my fox girl

Chapter 308 Marriage

Chapter 308 Marriage
After receiving the bride, he stuffed it into the sedan chair, and Lin Yi rode on his big white horse again. The bride arranged by the wedding company lightly shook the red silk in her hand with a look of joy, and sang loudly: "The bride is coming, and the guard of honor is leaving. "

Then the group walked to another hotel in a mighty way. According to the ancient wedding customs, the wedding had to be held at home, but the venue in the community did not allow banquets, so they simply arranged the wedding in a hotel at the entrance of the community.

At that time, after worshiping, it will be almost time to send it to the wedding room.

The sound of suona, gongs and drums shook the sky, and the little fox demon was sitting in the sedan chair, clutching the hem of her clothes with her small hands nervously. Even though her face was covered with a hijab, her cheeks were still glowing, whether it was shyness or anticipation.

Zhang Rui and the others who helped her block the door were chattering outside the sedan chair, saying for a while that you ran to open the door on your own initiative, no wonder Lin Yi said that he likes to be passive, and then said that it was agreed to block the door last night. Not making things difficult for the groom is like taking advantage of the Lin.

Then he explained that the bottle of wine was mixed with a lot of water, so it didn't have such a high concentration at all, and nothing would happen after drinking it.

Xiaobai just ignored them, Lin Yi was her husband, not theirs, they didn't feel sorry for her, but she did.

Even if the alcohol content is not high, it still hurts.

What if he was choked on water?
Moreover, he is the one who gets married, and he is the one who is in the bridal chamber. When the time comes, he will smell of alcohol all over his body.

I don't want such a bridal chamber.

Just as she was thinking, the sedan chair bumped three times, and then landed steadily. She realized that she had already arrived at the hotel, and realized that she was going to pay a wedding ceremony soon, and felt inexplicably nervous again.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yi hurried over and opened the car curtain, took the bright red silk from Xi Niang and stuffed it into her hand.

A red carpet was spread from her feet to the inside of the hotel. When the bride got off the sedan chair, the rhythm of the music changed and the atmosphere was instantly ignited.

Lin Yi didn't quite understand the procedure of getting married, and she was even more ignorant. With her red hijab covered, she didn't know anything, so she could only hold on to the big red silk tightly in her hand, and walked on the red carpet wearing small and exquisite red embroidered shoes.

She felt that there were many people applauding and cheering on both sides, and many things fell on her body. After seeing the colorful flowers scattered on the ground, she realized that they were flower petals.

"The newcomer steps into the brazier!"

Since it is a Chinese-style wedding, naturally everything follows the Chinese-style wedding customs, and the brazier is an indispensable etiquette in a Chinese-style wedding.

Standing on both sides, Zhang Rui and Li Wan gently lifted the bride's skirt and scarf to prevent the fire in the basin from burning the wedding dress when they passed the brazier.

"Newcomers arrive, open the happy door!"

Xi Niang yelled again, the live music became more festive, and the circular arch placed at the hotel entrance slowly opened.

The layout of the lobby on the first floor of the hotel can also be seen in front of you. The main color is crimson red, which symbolizes the day of great joy. There are wooden classical screens and an antique wedding platform in the center.

Seeing his son and daughter-in-law approaching step by step, he didn't know how to put his nervous hands.

The old man kept comforting himself, to be calm, what scene did he not see?

Cross this sentence out.

I have never seen this scene.

Dressed in auspicious wedding attire, they both climbed onto the high stage. Lin Yi looked around at the guests who had been seated below the stage, including his colleagues, relatives, friends, and even Xuanxuan whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The little girl was waving her hand to greet herself, as if she was afraid that she wouldn't see her, and kept jumping up and down.

Holding the red silk in his hand, Lin Yi could only nod and smile at her, and the little girl sat down contentedly.

"The newcomer kneels!"

Xi Niang shouted loudly, she moved behind, gave the center of the wedding platform to the two newcomers, and took the red silk from their hands.

Under Xi Niang's guidance, Lin Yi knelt down with her.

"One salute to heaven and earth, thank heaven and earth for their blessings, and invite newcomers to kowtow three times!"

"Two salutes to the high hall, thank parents for their kindness in nurturing, and invite newcomers to kowtow three times!"

"After the ceremony, the newlyweds stand up, please stand two steps apart from each other."

Lin Yi stood up and looked at his bride, the phoenix crown and Xiapei, the wedding dress was covered with embroidery, blue waves and begonias were densely covered, and the red hijab with red ears covered her small face.

But without thinking about it, with her temperament, that delicate little face must be flushed with shyness.

"The newcomer kneels again!"

"Kowtow to celebrate the marriage!"

"Second kowtow, congratulations on the love between husband and wife!"

"Three kowtows, I wish you a happy life together!"

"The newlyweds stand up, and the ceremony is over."

After three kowtows and nine prostrations, the ceremony of marriage worship is declared complete. Since then, the two have officially become husband and wife, which has been the case since ancient times.

Lin Yi stood up, held her little hand, felt the softness in his palm, and couldn't help feeling infinite tenderness in his heart at this moment.

Although I don't know what Qingqiu's marriage is like, but no matter what, the little fox demon will be his wife from now on.

Perhaps it should be said that he finally made her his wife.

When they met on a rainy night, her eyes were full of vigilance and distrust.

But that gaze gradually faded away, it didn't know when it turned into trust, into dependence, and at some point, when her nimble eyes looked at her, it began to overflow with tenderness.

After all, it needs a process. The little fox demon from Qingqiu gradually integrates into this world, adapts to this world, and gets used to this world. All of this needs a process.

There will always be someone to accompany her through this process, and this person happens to be me, and fortunately it is me.

Perhaps it is also destined to be myself.

It was doomed from the very beginning, when she was squatting under the eaves of the study and met by him, all of this was doomed.

The once naive and cute little fox demon has also lost its former appearance. It seems that it has become less naive, but it seems to have become more naive and cuter than before.

When she sleeps, she will arch into her arms, and when she snores in the middle of the night, she will stretch out her small hand to gently pinch her nose, and when she wakes up in the morning, she will secretly kiss herself.

When you are unhappy, you will whine and beg for a hug, but when you are happy, you will take the initiative to drill into your arms.

It seems that she likes to be jealous very much, and when she is jealous, she will tell herself that she is unhappy with a sullen face, and tell herself to like her forever.

Also seems to like to be angry, but never really angry.

Thinking of the past, the tenderness in Lin Yi's eyes became even more tender. In a trance, he seemed to be able to see the little face covered by the red hijab.

She was looking at herself, just like herself, her eyes were full of tenderness, and her face was full of unstoppable shyness.

"I love you." Lin Yi murmured.

He clearly knew that at this moment, the responsibility and responsibility of her husband fell on his shoulders.

And the first responsibility of a husband is to love his wife, and to love forever.

"I love you too." Her voice was soft and soft, but it was full of unparalleled seriousness and firmness.

There was applause and noise in the hotel, but outside the hotel, the evening sun poured down on the road.

The trees on both sides of the street also sprouted buds, and the immature branches and leaves glowed with the vitality unique to spring.

A woman dressed in white stood quietly under the tree, looking through the hotel gate to the Xitai in the center.

Looking at the newlyweds in red wedding dresses.

There were many pedestrians around, but no one noticed her existence.

She just stood there quietly for an unknown amount of time, her normally cold face was a little different at this time, she pursed her lips tightly, and her eyes were also very complicated, as if she had mixed feelings .

There is a little joy, but also a little loneliness, but more guilt.

A drop of clear tear fell from the corner of her eye, dripped onto the red silk in her hand, and slowly penetrated in again.

The silky red silk is bright and full of festiveness.

The celebration that belongs only to the big wedding day.

(End of this chapter)

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