinkled her nose, gave up the plan to bite him to vent her anger, and opened the file to continue revising her manuscript.

"Lin Yi, help me change it." As soon as she changed two words, she threw the keyboard away, intending to ask Lin Yi to help.

"I don't have that skill. I still need to buy a roller treadmill for Tangyuan, so that it can exercise well and lose weight." Lin Yi lowered his head and searched in a certain treasure. Given Tangyuan's current body shape, he had to buy a bigger one. of.

Otherwise, it may not be able to bear its weight.

"But I can't pass the review every time I change it myself."

"Then don't upload it, you can write it yourself and read it yourself, produce and sell it yourself."

Lin Yi didn't persuade her to give up writing novels anymore, anyway, she didn't listen to what she said, so he simply persuaded her to entertain herself, just write and write casually at home, no one urged her to update, and no one sprayed it, no matter how big the scale was. Danger of being banned.

Don't think about posting it on the Internet for others to see all day long, what to show others, to see how lustful you are?
"What's the point of writing a novel if only you can read it?"

"It's okay, I can watch it with you too."

"No, I want more people to read my novels. This is my dream."


Lin Yi was startled, my good fellow, she even said it was a dream, her dream was to spread that reading material?

"Come on, I'll help you change it." He sighed and stood up, although her dream was a bit ridiculous.

But the word dream will make people feel awe-inspiring after hearing it, and we should respect it.

(End of this chapter)

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