my fox girl

Chapter 323 She Is Your Daughter?

Chapter 323 She Is Your Daughter?
As the night deepens, the stars are shining brightly.

It was late at night and the moon was in the sky. The mountains and forests around the small county town seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep. The rolling mountain outlines were covered with a veil of mystery under the moonlight.

From time to time, the roars of unknown beasts came from the depths of the forest, warning the world of the danger here.

But a woman in white walked into the depths of the mountain forest at this time. The white dress on her body was spotless, coupled with her cool temperament, it made people feel a slight chill.

It's a pity that she didn't have a saber in her hand, but a handful of skewers, which inexplicably ruined her temperament a little.

She ate as she walked, and she didn't throw away the leftover bamboo sticks, but held them in the other hand.

It's delicious.

She thought to herself, and continued to walk forward.

Wherever he went, the roars of the nearby beasts suddenly stopped and became silent.

Came to a creek.

She stopped, and then squatted down.

Soak the leftover bamboo sticks in water and start cleaning.

She washed it very seriously, very very seriously, watching the oil stains on the bamboo sticks fade off, and then drifted away along the stream little by little until it became clean.

There was a satisfied look on her face.

Put the cleaned bamboo sticks aside, as if they were afraid of getting dirt, they even wrapped them with a leaf.

Then she began to wash her hands again, also very seriously.

While washing, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind her. She didn't seem to notice it, but she just squatted down to wash her hands.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps came behind her, and she stopped still, that she frowned slightly, "Get away, don't you know that you smell bad?"

Hearing this, the footsteps behind her backed away, and after a few steps, a slightly hoarse voice sounded, "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, I thought you had gone back a long time ago."


The woman didn't answer, she still washed her hands in silence.

The voice behind him didn't care, and continued to ask, "What are you doing in the old forest in the middle of the night?"

However, the only response was still silence and the sound of the gurgling stream.


"I smell a smell, a smell similar to yours, but it's weak compared to you, just in"

The hoarse voice paced back and forth, then pointed to the small county town in the distance, "It's right there, right there, where the human beings gather."


The woman washed her hands for a moment, then stood up, turned to look at the figure behind her, an old man with a hunched back and a tattered straw hat.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, watching him quietly.

"I shouldn't have smelled it wrong. You also know that mice have very good noses, and weasels also have the word "mouse" on them, and I can still smell that she is a woman."

As he said that, the old man helped the straw hat on his head, and suddenly laughed, showing his yellow teeth, "She is also from your Qingqiu, right?"

"What do you want to do?" The woman finally spoke, her tone was very flat, but there was a little bit of chill.

"Nothing, I just want you to chat with me for a while."

The old man wandered around in place a few times, looked at the forest shrouded in night, and suddenly sighed faintly, "Nowadays, there are not many great immortals in this old forest, and now there are only two or three who can breathe. It’s hard to find someone to chat with on weekdays.”

"Do you have the nerve to call yourself a great fairy?"

"yellow skin"

The old man squinted his eyes and said: "Don't call it so ugly, I still like the name Huang San Tai Ye, just like I never call you Hu Meizi, but Hu San Tai Nai."

"But I don't like the name Hu Santai Nai."

"I thought you liked it."

The old man found a rock and sat down, looked at the woman in the distance, thought for a while and said, "That's right, you are not the real Mrs. Hu. No one likes to be called by someone else. You should think so too."

"I don't think so."

"What's that for?"

"The name Hu San Tai Nai sounds very old."

The woman took out a plastic bag from her arms, opened it, took out the skewers inside and started eating again.

The old man twitched his nose and sniffed lightly, and asked, "Did you buy it on a human site?"

The woman said nothing, she ate the skewers in her hand in silence.

"Chat with me for a while, don't always ignore me, I don't have much time left, I guess"

The old man took off the straw hat, looked at the broken corners on it, "It is estimated that there are only ten years left."

"I can tell."

The woman said lightly, but her eyes flickered a few times.

"Actually, I'm still a little unwilling. No one wants to die."

The old man sighed, spread his palms upwards, and then closed them, as if he wanted to grab something.

"The aura in this world is getting thinner and thinner, and now I can't even sense it carefully."

In his words, there was a little vicissitudes and a little decadence.

"After all, the times have changed. Now is the era of technology, and humans seem to say so." He said with emotion.

"I just didn't expect to see you before I died."

Speaking of this, the old man's sad expression just now disappeared, and he suddenly laughed.

"You seem very happy."

"Of course I am happy to meet old friends again."

"I'm not old." The woman frowned.

Hearing this, the old man smiled even more happily, and said: "You are really not old, I can see that you can live for many years, so, let me discuss something with you, and give me a bunch of things in your hand? "


"I remember that there are so many human worlds about this thing, why are you still digging and searching?"


The woman shook her head, ate the last few skewers, went to the stream and squatted down, and began to clean the bamboo sticks again.

"What are you washing it for?"

"I want to wash."

"Because it's different?"


The woman responded lightly, and continued to clean the bamboo sticks carefully, and put the plastic bag in the water to wash it, but the oil stains on it could not be cleaned no matter how they were washed, which made her frown involuntarily.

"Put it in this bag."

Looking at the small cloth bag thrown over, the woman hesitated for a moment, then picked it up, put it in the water and began to wash it.

After repeated cleaning several times, she put all the cleaned bamboo sticks in it.

"How many bamboo sticks are so precious, did that little fox who smells like you buy them for you?" the old man guessed.


"Who is that?"

"Did I tell you that you knew each other?"

"What if we know each other?"

"Not in case."


The old man fell silent and hadn't seen him for more than ten years. This woman really hasn't changed at all. She is indifferent and aloof. It is difficult to even chat with her.

But her brows, which had been tightly locked before, were stretched a lot now.

"Does that little fox have the same surname as yours?" He asked.


"Don't keep silent. In this way, tell me who she is to you."

The woman still didn't speak, just stared at him quietly.

"Just ask."

After a while, the old man was defeated. Feeling the chill all over his body, he couldn't help wrapping his tattered clothes tighter.

It seems to be to save some face, and it seems to be driven by curiosity.

He hesitated for a moment, then couldn't help asking: "Seeing you are so nervous about her, is she your daughter?"

"What if it is? What if it isn't?"

"It's not that good. You also know that the fairy family in our old forest hates the fox in Qingqiu the most, and it's rare to meet such a weak one."


A splendid flame ignited.

(End of this chapter)

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