my fox girl

Chapter 301 Can We Double Cultivate

Chapter 301 Can We Double Cultivate

"If you want to modify it, what do you want?"

"As long as I don't change my plot."

"Hiss, your request... okay, today Mr. Lin will teach you what is called Spring and Autumn brushwork, cryptic description."

Lin Yi lowered his head and glanced at the little fox demon nestled in his arms. Seeing her staring at the computer full of curiosity, her delicate face was full of cuteness and cuteness.


"Say husband I love you."

"I do not."

"Then I won't help you anymore." Lin Yi made a gesture to close the code interface. Seeing this, Xiao Bai was silent for a while, and said softly: "Husband, I love you."

"So nice."

Lin Yi pinched her little face with a smile, Xiao Bai couldn't help but open his mouth, revealing a full mouth of small white teeth, thinking of something, he pressed his lips together again.

He hasn't finished changing it yet, wait until he finishes changing it before biting.

Thinking of this, she gave Lin Yi a lovely smile.

"Why are you smiling like a fool?"


Hearing the sound of her grinding teeth, Lin Yi was silent for a moment, and asked, "Are you trying to bite me?"


"Okay, I believe you."

Lin Yi cast his eyes on the computer screen and said, "First of all, if you want to pass the review, you need to change the title of the book first."

"I won't change it."

"If you don't change it, don't change it. With the title of your book, people's websites don't bother to look at your content after reviewing it. They just give you a cross. Therefore, the title of the book must be changed."

Lin Yi took a look at it just now, and according to his criteria, strictly speaking, the content is not over the line. After all, the uploaded is only the first three chapters, the hero and heroine have just met, and the plot has not yet unfolded.

So the problem is likely to be the title of the book she thought of. The husband surnamed Lin is very aggressive. With such a ghost name, it is a miracle that he can pass the review.

"All right."

Xiaobai frowned slightly, and after struggling for a long time, he still chose to agree, comforting himself in his heart, the novel is mainly about the content and introduction, and the title is not important.

"Then what should I change to?" She raised her eyes and asked.

"What do you think?"

"My husband is very horny?"

"I shouldn't have asked you." Lin Yi sighed, feeling that his brain was more or less flooded, otherwise how could he ask her, and the way she named her was basically offensive to him.

"Just call my wife a fox fairy."

"Then the protagonist will be you?" Xiaobai looked at him in shock when he heard the words, this guy wanted to occupy his novel even if he occupied him.

"I'll say it again, the protagonist is not me, but the guy named Lin Bai, who has nothing to do with me." Lin Yi firmly refused to admit that the stupid and lecherous hero in her book was herself.

"But the prototype is you."

"Then I don't recognize it either."


"No, but, we are talking about the title of the book now. I think the title of the book is quite good. When you post it on the female channel, many people will think that it is written from a male point of view. I might come in out of curiosity."

".All right."

Xiaobai thought about it and felt that what he said made sense. If he saw this kind of book title, he would definitely click in and take a look.

After all, every day I see my husband or something, and then a book about my wife suddenly appears, I will definitely think, which stupid wholesaler is on the wrong platform, so I really want to click in and read it.

Oh, this idiot is himself.

"What the hell is your profile, this one must be changed too." After changing the title of the book, Lin Yi focused on her profile again, feeling powerless to complain.

"Can't we just change it?"

"No, your profile is so boring that you don't even want people to click on it." Lin Yi couldn't bear to look at it. The profile of more than 100 characters was written by her like something. century fairy tale style.

The hero and heroine lived happily together in the end.

Return your love to me, I love you, Michelle... Bah, happy life is sweet.

"All right."

Xiaobai struggled for a moment, then reluctantly agreed again, and continued to comfort himself in his heart, the novel is mainly about the content, and the introduction and title are not important.

"The introduction can be solved in one sentence. It is necessary to leave suspense and let readers have a desire to enter. Don't fix these silly things, it's useless."

"But it took me a long time to figure it out."

"It's useless to think about it for a long time, it's very dirty anyway."

Lin Yi tapped on the keyboard, and quickly finished revising her earthy profile, and then turned her attention to the content.

In fact, there is nothing to change in the content, it is nothing more than a problem of writing.

Modify a few words that are slightly off the line, and change a few paragraphs that are not smooth, and it will work.

Then click upload and wait for approval.

"Is it finished?"

"Well, the modification is over, now we can see if it can be approved, if it is not approved, we have to go again... What are you going to do?"

Seeing her approaching with her mouth open, as if she was about to bite him, Lin Yi's heart tightened. He didn't expect this girl to cross the river and destroy the bridge.

Hearing this, Xiaobai paused, no good, this guy found out.

Is it biting or not biting now?
Just don't bite it.

He said just now that the review may not be able to pass, and we will wait until it passes.

As for now
She bit her lip, put her arms around Lin Yi's neck, and whispered, "I said I want to kiss you, do you believe me?"

"Heh, do you think I believe it?"

Lin Yi just wanted to sneer twice, saying that he had already seen through her scheme, when suddenly she leaned over and kissed her lips.

The morning sun was just right, and the living room was quiet. Tang Yuan ran over and pulled Lin Yi's trouser legs, and was kicked away by him.

Gouzi ran elsewhere again, wagging his tail twice, looked back at the two guys who were distributing dog food, turned around and ran back, and was kicked away by Lin Yi again.

This silly dog ​​really has no eyesight at all. I'm afraid he wants to be sterilized again.

"Do you believe it now?"

"I don't believe it very much. I suspect that you still want to bite me."


"Stop, let's take it easy."

Seeing that she was about to kiss her again, Lin Yi waved his hand to stop her. She kissed for a long time just now, and she was still panting at the moment, so this girl recklessly prepared to come over and kiss again.

This made him very worried about his life after marriage. He heard that vixen would suck away a man's yang energy and use it for his own cultivation.

There is also a professional term for such a man, called furnace tripod.

I'm afraid that I will also become the furnace of the little fox demon.

My back hurts every day, and I feel like my body is being hollowed out. That kind of life is really.
Think about it and feel happy.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said, "I'm done, come on."

"No, I'm going to open a shop and do business."

Xiao Bai broke free from his arms, and ran to the bedroom to change clothes on his slippers.

Just 2 minutes after entering, she poked her head out again and said, "You tie a rope to the glutinous rice balls, let's go out together, and you take the glutinous rice balls for a walk."

"it is good."

Lin Yi stood up, hesitated, and couldn't help asking: "Do you also have that kind of talent?"

"What talent?"

"It's the kind of talent that can absorb my yang energy when doing happy things, and then it can help you practice."


Seeing her frowning and staring at him, Lin Yi scratched his head, "Then what, don't get me wrong, I'm not letting you smoke, but can we both cultivate, just like you and me, I'm afraid my nutrition won't match not on."



(End of this chapter)

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