my fox girl

Chapter 313

Chapter 313
"A woman who is willing to give birth to you means that she really loves you, and you are not happy, tsk tsk tsk."

Holding the wine glass, Liu Jian clicked his tongue, expressing his disgust towards Lin Yi, and he didn't know who was the one who complained about the difficulty of raising a child just now.

"." Lin Yi looked at him silently, then glanced at the phone that was recording on the table.

"Hey, it's a pity that we are still young, but you haven't even learned the slightest advantage of me. What I love most is my daughter-in-law. She walked through the gate of hell before giving birth to a daughter for me. I am a little bit tired. What is it, she is the most bitter and tiring, what she did for me, I can't remember it in my whole life."

Liu Jian took a sip from his wine glass, then heaved a long sigh, and said in a low and slightly hoarse tone: "It's a pity that my daughter-in-law is not around at the moment, otherwise I will definitely cry, and then cry and tell her "wife, you have worked hard!" , thank you for giving birth to such a lovely daughter for me, for letting me have sustenance in my heart, and I will forever"

"Cough" Lin Yi coughed lightly, tapped on the phone screen, and said leisurely, "I've already turned off the recording."

"Oh." Liu Jian glanced at the screen, and then quickly said, "Remember to send the recorded section to my wife."

Then he pursed his lips and asked, "Where did I just say that?"

"What will happen to you forever." Yang Ming reminded.

"That's not what he asked." Lin Yi put the phone in his pocket, tapped the screen secretly, and reminded: "Your child is very good at tossing around."

"Yeah, I can't even figure it out, a girl from every family."

Speaking of this, Liu Jian suddenly stopped and asked, "You didn't record it, did you?"

He is very suspicious of Lin Yi's purpose right now. It's not that he speculates maliciously. The main reason is that Lin Yi has a criminal record. Last time, this guy posted the video of Yang Ming's proposal to the group, and Yang Ming was laughed at for a whole year. .

If this guy does it again, sends the recording to the group, and then his wife sees it, what will happen is completely predictable.

They worked so hard to give birth to a cub for you, yet you still find her annoying, scumbag, bah!
"The recording is a recording, but don't worry, I will never send this to your daughter-in-law, nor will I send it to the group, just take it back for my daughter-in-law to listen to."


"Really, if you don't believe me, I will swear to you, if the purpose of my recording is not pure, just... um..."

Lin Yi scratched his head, thought for a moment, and said, "Just let me three years, no, I won't have a baby within five years."

"Fart!" Liu Jian yelled at the table, "You are so beautiful in your thinking, so, I swear to you, and you will repeat it after I finish speaking."

"Okay, tell me."

"Hey, listen carefully..."

Liu Jian cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "If the purpose of my recording, Lin Yi, is not pure, my child will be born next year, and there will be multiple births. No matter how many children are born, they will all be boys. This, you read it again."

"What the hell, you want me to read such a tragic oath?" Lin Yi was startled, and looked at him in disbelief, good guy, what a big hatred this is.

"You read it quickly."


Lin Yi was silent for a while, took out the phone from his pocket, shut it down in front of him, and then put it on the table, "I won't record, the risk is too great."

Although he didn't think about sending the recording to Liu Jian's wife, such a poisonous oath still made him feel panicked.

To record a sound and take such a big risk, it feels completely uneconomical.

Seeing this, Liu Jian was completely relieved, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, then heaved a long sigh of relief, and continued the previous topic,
"I can't even figure it out. It's clear that I gave birth to a girl, but how can she be more troubled than a boy, crying during the day and making noises at night, staying up all night, and she doesn't go to the bathroom and is not hungry, just crying and making troubles If you want to be hugged, that's all, you can't hug her lying down, but you have to stand up and hug her, so you have to shake her."

Hearing this, Lin Yi inexplicably wanted to laugh, and it rhymed, but suddenly felt a little sad.

Good guy, having a child forced me to learn to rap.

The daughter of his family is only seven or eight months old, and I heard that this is a relatively easy stage to take care of. At most, she likes to cry and then hug and shake twice to coax her, and change her diaper when she is fine.

When you get older, when you are three, four, five or six years old, you will be in the stage of becoming a demon. If you don’t look at it, the child can run to the kitchen to play with knives, lie on the window and look down at the scenery, or eat indiscriminately. .

If you don't pay attention, you can play yourself to death.

At that time, I don't know whether the young literary and artistic youth can withstand it.

"And then there is my daughter-in-law, who is also suffering a lot now. At that time, she had a normal delivery when she gave birth, and there was no caesarean section or anything, leaving a few stretch marks on her stomach.

As for women, they all like beauty. She now feels that her body has flaws, and she already has knots in her heart, and children are too troublesome.

Several times I got up in the middle of the night to coax the child, and coaxed her to cry together. What can I do, I can only coax the two together. "

As he spoke, Liu Jian sighed again, with a look of deep vicissitudes and exhaustion on his face, "Then I coaxed her to pinch and beat me, blaming me for letting her have such a child. Crying, she made a fuss over there again, I can't say anything, I can only comfort with soft words, can you imagine this kind of scene?"

Without waiting for Lin Yi and the two to speak, he asked himself and answered, "You can't! Because you don't have children at all."


"To be honest, sometimes I feel that I may have committed some crimes in my previous life, so I have to be tortured like this, and they are tossed together by the two of them, but in the final analysis, all of this is because of the child, and everyone says that the daughter is the father. Sweetheart Xiaomian, wait, I'll answer the phone"


Liu Jian stood up and ran to the side to connect the phone. The moment he connected, his bitter and bitter face changed instantly, and it was full of helpless smiles.

While nodding and bowing, he repeatedly said yes.

"Hey, okay, daughter-in-law, don't cry, don't cry, I'll be right back to coax the child, it's okay, okay, you wait, well, I will try my best, really, how is it possible, be good, don't cry."

Basically that's the line.

Lin Yi was silent, Yang Ming was dumbfounded, neither of them knew how to describe their mood at the moment.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Jian only left a sentence to reunite when he had time, then hurriedly turned and left, leaving the two sitting on the ground looking at each other.

After a long silence, Lin Yi opened his mouth to break the silence. He licked his slightly dry lips and asked, "Then what, you are going to get married soon, will you have children after marriage?"

Yang Ming shook his head again and again, "If you don't give birth, will you give birth?"

"I don't have children either. A life with children is not a normal life." Lin Yi said.

"Can a normal person live this kind of life?" Yang Ming followed closely behind.


Lin Yi paused for a moment, and said leisurely, "But it's still going to happen."

After the words fell, the two were silent again. They couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see the same sentence from each other's eyes.
There is no rush to have a baby, just procrastinate if you can.

(End of this chapter)

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