my fox girl

Chapter 321 Telling You

Chapter 321 Talking to You
Even though it is summer, the nights in the Northeast are still cool.

Lin Yi held the skewer in his hand, and frowning at the woman opposite him through the fireworks drifting over, he felt that he probably, maybe, maybe met a strange one, and it was really a strange one.

Not the fake kind.

I didn't know myself and sat across from me. I thought she was here to chat, but after asking, she said she wouldn't eat, and then asked her to sit on the side, but she didn't go.

It felt like she was very righteous.

And now just staring at himself quietly.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yi cleaned up the dishes and the ice on the table, and planned to sit on the side, and decided to stay away from this strange woman.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she stood up, she heard the woman say, "Sit down."


Lin Yi swore that he didn't want to agree, and even wanted to sternly refuse, because he didn't listen to his words and insisted on sitting down obediently.

He felt that this woman had a kind of magical power, which made him afraid of her involuntarily.

No, it's not that I'm afraid, to be precise, it's that I always feel uncomfortable, I feel that I'm naturally shorter than her, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Sister, who are you?"

Lin Yi didn't know how to address the other party. He was dressed in white as if he was filming a martial arts movie, and the mask on his face and the white dress in the style of ancient costumes looked nondescript.

Although she couldn't see her face, she could tell from her exposed eyebrows that she must be very beautiful, a great beauty.

However, I felt something was wrong when I called a beautiful woman, and I didn't know what was going on. I always felt that there was a voice in my heart stopping me. This kind of title of panacea could not be used to address her, it was very impolite.

It's as if she's very old.

But looking at her appearance, she felt very young.

It feels contradictory.

Simply call her a sister.

Then after hearing this address, the woman couldn't help frowning, "I'm not your sister."

"I know, I just wanted to ask"

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, took a sip of Coke, felt the carbonic acid bubbles explode on the tip of his tongue, and then asked: "Then what, can you take off the mask?"



Lin Yi fell silent, didn't speak any more, and just licked and drank coke on his own. This person was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't know the situation clearly. It's not unusual to meet a strange woman.

The Baobuqi family is famous in the local area.

Doesn't it mean that every village has a tree brother? It's not surprising that such a small county has a female tree brother.

"Don't you drink?"


Hearing the woman say this again for no reason, Lin Yi looked up at her, not knowing what to say.

I suspect that this woman is trying to drink her own wine.

"I heard"

Seeing Lin Yi staring at her, the woman frowned and thought for a while before she said, "I heard people say that you have to drink if you want to masturbate, otherwise you won't. No."

"No soul." Seeing her difficult appearance, Lin Yi couldn't help but help her.

"Yes, no soul."

The woman nodded and asked again: "So why don't you drink? Is it her. No. Is it your wife who won't let you drink?"

"Almost, she hates the smell of alcohol."

"Just because she hates the smell of alcohol, so you don't drink it?"


Lin Yi hummed perfunctorily, then lowered his head and continued to lick the skewers, and the air became silent again.

Only the loud shouts of diners not far away can be heard.

Just as he bit a bunch of tendons into his mouth, he suddenly sensed something was wrong, and couldn't help but raise his head and ask, "How do you know I have a wife?"

"My guess."

"Guess?" Lin Yi was inexplicably suspicious.


The woman hummed lightly, she didn't want to get entangled in this topic, she seemed to want to say something more, but she hesitated to speak, so she could only choose to remain silent again.

The two sat face to face in silence. Lin Yi always felt that the atmosphere was weird, but he couldn't say anything, but at this moment, the phone rang.

As soon as I picked it up and connected it, a familiar voice came from the receiver, with a little nervousness, "Honey, where are you?"

"It's at the barbecue stall downstairs. I saw you fell asleep just now, so I didn't call you when I left."

The voice in the receiver was obviously relieved, and then said: "Then I'll come down and find you."

"No, I'll finish eating right away, you go on sleeping, I'll bring you some back later."

"Okay then, come back quickly."


Lin Yi hung up the phone, put the phone in his pocket, and when he looked up, he saw the woman opposite was staring at his pocket, to be precise, at the phone in his pocket.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Yi asked.

"Nothing to see."

Hearing this, the woman withdrew her gaze and returned to her cold look, but there was still some inexplicable meaning hidden in her eyes.

Then she paused for a moment, and asked hesitantly, "Does she usually call you husband?"


Lin Yi was startled, this question was asked
Just really problematic.

"She's my daughter-in-law, what's my husband's name?"

"That's right, I should call you husband."

The woman nodded slightly, and found that Lin Yi was staring at her with a frown, thought for a while, and said, "You eat what you eat, don't worry about me."

"No, has anyone ever told you that you're weird?"

"Strange?" The woman was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then began to think again. In her impression, no one seemed to have said this to herself.

It seems that no one dares to say that about himself.

At least it has been like this since coming to this world.

Maybe it's because I seldom communicate with people, or maybe it's because they are all afraid of themselves.

I can only worship myself in awe.

Call yourself Baojiaxian?

It's been a long time, I can't remember exactly, but it seems to be called like this.

Seeing the woman frowning in a daze, Lin Yi sighed, well, this guy is definitely a tree brother, if he didn't run away, he felt even naive than his silly daughter-in-law.

"No one ever said I was weird."

After a while, the woman finally pulled away from the memory, thought about it and added: "You are the first one, but I'm not angry with you, do you know why?"


"Because I don't want to be angry with you."

"Thank you." Lin Yi forced a smile.

"you are welcome."


Seeing her serious look, Lin Yi felt powerless to complain. This woman obviously has a problem with her thinking, and her brain circuit is so strange.

I really can't keep up with her rhythm.

Seeing that he stopped talking, the woman simply fell silent, and continued to look at him with those cold eyes.

After clearing up the skewers on the table, I asked the boss to order more skewers and prepare to take them home.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, Lin Yi looked at the woman opposite again, seeing that she still had no intention of leaving, so he kept looking at him quietly, holding back for a while before asking: "Well, when are you going home? "


The woman murmured to herself, and there was a trace of remembrance and sadness in her eyes, but it disappeared immediately, and then she shook her head and said, "I won't go home."

"If you don't go home, you just keep wandering around like this?"

Lin Yi's expression was indescribable. He didn't expect that this woman was not only a tree brother, but also a cheater.

If you want to let it go, it is purely blind flow.

Thinking of this, he asked the boss to order some skewers for this woman.

"I'm not running around."

"So what are you doing now?" Lin Yi asked.

"speak to you."


(End of this chapter)

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