my fox girl

Chapter 310 Our Baby

Chapter 310 Our Baby

For the matter of becoming a father, Lin Yi refused in his heart, and it would take at least a few years to become a father.

Otherwise, it would be too sad for her to be pregnant just after the bridal chamber.

So Lin Yi was unwilling to believe that she was pregnant, not to mention that she hadn't written off her horoscope, these were just her unreasonable guesses.

Women, there will be times when they are stupid.

What's more, the little fox demon is very naive.

Reassuring himself in this way, Lin Yi came back with his meal and went into the bedroom. The little fox demon was still curled up under the quilt, stroking his belly with his hands, and muttering something softly.

"What are you doing again?"

"I'm prenatal education."

"Hiss..." Lin Yi felt a pain in his head right now, what a goddamn prenatal education.

Let alone whether she is pregnant or not, even if she is, with her stupid IQ, is prenatal education really useful?
Help, what should I do if my daughter-in-law always has the illusion of being pregnant?
The answer is simple, just test it out.

Fortunately, when he went out just now, he bought a box of pregnancy test sticks.

"Come on, eat first, and I'll test it for you after the meal."

"Test what?"

"Let's eat first." Lin Yi didn't explain, but sat on the bedside and opened the lunch boxes one by one. There were a few stir-fried dishes with meat and vegetables, a few bowls of rice, and a bowl of nourishing chicken soup.

What I just said last night, I still need to make up for it.

"Come on, let me feed you." Lin Yi picked up the dish with chopsticks, blew it twice, and then handed it to her mouth, "Open your mouth... ah."

"I'm not a child." Even so, she opened her mouth obediently, swallowed the food, and said, "I still want soup."

"Okay, drink the soup, it's a bit hot now, I'll blow it up for you before drinking it."

Lin Yi picked up the chicken soup again, scooped up a spoonful, put it to his mouth, and blew gently. When he raised his eyes, he saw her smiling innocently, and asked, "Why are you smirking?"

"It's not a smirk."

Xiao Bai wrinkled his nose, looked at him blowing soup for himself, and said softly: "Lin Yi, you are so kind."

"Call husband."


"Good boy, let's have some soup."

After being served by Lin Yi and eating two big bowls of rice, and drinking the bowl of chicken soup, Xiaobai lay down again, gently stroking his chubby belly because he had just eaten, and suddenly said,

"Baby, do you see that the person who is eating is your father?"

"Cough cough."

Lin Yi was dealing with her leftovers, when he suddenly heard her say this, he was choked up and coughed.

He coughed for a while, his face flushed, and he recovered after a long time. Then he threw the rice bowl on the bedside table, and put his hand under the quilt.

"Come, come, let me touch where your so-called baby is."

"It's our baby."

"Well, our baby." Lin Yi continued as she wished, stroking her belly gently with his hand, it was indeed a little round, but it was not pregnant at all, it was just last night, what? She became pregnant so quickly.

The little fox demon looked at the scene in front of her, feeling very warm inexplicably. The husband touched his wife's belly, feeling the little life conceived in the belly, just like the one on TV.

Her eyes became tender and watery, her fair face was flushed slightly, she bit her lips lightly and said, "I, I think our baby is moving, did you feel it?"

"What am I"

Lin Yi was powerless to complain, the god damn baby is moving, even if it is really pregnant, the baby at this moment is at most a cell, not even an embryo.

This girl can actually feel the fetal movement.

It's so outrageous.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yi pulled his hand out of the quilt, took out a box of pregnancy test sticks from his pocket, and shook it lightly, "Well, let's use this to test you. This thing can test whether you are pregnant or not. Baby."

At this moment, he is [-]% sure that this girl is not pregnant, and everything she perceives is an illusion.

But it's a pity that she obviously got into the drama too deeply, and she was already trapped in the illusion of her pregnancy and couldn't extricate herself.

But what I can do now is to ask her to test it quickly, although it was just last night, and then it would be ridiculous to test it with this thing only a few hours later, and the result of the test would not be accurate.

Generally speaking, you have to wait until ten days later if you want the test results to be accurate.

But he didn't have a good idea either.

If she didn't stop it, she would have to yell that she was going to have a baby before long.

"Pregnancy tests?"

"You still know this thing?"

"There are words on it."

"Okay, then you can go to the bathroom to test."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi suddenly stopped, remembering that she was inconvenient to move at the moment, and then opened his arms, "Come on, my husband will carry you."

"I do not."

The little fox demon stubbornly shook her head, got up and wanted to find clothes to put on, and then went to the bathroom by herself.

But she didn't want to touch the wound again, so she took a light breath in pain, and then sat back down when her legs softened. After a moment of hesitation, she blushed and whispered: "You, you carry me."


After a long time, Lin Yi came out of the bathroom with her in his arms, trying to put her back on the bed, but he couldn't put her down after several attempts.

The little fox demon tightly hugged Lin Yi's neck with both arms, hanging on his body like a koala, and would not let go no matter what.

He was still whimpering softly.

"Woo, our baby is gone"

"It's not that it's not, it's because you weren't pregnant with the baby." Lin Yi's expression was hard to describe.

She has been in this state ever since she got a bar in the test just now, crying pear blossoms with rain, feeling that the baby she just conceived is gone, as if the pregnancy test stick gave her a miscarriage.

"But I can clearly feel it"

"It's your illusion."


"Okay, no."

Seeing her extremely sad appearance, Lin Yi couldn't bear to argue with her any more, he just hugged her a little tighter, stroked her smooth back, and comforted her softly in her ear.

It wasn't until her emotions gradually calmed down that Lin Yi asked, "Didn't you always want to have a baby, why are you so anxious to have one now?"

Feeling pregnant, generally this kind of illusion will only appear in those women who have been infertile for many years. In other words, only women who are extremely eager to have children will have this illusion.

In his impression, the little fox demon does not belong to this category, she has always been afraid of having children.


Xiaobai's lips parted slightly, and he didn't know what to say. He obviously didn't want to have a child before, but now he really wanted to give him a child, a child that belonged to him and him.

She wanted to speak her mind, but couldn't, feeling ashamed to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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