my fox girl

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Lin Yi took Tangyuan for a walk on the sidewalk, looked left and right, found a flower bed in the green belt and sat down, took a sip of water from the thermos, looked at a row of shops across the street, and could vaguely see through the glass door Seeing her busy figure.

It is very puzzling, what does she mean by "sickness", whether she can smoke or not.

He didn't say anything when he asked her, and stared at himself with his eyes, just scratching his heart and liver.

It's useless to ask others about this matter, let's not talk about my own side, I can go to the whole Ancheng City to inquire, and I have never heard of anyone whose daughter-in-law is a vixen, a real vixen, not the kind that seduces people.

Why don't you search on a certain treasure to see how things like Shenbao and Dihuang Pills are sold, and you should be mentally prepared when you need supplements.

People were coming and going on the street, Lin Yi held his cell phone with a calm expression on his face, no one knew what he was doing.

No one would have thought that a young man in his twenties would start searching for various nutritional and health products early.

After a search, he also bought some essential medicines such as wolfberry, longan, red dates, ginseng, etc., and prepared to buy them and soak them in water for drinking. He planned to raise them first.

In case she wants to let herself help her practice in the future, she won't be unable to keep up with the motor.

Putting the phone in his pocket, Lin Yi raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the shade of the trees, slightly dazzling.

Sighing lightly, my body is mortal, just a mortal, what can I do?
It's not the reckless hero Xu Hanwen.

I didn't grow eight kidneys, and married a fox demon as a wife, so I could only make up for it first, and make up for the overdraft.

She is fine, so am I.

Although there is no overdraft, there is no harm in maintaining it in advance. This thing is just like a car. Even if it is not driven, you have to go to the fourth son's shop to do maintenance on the car, mainly the engine.

Lin Yi stood up, led the dog and continued to walk forward, holding his large thermos in his hand. The winter sun shone on his body, reflecting his slow pace, like an old man.

Before getting married, he had already lived a retirement life ahead of schedule.

It feels quite comfortable.

When he came to the gate of the community, Uncle Liu was leaning on a recliner and looking outside, wrapped in a green military overcoat, he did not hold his favorite cigarette pot, but a cigarette dangling from his hand.

"Uncle Liu, what are you looking at?"

"Look at my granddaughter."

"Huh?" Lin Yi was startled, followed his gaze, and saw rows of low-end merchants, including his own jewelry store.

And there are people coming and going around, both men and women, who knows who his granddaughter is?
"It's there."

Lin Yi looked again and saw that the direction of his finger seemed to be his own jewelry store, and he couldn't help being stunned again, thinking: Isn't this my wife?
"Did you see it? It's just that dessert shop, which is opened by my granddaughter." Liu Yi took a puff of a cigarette and said leisurely.

"Huh?" Lin Yi was completely stunned at this moment, looked at Old Liu, and recalled Zhang Rui who had met before, even if he was a granddaughter, the gap might be a bit big.

Not at all genetics.

Old Liu Tou looks ordinary, his whole face is full of wrinkles, just like wrinkled bark, he looks like a dry old man at first glance.

After all, he is old, but if you look carefully, you can vaguely see his youthful appearance.

Well, it's normal when you're young.

But Zhang Rui, not to mention her domineering figure, she is at least a seven-point beauty based on her appearance alone, which is already enough for the standard of a goddess.

How is this inherited.

"Why don't you believe it? How about I call her over and let her call me grandpa in front of you."

"I believe, I believe." Lin Yi tied the glutinous rice balls to the doorknob of the sentry box, then sat down on the chair next to him, unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup, and breathed softly, "I just didn't expect that she was your granddaughter. "

"I don't think so, and I don't think so either. There's no way, my wife and daughter are both beautiful." Liu exhaled a puff of smoke with one hand, with a faint sense of pretense, hiding his identity and reputation.

"You're going to have a drink soon, aren't you?"

"Well, the wedding is scheduled for next month." Lin Yi took a sip of tea, took out an invitation card from his pocket and handed it over, "Uncle Liu, remember to come and attend."

Recently, he has been carrying invitations in his pocket every day, sending them out whenever he sees acquaintances, wishing that everyone can come to his wedding. Of course, he is not doing it for money, but mainly for fun.

"No, I have your invitation, which your wife gave me."

"That's fine." Lin Yi put the invitation into his pocket, ready to meet another acquaintance and send it out.

"Come on, smoke."

"No smoking, no smoking, I quit."

"My daughter-in-law is strictly controlled, so you won't be allowed to smoke?" Liu maintained the posture of passing the cigarette with one hand, with a look of seeing everything on his face.

"How is it possible? She doesn't dare to control me. I have the final say on everything in the family. If I want to smoke, I can smoke. If I don't want to smoke, I can quit. She is very honest and obedient." Lin Yi unconsciously Stand up straight and try to increase your persuasiveness.

Old Liu Tou smiled and said nothing, everyone is a man, no one knows what to pretend.

When others asked him, he basically had similar lines.

"Then I'll make an exception and draw one time."

Feeling guilty after being stared at by the old man, Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the jewelry store not far away, guessing that the little fox demon probably didn't look this way, then took the cigarette and lit it, and accompanied Uncle Liu to swallow it together. Clouds and fog, happy like a fairy.

"This woman is very lenient. You won't be allowed to do this or that for a day, even smoking. She said that smoking is harmful to your health. Can we not know if that thing is harmful to your body?"

Liu leaned on the reclining chair with one hand, closed his eyes comfortably and continued: "That's it, why do I still smoke? Because we are men, we can't let women control us, the elders must be the masters of the house, don't you think? ?”

"That's right, the old lady is in charge of the house, and the house is collapsed." Lin Yi agreed, imitating his posture and leaning on the back of the chair, closing his eyes and breathing.

It's not comfortable, I haven't smoked for a long time, I feel a little spicy in my throat, it seems that I still have to smoke Huazi.

"Look at those wives who are very strict. Seeing a daughter-in-law is like a mouse seeing a cat. We are not such people. I not only smoke cigarettes, but also smoke pots. That's it, my family keeps talking I dare not say."

"Yes, I am the same. If I didn't want to quit smoking myself, would she be able to control me?" Lin Yi raised his cigarette and took a sharp puff, trying his best to show his family status.

"That's right, I can tell at a glance that you are the master of the house."

"Well, I think you do too."

The old and the young were smoking with their eyes closed and exchanging business ideas, not noticing that the two women not far away were walking towards them.

"I'm not all, just throw some things to her if you don't want to take care of them, and let her take care of them, otherwise she will not be able to shake the sky. This is all experience. Let me tell you, this woman, especially a beautiful woman, you have to coax. "

"Grandpa, am I the beautiful woman you're talking about?"

Liu Yishou was smoking a cigarette and pointing Jiang Shan, when he heard a familiar voice, he stopped talking halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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