my fox girl

Chapter 335 Too Expensive

Chapter 335 Too Expensive
In the golden autumn of October, the weather has become cooler.

But the sunlight outside is still bright, which seems to be two extremes of the dark room.

Having not seen the sun for many days, seeing the light of this world again, Lin Yi only felt that it was very dazzling, subconsciously squinted his eyes, and couldn't help but look at the woman beside her. She was not wearing a mask, and the mask was very familiar. His face was exposed like this.

Even though he had seen it just now, he was still involuntarily lost in such a bright environment.

"Well, can you tell me?" After hesitating for a moment, Lin Yi licked his dry lips and asked, "Who the hell are you?"


no respond.

The woman just frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but said: "Actually, I know it even if you don't tell me, you are my mother-in-law, right?"


After a moment of silence, the woman let out a faint hum.


Lin Yi said in his heart that sure enough, he didn't expect to become a person with a mother-in-law, but this is not the most important thing at the moment.

Thinking of this, he looked around and said hesitantly, "Well, Mom, can we hurry up?"

"What did you call me?" The woman was obviously taken aback, as if she didn't quite react.



The woman was silent for a while, and said: "Actually, you shouldn't have called, because in her heart, she is an orphan. She doesn't know that there is a mother like me, and I don't deserve to be her mother."

Although the expression on his mother-in-law's face has always been flat, Lin Yi has tasted the deep hidden emotion.

Grief, guilt, self-blame, and so on, but more helpless.

Then he hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "So, Mom, can we hurry up?"

He is not in the mood to inquire about his mother-in-law's problems now, and he doesn't know how to comfort her. He just wants to go to Qingqiu right now.

Then he found the little fox demon and his wife.

As for the others, put them first.


The woman fell silent, and couldn't help but cast a deep look at Lin Yi, and then said, "Your body is too weak, you can't walk too fast."

"Okay, Mom."


Without saying a word all the way, Lin Yi followed her and walked silently. Seeing her stop, he looked around and saw the familiar platform. He was startled at first, and then asked a little unsurely: "Mom, where should we go?" Is the bus going?"


The woman didn't speak, just responded lightly, and then quietly looked in the direction of the approaching car.

Seeing this, Lin Yi didn't say another word, and stood with her at the bus platform and waited silently, but his thoughts had already wandered away.

He was skeptical about whether the bus they were waiting for could lead to Qingqiu, but he was not too skeptical.

Because there are similar scenes in many movies, such and such a bus, or such and such a subway, seems normal, but actually leads to another world.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the so-called other world is basically hell.

But this still does not rule out the possibility of buses leading to Qingqiu.


Hearing the sound, Lin Yi withdrew his thoughts and followed his mother-in-law into the car.

Before getting on the bus, he took a special look at the body of the bus. Sure enough, the bus was normal and looked ordinary.

It's very low-key.

But the more so, the more it shows its mystery.

Moreover, there were two or three people sitting sparsely in the car, all sleeping at the same time.

It feels more mysterious.

Standing at the door, he was inexplicably at a loss and didn't know what to do. God knows how this kind of bus charges.

Lin Yi could only watch his mother-in-law operate. She took out a small purse from the inner lining of her clothes, opened it, took out a stack of banknotes, then took a look into the purse, and then took out two A steel coin was stuffed into the coin slot.

The movements are natural and flowing.

Moreover, Lin Yi also noticed that she seemed to have exchanged glances with the driver the moment she inserted the coin.

Even the driver seemed to nod at her.

"Two people."

She spoke, then turned around and walked to the back of the carriage. Lin Yi followed closely and sat with her in the corner of the carriage.

Looking at the car window, Lin Yi waited for the scenery to change. According to the scene in the movie, when this kind of bus is driving, the scenery outside the window will change. The tall buildings will disappear, and it will turn into other magical scenery .

Ground fire, lava, etc.

However, sitting until the terminal, he did not wait for the scene he imagined, but the surrounding scenery became more and more desolate.

"get off."

The woman reminded her to stand up and get out of the car, and then the two of them stood at the bus stop and continued to wait.

Not long after, another bus came, and the two people got on the bus again. The operation was still the same as before, but the woman didn't take out her purse, but looked sideways at Lin Yi.

"Well, can I scan the code?"

"Yes." The driver looked at a man and a woman blocking the door, and couldn't help but speak.


Lin Yi took out his mobile phone, opened the electronic card, and pointed it at the code scanning device.



After two beeps, Lin Yi put the phone back into his pocket, followed his mother-in-law, walked to the back of the carriage and sat down.

At the moment, he doesn't really believe in the nonsense that the bus can drive to Qingqiu, but he still believes it a little bit.

The world's great wonders.

Maybe there is a charge for scanning codes, casting steel coins or something, just for fun.

This time, they only took about ten stops before they got off the bus. Lin Yi looked around, and the surrounding area was even more desolate. Except for the trees, there are rolling mountains not far away. Even the iron bus stop sign has Rusty.

"Mom, are we here yet?"


The woman shook her head, but this time she didn't wait for the car, but led the way ahead. The two walked one after the other, through the woods and into the mountains.

Until dusk, when the sky was getting dark, the two finally stopped and came to a small mountain village.

The mountain village looks like it has been abandoned for a long time, and it is very desolate. As for the residents in the village, they may have migrated out in the early years.

What surprised Lin Yi was that this place always gave him an inexplicably familiar feeling.

Especially the small tile-roofed house in front of me.

It was just at the time of sunset, the intersection of light and darkness, the mottled and dilapidated walls shone with indescribable light under the reflection of the setting sun.

It was early autumn at this moment, and the grass and trees hadn't withered yet, but the few trees in front of the house were bare, and the surrounding walls were also clean.

It is in stark contrast to the several overgrown houses nearby.

The contrast is so stark.

Lin Yi even felt that as long as he pushed open the small broken door in front of him, which was more symbolic than practical, he would go to another world, Qingqiu.

But it's just a feeling, he basically won't believe it anymore, because he has realized that sitting on the bus for so long is meaningless.

Ignoring Lin Yi's doubts, the woman took out her purse again and found a key from it.

Looking at the slightly rusty big lock on the wooden door, she stretched out her hand to hold it and shook it a few times. The rust on it fell down, causing her to frown.

Seeing this, Lin Yi moved his lips a few times, wanting to say something, but he seemed a little hesitant. After a while, he couldn't help but said: "Mom, in fact, you can come here by other cars, right?"


"Then why do we still need to take the bus, can't we take a taxi? It's fast and convenient."

"Too expensive to rent."


(End of this chapter)

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