my fox girl

Chapter 315 Think...

Chapter 315 Think...

The small night light by the bedside emits a warm light, and the evening wind of summer night blows in, giving off a hint of coolness.

Lin Yi turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, pulled up the quilt a little bit, stroked her back with his hand, and quietly looked at her sleeping face.

His face was still flushed, and he looked a little exhausted, but he didn't even want to let go of himself when he was sleeping, wrapping himself around like a mermaid.

And there were still fingerprints on his back that she had unconsciously scratched out just now, which brought a little pain.

I couldn't help stretching out my finger to scratch lightly on the bridge of her nose, the little fox demon's nose suddenly wrinkled slightly, and she twisted her body a few times restlessly.


Afterwards, she seemed to be drawn to something, and she couldn't help but let out a soft hum from her nose, and her slightly frowned brows also showed a hint of anger and shame.

Seeing this, Lin Yi stretched out his arms quietly, dimmed the light of the night light, then put his arms back and continued to hug her, with his hands on her back, stroking her gently.

It wasn't until her expression gradually calmed down that he breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at her flushed little face, his eyes flickered a few times and softened.

If there is a cub, there will be a cub, let nature take its course, although she doesn't want to have a child early, but she should listen to this kind of thing.

What's more, the little fox demon is already afraid of having children, but still wants to give birth to herself.

How much she loves herself can suppress this fear.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, having a child is nothing more than being tortured for several years, oh, no, it should be tortured for more than ten years, or even twenty years.

His thoughts stayed here, Lin Yi glanced out of the window, and through the curtains, he could vaguely see that the sky was getting dark, and the sky seemed to be a little white.

Although it was early morning, he didn't want to sleep at all, he just wanted to hug her, look at her, and guard her.

As the time came to the morning, the room did not brighten up, but looked a little dim. The sky was shrouded in clouds and mist, and it seemed that a heavy rain was brewing.

Near noon, the heavy rain finally poured down, and from time to time a few muffled thunder came from far and near, rumbling.

Hearing the sound, the little fox demon, who had slept peacefully on Lin Yi's chest all night, was awakened by the sound, and met his gaze as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Wake up."


The little fox demon seemed to be still a little confused, and let out an unconscious hum, softly.

After a while, the hazy and blurred eyes slowly became clear and lively.

Immediately when he realized something, his fair little face blushed suddenly, he bit his lips lightly and moved his body forward, then buried his head into Lin Yi's neck, breathed soft breath with his slightly opened mouth, He called softly, "Husband."


"are you hungry?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi thought about it for a while, and then roughly understood what she meant, and patted her on the back lightly a few times, "Then you come down first, and I'll go downstairs to buy you breakfast."

"I don't." Xiaobai wrinkled his nose, rubbed his head against his neck, and moaned.

Lin Yi hugged her limp body and couldn't figure out what she meant for a while, so he couldn't help asking: "Then what do you want to do?"

She bit her lips tightly, hesitated for a long time, and then said in an extremely weak voice:


The sky is filled with mist, which is full of hazy feeling. The sun shines through the layers of clouds and mist, making the room slightly brighter.

Lin Yi tightly hugged the little fox demon in his arms, watching her chest rise and fall, together with her waist and back outlined a graceful curve, the white and tender skin on her body was still blushing with shame.

But after hesitating for a moment, she decided to give up, not to mention that she was a little tired now, and if she continued like this, she might not be able to bear it.

Although you are young, you still need to know how to advance and retreat
In short, do it and cherish it.


"Well, I'm here."

Lin Yi responded, grabbed the tail that was wagging behind her with his hand, and stroked it from the fluffy and soft root to the tip, "Why don't you call me husband this time?"

"Do you like to hear me call you husband?"

"Then what do you like to call me?" Lin Yi asked back.

"I like them all, as long as you want me to call them, I can call them all."

Lin Yi hesitated, and asked: "Then can you call me Dad? I heard that whenever you are tired, as long as you hear the child call Dad, you will feel tired all over your body. I'll be very tired after a while."

The little fox bites down angrily. This guy is so wicked that he always wants to call him daddy.

Now change the routine.

"Don't bark, don't bark, let go..."


She snorted through her nose, then let go of her mouth, looked at the small teeth marks on his chest, stroked it with her fingers twice,

Then put her face on it to listen to the heartbeat in his chest, closed her eyes and asked, "Do you still want to be a father?"

"I don't want to." Lin Yi denied it without hesitation.

"I'm talking about the real dad, not my dad."

"I listen to you on this matter."

"I said I want you to?"


"I don't believe it." Xiaobai pouted and looked at him with puffy cheeks. This guy has never wanted children, no, he didn't want to have children early, and he always told himself various reasons.

But I really want to give him one.

Although he still felt that giving birth to a child was terrible, and he even felt terrified, but when he thought that the child would belong to him, he felt that the fear in his heart dissipated a lot and turned into expectation.

This is probably the only thing they can't discuss.

Perhaps this is the so-called different dreams in the same bed.

"it is true."

Lin Yi gently stroked her soft waist, and couldn't help but kiss her puffy cheek, and said: "I thought about it all night last night, and I don't think I can refuse.

After all, you are so afraid of having children, but you are willing to give birth to me. This must be because you love me so much, right? "


Lin Yi thought for a moment and replied, "That must be the reason why I love you so much, that's why you reluctantly want to give birth to me."

The little fox demon was greatly benefited from hearing this, rubbed his head in his arms lightly, and said in a tone almost whispering: "Well, that's how it is."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi suddenly laughed softly, the smile was softer than the sunlight falling by the window after the wind and rain, and at the same time, he couldn't help hugging the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms even tighter.

"We let nature take its course, and when we get pregnant, we will."

Although he still didn't want it very much, he felt like he was stuck in his throat and couldn't say that we were not in a hurry to have children.

"Then can't you get pregnant?"

"I can't get pregnant anymore."

"Needless to say, I feel like I'm definitely pregnant this time."

"You remove the affirmation, otherwise our baby will be carried in the stomach again this time." Lin Yi felt that she was not feeling right.

"It's not in the stomach, it's not in the stomach, it's not in the stomach"

Hearing this, the little fox turned into a humming monster again, buried his face in Lin Yi's neck, humming and chirping, and kept repeating the same sentence, like a repeater.

"Okay, okay, no, no." Lin Yi patted her on the back softly and comforted her, watching her coquettishly flung herself in his arms.

Suddenly thought of one thing, when did she learn to act like a baby?

(End of this chapter)

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