my fox girl

Chapter 336 I am indeed a widow

Chapter 336 I am indeed a widow

After the rust was gone, the woman inserted the key and pushed the door open.

The old wooden door suddenly creaked and creaked.

Lin Yi didn't change his face, he was thinking at the moment, whether his daughter-in-law's character of being able to save and save is hereditary.

I was in a hurry like something, but my mother-in-law was not in a hurry, and took me on the bus leisurely.

Just to save the taxi fare of dozens of dollars.

That's it, he can't say anything.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone in the courtyard through the figures of the two of them. Lin Yi sighed softly, retracted his thoughts, and looked at the scene in front of him.

As expected, it was an ordinary small courtyard.

Two small broken houses, one bigger and one smaller.

There was no Qingqiu scene in his imagination at all.

However, the feeling of familiarity is even worse.

"Does it look familiar?" Seeing Lin Yi looking lost in the courtyard, the woman suddenly asked.

"Well, a little bit."

"Actually, you have been here before. I remember you were only this old at that time."

The woman gestured with her hand, and continued: "Follow your father and help me. Poverty alleviation, it should be poverty alleviation.

According to the standards of your world, I am very poor, belonging to a poor family, living alone in a deserted village, guarding two small dilapidated houses, so your father would bring me various things every time he came, I Thank him very much. "

Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but startled for a moment, he finally knew where his sense of familiarity came from.

He remembered his childhood experience. The old man had not resigned at that time, and he was still working in the government unit. At that time, he caught up with the poverty alleviation campaign in the unit and helped each other.

The old man happened to be assigned here to give warmth to his future mother-in-law.

And my mother-in-law is obviously not brave enough. As a very powerful fox demon, she has various ways to make money, but she didn't expect that she would be keen to grab the country's wool.

The woman walked into the yard, looked back at him, and said, "At that time, I never thought that you would become my son-in-law one day."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yi subconsciously said: "Mom, I didn't expect that you are the widow."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly shut up.

During this period of time, I drank too much alcohol, causing myself to speak out of my head.

"A widow?" The woman smiled suddenly, her eyes flickered a few times, and complex emotions filled her eyes. After a while, she said softly, "I am indeed a widow."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked towards the larger room in the middle. There was still a big lock on the door, she opened it, pushed the door and walked in.

The room can be called bare, with only a large round stone bed and a small wooden table, apart from that, there is nothing else.

There is not even a quilt on the stone bed, only some patterns are carved on it.

The pattern is very simple, the style looks rough, and there is a sense of primitive mystery.

After careful identification, the carvings on it seem to be things like birds, beasts, fish and insects. There are only a few strokes, but the outline is extremely vivid.

Staring quietly at the big stone bed, Lin Yi couldn't help but ask after a while, "Mom, when are we going to Qingqiu?"

"You can do it now, but only if you go by yourself."

"Aren't you going?"


no respond.

The woman frowned, as if hesitating a bit, and after a long time, she shook her head and said, "No."


Lin Yi responded without asking the reason. Although the other party's expression was very flat, he still caught the fleeting emotion in those eyes.

Extremely complicated, even mixed with a touch of deep hatred.

He didn't know why such emotions arose, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only look at the stone bed in front of him again, and his intuition told him that the key to going to Qingqiu was this round stone bed.

No, maybe it can't be called a stone bed, because it is more like a stone mirror. Although no one can be seen, there is a circle in the middle, which looks like a sundial, but there is no pattern in the center of the circle.

"You will probably die after you go." The woman reminded again.


Lin Yi was speechless. It was useless to say these things now, anyway, he had to go anyway.

Be brave and not afraid of difficulties.

"Eat it."

"what is this?"

Looking at a round bead in her palm, the size is about the size of a walnut, the whole body is white, and it still glows faintly.

Lin Yi couldn't help hesitating, this thing looks like a luminous ball, can it really be eaten?


As she spoke, the woman directly stuffed the ball in her hand into his mouth.

Before Lin Yi tasted it, he felt the ball in his mouth slide down his throat, and then he felt a scorching heat in his body, which was uncomfortable, as if he was about to be burned.

"Take this. After arriving in Qingqiu, eat one every seven days. As long as you don't get discovered by that nine-tailed fox, your identity should not be revealed."

The woman took out a small bulging bag from her bosom, stuffed it into his hand, hesitated for a moment, and continued to instruct: "If there is any leftover, let her eat after you find her."


Lin Yi couldn't speak, so he could only nod silently, and looked at the pocket in his hand. There were at least seventeen or eight pouches inside.

I don't know where my mother-in-law found these inner alchemy.

"Lie down on it, and I'll take you to Qingqiu."

Lin Yi did as he said, and lay down on the stone bed, it was cold, and he felt a little flustered.

He stuffed the pocket in his hand into the backpack, then hugged the backpack tightly in his arms, then closed his eyes, waiting for his mother-in-law to send him on the road.

"Remember what I told you before, don't be discovered by that nine-tailed fox.

Also, I wrote down the method of returning to this world on paper, and that piece of paper is in the pocket I gave you. "


Lin Yi let out a long breath, suppressing the tension in his heart, and then felt a faint light around his body. He opened his eyes to see what happened, but a sense of dizziness hit him at this moment.

Turn around.

The voice of the mother-in-law seemed to be heard again, and she seemed to be telling something again, but she couldn't hear clearly.

I just vaguely heard something like don't die.

After a long time, the surroundings returned to silence, and the stone bed was no longer in the room, and the woman stood quietly on the spot.

She looked a little confused, although after several days of hesitation and entanglement, she had made a decision.

But when this moment really came, she was still a little confused, not knowing if it was right for her to do so.

I can only pray in my heart, pray that this son-in-law who doesn't seem to be short-lived doesn't die there, and don't die in Qingqiu like him.

Don't let her become a widow like myself.

(End of this chapter)

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