my fox girl

Chapter 314 You Are Stomach Bloated...

Chapter 314 You Are Stomach Bloated...

When the lights came on, the road was full of traffic, and Lin Yi was driving, his thoughts already wandering away.

As the literary youth said, how much a woman loves you will want to give birth to you.

And what my little fox demon used to be most afraid of was having a baby, but now he has overcome that fear and wants to give birth to a baby for himself.

I don't want it yet, it's really too ignorant to say it.

However, it's not that I don't want it, the main reason is that I don't want it so early. The matter of literary youth is the best example.

When his daughter was just born, she cried and laughed, and almost fainted from joy, which was even more outrageous than Fan Jinzhongju.

look at this moment
tsk tsk.
I don't want to let an extra doll appear in the world of two people early.

Driving back home, the little fox demon was sitting on a chair playing games. When he saw Lin Yi coming back, he threw the mouse and threw it directly into his arms, sniffing his little nose, "Have you been drinking?"

"No, I didn't drink at all this time."


She seemed a little disbelieving, so she sniffed a few times and saw that Lin Yi did not smell of alcohol at all, so she felt relieved, and tiptoed to kiss his lips as a reward.

Then he said solemnly: "You are not allowed to drink alcohol in the future, do you understand?"

"Yes, you must follow the lady's instruction."

Lin Yi responded, stretched out his hand to stroke her soft hair, and asked softly, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"I ate it, but I only ate one bowl of rice, and it was still a small bowl."

"Why do you eat so little, you don't have an appetite?"

"Well, I just don't have an appetite."

Xiaobai wrapped his arms around Lin Yi's waist, raised his face and looked at him with rolling eyes, "I feel that I must be pregnant with a baby, that's why I have no appetite."

"You're thinking too much. We just tested it this morning, and it still shows a bar. This must be your illusion again."

"It's not an illusion. I searched on the Internet, and the pregnancy test stick will also be inaccurate. Moreover, I feel that my stomach is swollen and I can't eat anything. I must be pregnant with a baby."

Hearing this, Lin Yi thought for a moment, and explained to her: "Since you can't eat, it means that your condition is bloating, and it has nothing to do with the baby. Of course, if you can have the baby in your stomach, then it should be treated as a baby." I did not say."


Xiao Bai fell silent, and after a while, stretched out his hand to twist his waist, turned around and sat down on the chair angrily, picked up the mouse and continued to play games, deciding to ignore that annoying guy.

Ignore him all night.

Unless he came to coax himself, he had to hug and coax him.

"Come on, let me show you something nice." Lin Yi took out a small box from his pocket.

"I do not watch."

"You'll regret it if you don't."

"Then I won't watch either."

She said so in her mouth, but she still couldn't hold back, and glanced quietly with the corner of her eye, but she could only see a small box with a square shape, and she couldn't tell what was inside, but the packaging was It looks very beautiful.

After hesitating for a moment, she asked in a casual tone, "What is it?"

"Small umbrella." Lin Yi stroked the small square box in his hand, and said braggingly, "And it's a hardcover limited edition. Look, there are words on it."

As he spoke, he pointed to a line on the box and read: "We are not trying to prevent the birth of life, but just want you to live in a two-person world for a longer time. Listen, how good this is, just think about it with me." exactly the same."


Xiao Bai was silent for a while, puffed up his cheeks and said, "You are not allowed to touch me at night."

She didn't want this kind of thing. Having a baby was not the key point. The main thing was that Xiao Linyi came in and opened an umbrella, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

She only wants him, and she only wants to give herself to him, and everything else is not acceptable, even if it is only separated by an umbrella.

"Actually, I just don't want a child to appear early in our life. I want to live with you for a few more years."

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Lin Yi quickly walked up to her, bent down slightly, and explained softly.

"I know."

The little fox demon didn't turn her head back, she just focused on manipulating the mouse and keyboard to fight the dinosaurs in the game, it seemed that she was really angry.

Seeing this, Lin Yi squatted down again, looked up at her and said, "Don't be angry, let me tell you a joke."

"I don't listen."

"Then I."

"Don't talk to me, get up."


Hearing this, Lin Yi stood up obediently, walked to the side and stood there.

"You stay away from me."


Lin Yi walked a little further away, looked at the box of small umbrellas thrown on the coffee table, scratched his head, and didn't quite understand it.

Isn't it just a box of small umbrellas?

Why are you so angry.

The room was quiet, only the sound of typing on the keyboard and clicking the mouse. Lin Yi walked over several times to try to coax her, but she stared back at her, so he could only retreat to the same place and walk away. look at her.

The expression was both helpless and guilty, as well as a little dazed and helpless.

The night is getting darker.

The moonlight poured in from the balcony, and Lin Yi's somewhat numb legs pushed the dumpling aside with his feet, and continued to watch eagerly.

After waiting for a while, the little fox demon finally put down the keyboard and mouse, looked back at him, turned his head back again, paused for a moment, and said with a puffy face: "Aren't you coming to coax me?"

"Hey, here we come."

Lin Yi's face was filled with joy, and he quickly walked over. When he came to him, he couldn't help scratching his head. After hesitating for a moment, he asked a little embarrassedly: "Then what, how do you want me to coax you?"

Right now, he felt that none of the previous methods worked, and he didn't dare to try again, for fear that the girl would get angry again.

"You won't even hug me?"

"Yes, yes, of course"

Lin Yi nodded again and again, carefully picked her up from the chair and hugged her into his arms, then hugged her tightly.

Looking at the little fox demon in her arms, her slightly wrinkled nose still seemed a little sullen.

Seeing this, Lin Yi lowered his head and kissed the tip of her nose, then pressed her forehead and said softly, "I'm sorry."

"Why did you say sorry to me?" Xiaobai pursed his mouth, turned his eyes to other places, and asked pretending not to know.

"I accidentally made you angry, and I don't know how to coax you, of course I have to apologize."

"I'm not angry."

She turned her gaze back, buried her head in Lin Yi's chest, took a light breath, and then whispered: "I just feel a little unhappy, and I want you to hug me."

"Then you now."

Lin Yi caressed her back, and stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking. He seemed to be hesitant, and asked after a pause, "That's right, are you happy?"

“very happy”

The little fox demon raised her face and looked at him, feeling a little distressed seeing his cautious appearance, then tiptoed to kiss his lips.

After parting her lips, she hesitated for a moment, leaned into his ear and whispered, "Honey, you can hug me to sleep..."

The soft breath lingered in her ears. Although she didn't say it explicitly, Lin Yi understood it instantly through her shy appearance, and subconsciously looked at the small box on the coffee table.

"I don't want that"

"Well, don't don't want it." Lin Yi pushed the dog who came close again to the side with his foot, and walked into the bedroom with the charming and shy little fox demon in his arms.

The night is deep.

The night wind in early summer blows into the window sill along with the moonlight, making the covering curtains slightly swell and rustle.

Intertwined with soft and gentle moans.

(End of this chapter)

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