my fox girl

Chapter 309 I will soon...

Chapter 309 I will soon...

The next day, in the morning.

Lin Yi suddenly woke up from his dream. Recently, he always had the same nightmare, and he would be awakened from time to time, which made him a little nervous.

He looked down, and then he was slightly relieved, and couldn't help but hugged the nephrite jade in his arms tightly.

Just now I dreamed of being separated from the little fox demon again, and when I woke up, I found that she was no longer around.

And no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find her.

Fortunately, the dream is reversed, she has always been there, and will always be there.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Yi propped himself up on his arms, and looked at her sideways. In one night, she went from a young girl to a mature one. The faint and charming style was unscrupulously exuding from her loose hair and eyebrows.

It's just that she seemed very tired, and she was still frowning tightly in her sleep.

Lin Yi stretched out his fingers and stroked her face lightly, with pity in his eyes, he lowered his head and touched her lips lightly.


Xiaobai let out a soft moan from his nose, and woke up slowly, his eyes opened a slit, still a bit hazy.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling better?" Lin Yi asked softly, stroking her smooth back.


She responded softly, stretched her tired arms around Lin Yi's waist, recalled the experience of last night, her cheeks couldn't help but blushed, shrank her body into his arms, and whispered, "Husband."

"What did you call me?" Lin Yi didn't react for a while.

"Husband, husband."

"Call again."


"So nice."

Lin Yi kissed her face, felt the tenderness in her arms, and felt that he was about to move again, but after seeing the fatigue on her face, he still suppressed it and said softly: "It's still early, let's sleep a little longer .”

"I dont want to sleep."

"That's fine. I just don't want to sleep either, so let's do morning exercises and exercise."

Lin Yi really felt that he was not sleepy.
I'm in high spirits right now
It seems that more than a month of rejuvenating energy has already paid off. Goji berry is really good for health. Judging from the current accumulation, it should be able to help her practice for a long time.

But originally he was afraid that she would be tired, but he didn't expect that this girl would not want to sleep.

Hearing this, Xiaobai quickly closed his eyes, blushing and muttering, "I, I want to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

"Didn't you just say you didn't want to sleep?"

Sensing that Lin Yi was approaching, the little fox demon froze. He squeezed his legs together tightly, and with great difficulty opened his hands, and softly pushed him a few times, "I, I'm very tired now, so I just I really want to sleep, you are not allowed to come."


"Well, it's true."

She wrinkled her nose, frowned slightly, and whispered shyly: "And, it still hurts."

Hearing this, Lin Yi immediately suppressed his thoughts, reached out and pulled the corner of the quilt to cover her up, and then kissed her forehead.

"Then let's sleep for a while."


The bright red wedding dress was randomly scattered on the ground, and the little fox demon hummed lightly, curled up and leaned against his chest, feeling the warmth at this moment, and slowly closed her eyes.

It seemed that she was really tired, and soon she fell asleep again, and her breathing gradually became even.

Lin Yi looked at her beautiful little face, and at the same time, there was a look of fatigue between her brows, and he hugged her even tighter, and then closed his eyes.

It's not too late to talk about helping her practice.

Sleeping until the afternoon, Lin Yi woke up leisurely, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the little fox demon still curled up in her arms. At this time, she had also woken up, and her eyes like autumn water were still open. He stared at himself with strange eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm going to have a baby soon."


Looking at her blushing little face, Lin Yi was startled, and subconsciously asked, "What did I miss?"

He suspected that he had slept for a long time, even so long that he missed the process of her pregnancy, and fast forwarded directly to the plot of becoming a father.

I'm not ready yet, why am I going to be a father?
I feel caught off guard.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi hurriedly lifted the quilt, and he was relieved when he saw that her belly was still flat.

Fortunately, I didn't sleep for a long time, and I didn't miss her pregnancy.

"Where is your child?" After a moment of silence, he asked aloud.

"That's right, it's in my stomach." Xiaobai blushed and looked at his lower abdomen. He didn't do anything last night, so he must be pregnant now, and his stomach will gradually grow bigger.

Thinking of this, her little face couldn't help but turn a little redder, and even exuded the brilliance of motherhood.

"You think too much. Pregnancy doesn't mean you can get pregnant just by saying it."

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, feeling that this girl is really getting more and more naive now.

"I will definitely be pregnant."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I'm sure."

Hearing this, the little fox demon caressed her little belly, and couldn't help but glared at him shyly and angrily, didn't he know what this guy did to him?

He still has the face to ask.

After hesitating for a moment, she bit her lips lightly, and decided to explain clearly. Then she blushed and said in a very small voice: "That's why you will definitely be pregnant."


Lin Yi was silent for a while, and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you for ten months. If you can't give birth after ten months, I'll beat your butt into eight pieces."


Hearing this, Xiaobai groaned and thumped in Lin Yi's arms, but accidentally touched the wound. She let out a cry of pain, almost bursting into tears, and said pitifully, "I hurt."

"It's not honest to hurt you."

Lin Yi kissed the tears at the corners of her eyes, hugged her and comforted her softly, until her pain subsided, then got up and put on his clothes, helped her tuck the corners of the quilt, and said: "You take a good rest, I'll go Get you something to eat."


Xiao Bai responded lightly, pulled the quilt up again, only exposed a small head, looked at Lin Yi's back, and said suddenly: "I'm different."

"What's different about you?"

"I'm just different. I'm a fox demon. Pregnancy doesn't have to be ten months, it could be a year, or it could be two years."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but fell silent, turned around and continued to walk out, before leaving the door, he said: "You won't be able to give birth to you in three years, it's not so easy to give birth to a child, you are like a hen laying eggs, you are obedient Lie down and don't think about these useless things."

It was just the bridal chamber last night, and this girl insisted that she was pregnant, maybe it was because she had a lump in her head.

If making babies is so easy, why do we need so many infertility hospitals?
What's more, such a thing as a one-shot hit will only appear in TV dramas, and it is basically impossible in reality. After all, this kind of thing does not conform to physiological knowledge at all. According to research, it is very difficult to fertilize an egg thing.

Even if the baby is conceived, it is impossible to be 100% successful, but the probability will be higher.

So she can't be pregnant
No, she is not a human being, she is a little fox demon, is human physiology useful to her?
It doesn't seem to work.

 Thanks for the 1500 points rewarded by book friend Luxembourg Elector Children's Shoes.

  Thanks for the 1500 points rewarded by book friend Ye Yan Children's Shoes.

  Thanks to Xiao Huangyou Hokuriku for the 500 points rewarded by participating in the business.

(End of this chapter)

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