my fox girl

Chapter 337 First Meeting

Chapter 337 First Meeting
The sky is high and the clouds are wide.

The sound of gurgling water from the foot of the mountain sounded, and a girl in white walked by the stream, with two fluffy white tails sticking out behind her, swaying gently.

Although she is only twenty-eight years old, her slim figure already shows a delicate and graceful charm.

Immediately, her eyes flickered, as if she saw something, she walked over quickly, squatted down by the stream, and looked at the figure soaked in the water, her long hair was scattered in the water, the clothes on her body were somewhat different from Qingqiu's. very different.

The sharp-edged side face is male, and there is a bit of life in it.

Her nose twitched a few times, and she carefully lifted the robe on the opponent's body to take a look. There was a bit of vigilance in her eyes, and she murmured: "It's a human being."

After saying that, she glanced at the man in the water again, and seeing that he was dying, she didn't miss it any more, got up and left.

I don't know how long has passed.

The girl in the white skirt turned back again, looked around, saw that there was no one around, and immediately picked up the man in the water.
After a few days of recuperation, the man woke up, but he was still a little weak, his chapped lips moved slightly, and he unconsciously shouted something.

Hearing the movement, the girl in white dress who was watering the flowers in the courtyard paused, her pair of white fox ears trembled a few times, glanced at the flowers that had not been watered, hesitated a little, and walked away with the wooden watering can into the room.

The man on the bed was still talking unconsciously. Listening carefully, it seemed to be water or something.

Hearing this, the girl looked at the watering can in her hand, then pointed it at the man's face, and poured water on it.

A gurgling stream emerged from the nozzle of the shower. Feeling the cool water, the man subconsciously opened his mouth, but most of the water fell on his face, and only a small amount entered his mouth.

Some flowed into his nose, choking him to cough again and again.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help laughing, her laughter was clear and sweet, like the murmur of a mountain stream.

Maybe it was living alone, living a monotonous life for too long, even such a scene made her feel very interesting.

Hearing the laughter, the man tried his best to open his eyes, followed the source of the sound to look sideways, and when he saw the girl in the white skirt standing beside the bed, he murmured, "Girl, this white skirt It complements you and is extraordinarily beautiful."

"Are you complimenting me?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, blinking her eyes, looking a little dazed.

"That's natural."

"Hmph, I don't believe it."

The girl snorted with some disdain, and said again: "You humans are used to deceiving us with some sweet words, but..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, then suddenly laughed again, blinking her eyes, "However, I'm still a little happy, please praise me again."


The man was taken aback for a moment, feeling uncomfortable with her changes.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help but smile even more happily.

Clear, charming laughter echoed in the courtyard.

months later.

In the small courtyard, the girl watered the flowers with a watering can, and said to the man standing aside: "Dumb, tell me a story."

"Miss Su, I'm not called dumb, and I don't know how to tell stories."

"Then what's your name?"

Hearing this, the man couldn't help frowning, thought for a long time, shook his head and said, "I can't remember."

"Look, you don't know your own name, I'm kind enough to help you choose one, why don't you want to."

"It's not unwilling, it's just the name Dumb."

"Do you dislike it?" The girl raised her face and tried her best to look angry.

Seeing this, the man shook his head again and again, and said against his will: "No, I really like the name the girl gave me."

"I knew you liked it very much." The girl narrowed her eyes happily, and said with a smile, "And I think you're so stupid, it's very suitable for this name."

Seeing this scene, the man couldn't help showing a smile, and then asked: "Girl, are all the fox demons in Qingqiu like you?"


The girl shook her head, the expression on her small face changed, and she became extremely serious. She said half-coaxingly, "My people are very cruel. They like to eat people the most. If you are seen by them, they will definitely eat you." of.

But it doesn't matter, you can stay with me in this mountain, and I won't eat you. "

years later.

On the top of the mountain, three tails were swaying behind the girl. She looked at the man beside her and asked, "Dumb, do you still not remember anything?"

"Well, I can't remember."

"Then when you think about it, let's get married, shall we?"

Another few years passed.

"Dumb, do you remember?"

The man called Dumb looked at the girl in front of him, carefully recalling his past, but it was still blank.

Then he hesitated, but nodded heavily.

"I remember, but I just can't remember my name."

"It doesn't matter. I will give you my name. My name is You Su Li. From now on, you will be called You Su Li. You will not be separated from me, remember?"

"There is Su Li"

"How do you like it?"

"Well, I like it a lot."


The girl kicked the gravel in the weeds with her toes, hesitated for a moment, finally mustered up the courage, and asked in a whisper, "When will we get married?"

a few days later.

Among the green mountains, there is a touch of red.

No guests, no feast.

It's just that the red candles are hung high and the curtains are covered.

The girl who was dressed in plain clothes all the year round put on a bright red wedding dress. She looked at the man who was also dressed in red and asked softly, "Dumb, do I look good?"

"Good-looking, just as amazing as when I first saw you."

"When we first met"

"Yes, you were wearing a white dress back then." The man recalled the past,
He has no past, the beginning of memory is the first meeting with her.

"Then I'll wear white dresses from now on, okay?"

Many years have passed.

There were bursts of uncontrollable cries of pain from the small courtyard that was full of laughter all the year round. The man looked at his wife who was giving birth on the bed, and saw her usually pretty face turn pale at this moment.

Anxious, but unable to help, seeing her little face getting more and more painful, her heart felt more and more pity, turned around and said: "I'll go to the city to ask a doctor to come back."

The woman on the bed wanted to stop him, but she couldn't even use the strength to speak. She could only look at his back and pray that he would come back safely.

But he never came back.

Although the deep mountains are far away from the city of Qingqiu, this distance is not the same.

A few days later.

The woman in white came to the city with her newborn child in her arms. Before she could find him, she heard a lot of discussions.

It is said that a few days ago, a human tried to break into the city, and his body was still contaminated with the breath of the same race.

It is estimated that it is another human being who tricked the fox clan into signing a contract in order to increase their lifespan.

According to Qingqiu's rules, this kind of human being will be burned at the stake, and then the ashes will be scattered under the stone steps of the altar.

Trampled by every clansman who went to worship the fox god.

I heard that before his execution, the man was still begging for a doctor to accompany him out of the city so that he could come back to die.

Naturally, this request was not recognized.

No one paid attention to it either.

(End of this chapter)

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