my fox girl

Chapter 312 I Recorded It For My Daughter-in-law

Chapter 312 I Recorded It For My Daughter-in-law
Lin Yi had previously handed over all the family savings to the little fox demon for safekeeping, and wanted to show his attitude.

The daughter-in-law of other people's family controls the financial power, so you have to control it too.

But the salary card is different, it is a man's dignity.

Lin Yi originally wanted to sternly refuse, but there was no way, she gave too much.

Earning two hundred more a month, this kind of business is very cost-effective. Of course, Lin Yi is not stupid. Although he doesn't know how this girl settles the accounts, he still chooses to hand in his salary card immediately.

The moment I handed it over, I felt a little uneasy again, and asked, "Is it five thousand a month?"


"Okay, then I'll trust you once."

Seeing her nodding, Lin Yi handed over his salary card. Seeing her happily put it into the bag, he always felt a very subtle feeling in his heart.

I feel that her approach is completely contradictory. While asking herself to hand in her salary card, she also gives herself a higher pocket money. I can't guess her intention at all.

But the little fox demon didn't know Lin Yi's thoughts, she just opened the small satchel and took a look at the salary card inside, her face was full of joy, she couldn't help but take another look.

Look again
After looking at it for several times, he closed the zipper with satisfaction, then took out a pile of money from the drawer, and started to count little by little.

After a while, she handed over the 5000 yuan she counted to Lin Yi, "Husband, this is your pocket money for this month, come to me for it when you run out."


Lin Yi scratched his head, took the money, felt the thickness of the banknote in his hand, and felt even more wrong.

After thinking about it for a long time, he realized that he rubbed the space between his eyebrows with his hands, and it turned out that something was wrong here.

Generally, families where the woman manages the money are basically the kind. It is as rare as the husband wants some money.

Then you can only secretly save money for your own house, just for this, you have to fight wits with your wife, and you must not let the other party find out.

Otherwise, the small treasury will be at risk of being confiscated.

But when he came to his place, why did his painting style change suddenly.

She is not only generous, but also afraid that she is not enough.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yi counted out three thousand of the money in his hand, handed it over and said, "Why don't you give me two thousand a month, I don't feel at ease when you give so much money."

"No, men can't lack money outside."


Lin Yi's expression at this moment was indescribable, and he was silent for a long time before asking: "Then why do you keep asking for my salary card?"

"I read online that it is said that men give money to women to manage, which is the greatest love and trust for their daughter-in-law."

" feel my love and trust now?"

"It's not now, I've always been able to feel it." When she spoke, she wrinkled her little nose slightly and seemed a little unhappy, but there was a smile on her face, just like the warm sun in early spring.

The warm sun in early spring will eventually dissipate, it will be the end of May, and the time will come to early summer quietly.

After more than three months of marriage, Lin Yicai was finally willing to come out of Ruanrouxiang. He didn't plan to come out, but he couldn't resist Yang Ming's urging, so he insisted on communicating with married people like himself and Liu Jian to learn from it.

After all, he was going to get married in two days, so he needed experience.

As a friend, Lin Yi certainly wouldn't let this show off. Bah, it's an opportunity to help a friend.

"What are you doing holding your back?"

"You don't understand, walking like this is good for the kidneys, so what, I'll try to come back early at night."

Lin Yi went out with his waist supported, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, no wonder people always said that Ruanrou Township is the Hero's Tomb, he has only been married for a long time, less than four months, and he already felt a little sore in his waist.

He suspected that the vixen at home secretly picked him up, but after asking, the girl refused to admit it.

Still wrinkling her little nose, she threw herself into her arms and whimpered, saying that this is your illusion, I have signed a contract with you, and your body will definitely get better and better.

As for whether it looks like this.

It should be, because Lin Yi can really feel that his body has really become a lot stronger. Before staying up all night, he would feel tired, and if not, he would lose his hair.

Now I stay up all night with vigor, and I even want to stay up again, and sometimes I can feel some kind of strange energy swimming in my body.

Last time there was a power outage in the community, I climbed up to the fifteenth floor without any effort, my face was not red and I was not out of breath, my legs were not sore, and my back was not painful. It was better than taking the new Gaizhonggai lozenges.

From this point of view, the signing of the contract is really useful. Although I don't know how she signed it, she asked about it, and she only said that it was signed on the night of the bridal chamber.

I don't know exactly what's going on, Lin Yi reckoned that it should be related to something he likes to do, but his current body...
Strong is strong, but occasionally I still feel a faint soreness in my waist, especially after overwork.

It seems that no matter how strong a person is, he still has to protect his waist. After all, this thing is the most important part of the body.

And the more important parts are more fragile, just like chicken cough. Egg.
Thinking wildly along the way, Lin Yi drove the car to the meeting place, where the three elders sat together and did not call Sun Yan. It was not because the guy was not married, but mainly because he was busy trying to please his mother-in-law during this time, so he didn't have time to come .

A few people were sitting at a barbecue stand by the roadside, drinking beer, eating small skewers, and blowing the breeze.

But Lin Yi didn't drink at all, and just kept licking the skewers, no one could persuade him, don't ask, the daughter-in-law wouldn't let him.

"About this marriage, buddy must have a good talk with you."

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Liu Jian put the wine bottle away, patted Yang Ming on the shoulder, and was about to point out the country, or rather, vomit bitterness.

"It doesn't matter what you get married, but you must not be in a hurry to have children, no, if you can, you don't want it, if you can, dink is fine, really, I feel that I am a little nervous now.

Good guy, I don't even understand, I obviously want a girl, but how can this little girl be so troublesome and cry during the day?"

"You wait a moment"

Just as Liu Jiang was halfway through speaking, Lin Yi waved his hand to stop him, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the recording function, and said, "Go ahead."

"What are you doing recording?" Liu Jian instantly became vigilant, narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you trying to tip off the news and send this to my wife?"

"No, I want to record this and go back to my daughter-in-law."

"What did you tell your wife?"

"It's nothing, just to tell her about the difficulty of having children."

"Your wife wants children?"

"En." Lin Yi responded vaguely, and continued to urge: "Hurry up and continue, I'm waiting to record."

The little fox demon at home is thinking about having a baby every day, and every time she doesn't let herself bring a small umbrella, and then after she finishes her work, she will touch her own belly and say that I feel that she will definitely have a baby this time , but it's a pity that I can't get pregnant every time.

Immediately afterwards, he whimpered and begged for hugs and comfort.

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out, he had only just got married, so why did he want a child so early.

Isn't the world of two fragrant?
Marriage is not for the purpose of having children, and it will take at least a few years to regenerate, not to mention that both of them are still very young. If there is no accident, they will live very strong in the next few hundred years.

There is absolutely no need to have children early.

(End of this chapter)

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