my fox girl

Chapter 320 Woman

Chapter 320 Woman
Hand over the jewelry store to his parents to help take care of it, and then hand over the dog, its pots and pans, kennel toys, etc. to Zhang Rui.

After everything was settled, the two got on the plane to the northeast, ready to go to the old forest to embrace nature.

Generally speaking, when traveling, they go to tourist cities with famous places of interest, such as XZ, Dali, Lijiang, etc., as well as their local Ancheng, which is also an ancient capital.

These are all good places, but the two of them don't, they have to go deep into the deep mountains and old forests.

Just two idiots.

But Lin Yi felt that her wish should be fulfilled. Ancient buildings like places of interest and historical sites are very strange to modern people.

After all, living in the steel forest all year round, suddenly seeing the antique wooden buildings, you can feel the cultural heritage that belongs to your own nation.

But nothing new to her.

After all, she used to see similar ancient buildings every day when she was in Qingqiu.

Of course, she can't feel the heavy sense of culture, but she still feels that it is a loss to see a wooden house if she needs tickets.

And what she has always wanted to see is the sea, and to go for a walk in the old forests in the northeast, to find out if there are any immortals or the like.

I took planes, trains, buses, and various means of transportation. I left home at six o'clock in the morning, five hours by plane, three hours by train, and more than an hour by bus.

After getting off the bus at four o'clock in the afternoon, I went to the car rental company to rent a car, and then drove for more than an hour to a small county near Changbai Mountain.

The journey has come to an end, and they plan to rest here for a day, and then hike into the mountain tomorrow.

In the northeastern region, it gets dark very early, even though the days are long and the nights are short in summer, but after six o'clock in the afternoon, the county has already entered dusk.

Unlike Ancheng, which is located in the Midwest, the sky is still slightly bright at [-] o'clock in the evening.

All kinds of shops can be seen everywhere through the car windows, and the only thing these shops have in common.

Probably because the storefront is not big and the decoration is simple.

Many of the door signboards look a bit worn out, and some of them have peeled off the paint. As for the style, it is either red letters on a blue background or white letters on a red background, full of a sense of the times.

All kinds of agricultural products are placed on the street, and the vendors are shouting loudly, soliciting business, which also makes the narrow street even more crowded.

Among the pedestrians coming and going on the street, they are basically middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s, and there are few young faces.

A large number of young and middle-aged people are pouring into the city, and a small county with no tourism resources and no economic strength can only look like this.

This is also the norm in many small counties in China.

I am used to seeing the feasting and feasting in big cities on weekdays, but at first sight of such a down-to-earth small county town, I was a little dazed.

After all, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are just illusions, and only small counties are the real background of this country.

The two drove on the street for a long time before finally finding a hotel among the many guest houses.

Parked the rented car downstairs, and the two of them went in and asked, "Is there any room?"


"Come to a big bed room."

"Okay, ID card."

"Here." Lin Yi took out their ID cards from his bag and handed them over.


The woman at the front desk seemed to be talking very little. She took a look at the ID cards of the two, and then at the two in front of her. She couldn't see their faces clearly even though they were wearing masks.She was too lazy to ask the other party to take off the mask for comparison and register directly.

Then push the ID card and key card over, "On the third floor, get out of the elevator and turn left."

"Thank you."

After receiving the key card and ID card, the two went upstairs with their bags on their backs, followed the room number on the key card to find their double room.

After entering the room, I put the big and small bags on the table, and looked around the layout of the room. It was similar to a small hotel in the city, with a big bed and a shower room.

Lin Yi lay down on the bed and stretched vigorously.

After a whole day of tossing and traveling by plane and train, I wasn't physically tired, but my heart was tired.

The two lay on the bed to rest for a while. Lin Yi pinched her face, wanting to wake her up and go out for dinner together, but found that she had fallen asleep in his arms, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly, opening and closing slightly. There is even the sound of even breathing in the lips.


Seemingly because she pinched her face, she wrinkled her nose and moaned twice, retracted her little head under her arms, and continued to sleep comfortably.

Seeing this, Lin Yi didn't know whether he should wake her up for a while. It was after nine o'clock in the evening, and he didn't know when the nearby restaurants closed. Maybe he would go out later if he wanted to eat.

At that time, you can only be hungry.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yi carefully opened the arms around her, quietly got up and got out of bed, and pulled off the quilt at the head of the bed to cover her body.

Looking at her peaceful little face, he couldn't help but kiss her fair forehead again.

Then he turned and went out, intending to go downstairs to buy something to eat and bring back.

After waiting for a while, I realized that my worries were all superfluous. Good guy, all the restaurants around, whether they sell stir-fried vegetables or noodles, all set up barbecue stalls at the entrance without exception, making this small restaurant near the border The county town is filled with the smoke and fire of the world.

And things like barbecue are basically an all-night business.

Lin Yi wandered around a few times, found a random shop and walked in, and ordered something casually. He was about to order the local special Harbin beer, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up. He just ordered two bottles of Ice Kuo Luo.

Although I always feel that there is something wrong with not drinking alcohol, but my daughter-in-law hates the smell of alcohol, so there is nothing I can do about it.

I found a small chair outside and sat down, enjoying the cool breeze, drinking Bing Kuo Luo, and waiting for my own skewers to come up.

However, Chuan hadn't waited for it yet, instead, an uninvited guest came first.

A woman in a white dress directly sat down on the chair opposite her, without speaking, just sitting there quietly.

She couldn't see her face clearly even though she was wearing a mask, but her eyebrows and eyes were looking at him.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Lin Yi was the first to lose his composure and asked, "Hello, do we know each other?"

Although the other party's eyes are quite beautiful, it also brings me an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But for some reason, when I looked at her, I always felt very uncomfortable, and even the tone of my speech became a little weaker unconsciously.

I don't know what kind of way this woman is, but I feel that she has a strong aura.


The woman was silent for a long while, as if hesitating, she said after a long time, "I don't know."

Her voice was very cold, with the indifference of being thousands of miles away from others, and at the same time, it was a little hoarse, as if she hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time.

But when she spoke, she seemed to be trying to soften her tone, and she felt that she wanted to show closeness to herself.

Very contradictory.

But Lin Yi could indeed feel this through her voice, but felt that something was wrong. After all, she didn't even know her, so why was she getting close to him for no reason?
I'm afraid I don't want to rub my strings.

It just so happened that the skewers were brought up at this moment.

Just as he picked up a skewer of mutton and was about to put it in his mouth, he glanced at the woman on the opposite side and saw that she was still staring at him. He hesitated for a moment, then passed the skewer over and said, "Well, you want to eat some too?"

"Don't eat."

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help scratching his head, and pointed to a few vacant seats not far away, "I see there are still many vacant seats over there, so what, why don't you sit there?"

The woman didn't move, she didn't even look in the direction of his finger, she just stared at him quietly, and then said two words, "No."


(End of this chapter)

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