my fox girl

Chapter 322 Is This Filial Piety?

Chapter 322 Is This Filial Piety?
"No, I mean if you're not going home, where are you going to sleep?"

Lin Yi felt that it was difficult to communicate with this woman, and he didn't know what kind of luck he had today, so he was lucky enough to be chosen by her after a lot of kung fu.

Among so many people, I chose to sit opposite to myself, and then started an awkward chat mode with myself.

If you are guilty, you can let the law punish you, so what's the matter with sending such a woman to torture yourself?

"Sleep, you can sleep anywhere, I have many places to sleep."


Lin Yi felt that he could probably guess what she meant. The place to sleep was nothing more than a bridge hole, a riverside, or in front of a 24-hour ATM machine.

But after thinking about it, she felt wrong. If this was the case, then how did her clothes stay so clean? The white dress was not resistant to dirt, but her dress was spotless.

This is a BUG.

Could it be that she is actually a rich woman with a lot of real estate, so she has a lot of places to sleep.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi shook his head again. The possibility of this kind of possibility was so slight that he couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it.

He took the skewers packed by the boss. There were a lot of skewers, and he took half of the skewers and handed them to the woman opposite, "Here, take it and eat."

"Need not."

"Take it quickly."

The woman looked at the large bunch of skewers handed over, but still didn't reach out to pick them up. Then she was silent for a moment and asked, "Is this your filial piety to me?"


Lin Yi was also silent for a while, and said, "It's sort of."

Hearing this, the woman took the skewers and didn't say thank you, but held them in her hands silently.

"I'm going back, if you have nowhere to go, just"

Lin Yi stood up and was about to leave, but couldn't help hesitating for a moment, then took out the wallet from his pocket, and handed all the cash in it to the other party, "It's about 3000 yuan, not much, but it should be enough for you Rent a house nearby and settle down, so you won’t sleep on the street.”

The monthly rent for renting a house in a small county is only a few hundred yuan, and even cheaper ones cost 200 yuan a month.

If the money is saved, it will be enough for her to live for several months.

Giving money to a stranger he just met for no reason, Lin Yi has never done this kind of thing before, the most he can do is to show kindness, and occasionally give alms to beggars on the roadside, but it is nothing more than giving five or ten yuan .

But now, he gave the other party all the pocket money he had left this month.

I don't know why.

He just felt like giving.

Do you feel sorry for the other party?

Not really, the main reason is that I should give it, which is very inexplicable.

"I don't want it." The woman continued to refuse.

"Take it."

Lin Yi put the money on the table in front of her, hesitated and added: "Then what, this is also my honor to you."

Hearing what he said, the woman took the money, of course, she still didn't say thank you.

Lin Yi didn't care about this, and after thinking about it, he warned: "You should find a hotel to sleep for the night first, and then go out to rent a house tomorrow. Don't wander around at night, it's very dangerous."

"Hmm." The woman responded lightly.

Seeing this, Lin Yi looked around, "Then I'm leaving, goodbye."

After that, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and left with the skewers in his hand.

The woman didn't respond, but just sat quietly in her original position, silently watching his back go away, without saying a word for a long time.


After a while, she murmured, which seemed to be talking to herself.

"Why did it take you so long to come back?"

He returned to the hotel with his things in his hands, and when he entered the room, he was confronted with inquiries from the little fox demon.

Lin Yi handed over the skewers and said, "I was delayed for a while because of something."

"What happened?"

"It's nothing, just met a very strange woman, she sat across from me and had an awkward chat with me for a while, it was quite strange anyway."


Hearing this, Xiaobai frowned, and directly grasped the point from a lot of useless and irrelevant words.

Immediately, she got up from the bed and ran to the window, leaning on the window sill to look downstairs, but she didn't see any women, all she could see were houses with different heights, and the alleys between the houses.

"You can't see it from this side. The barbecue stall I just ate at is on the other side of the hotel. Besides, I just chatted with her for a while and didn't do anything. Come over to eat."

"Is she pretty?"

She walked away from the window, pouted and continued to ask.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not as beautiful as you."

Lin Yi opened the packing bag and beckoned her to come over for dinner, and told her about the experience just now.

"Anyway, that's basically it. Then I bought her some skewers, and gave her all the cash I had on me, and asked her to rent a house. Don't always wander around and sleep on the street. It's my fault."

"Then why don't you pick her up?"

"What do you mean I should pick her up?" Lin Yi was startled.

"Don't you like picking things up?"

The little fox demon asked back with a blank face, with a sour tone, and then puffed up her cheeks and added: "And the ones I like to pick up most are the kind of homeless ones."

On a rainy night three years ago, I was also homeless, and was picked up by this guy.

Time passes.

This guy met another homeless person, but he didn't pick it up, but he showed kindness, and he gave him money and bought food for him.

Although I believe that he won't do anything, he just wants to help others, but he still can't help but feel bored in his heart.

"That's right. I really like picking things up, so I'll go and pick her up now. I guess she hasn't left yet."

As he said that, Lin Yi made a gesture to go out, then turned around and said: "You wait here obediently."

"You are not allowed to go!"

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help being happy, walked back and pinched her angry face, and said: "No, no, I'm already satisfied to find a homeless little fox like you , What are you going to pick up other people for?"


Xiao Bai wrinkled his nose and snorted, turned his face away, waited for a while, seeing that he still didn't come to hug him, he couldn't help urging: "I'm not happy, come and coax me."

"Well, coax you."

Lin Yi hugged her into his arms, and then hugged her tightly, his stupid daughter-in-law was so easy to coax, and everything could be solved with a hug.

"Do you feel happy now?"

"not yet."

She put her arms around Lin Yi's neck, raised her face and said, "You have to kiss me again."


Lin Yi didn't move, looking at her lips and the cumin and chili noodles on the corners of her mouth, he hesitated for no reason, and didn't know what kind of fairy would be this salty and spicy mixture, paired with the sweetness in her mouth smell.

Come on, try it.

(End of this chapter)

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